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Everything posted by krysady

  1. OMG,that was you?? AWESOME,you did really well,you made Mika happy!! look at his face,he's speechless!!
  2. Awwww,thank you!! :hug: But you know,I understand you,I really do! :huglove: I know our lives would be completely different without him and his music. I've read it,great interview,brilliant Mika,as always! :thumb_yello: Did you saw what he said about some possessive fans? Some people are just rude and invading his private space,that's not fair :sneaky2:

  3. I didn't read it,I have to find it! You're right,maybe we are obsessed,but in a good way,I mean we want for him to be happy and with the one he loves,we wish for him all the best in the world,that's nothing wrong on that.We admire him as an artist and because we got to know so much about his personality,it's normal to love him,because he is a special person with so many talents and such a bright mind!I think it's realy hard for someone not to love him,even they don't admit it! On the other hand,we have our lives,our real lives,and we are able to remain down to earth and make the difference between reality and fantasy.:blush-anim-cl: Oh,no,I think 3 gigs is more than reasonable,IMO,and you know it's not enough,but what can we do?Some people are luckier,we are not in the middle of Europe or full of money :aah: I would love to go to many gigs,but I can't afford it.So let's live our lives and love Mika at the same time,it's the best we can do :wink2:

  4. :wub2::wub2: perfect,just perfect! I'll send you a PM :wink2:
  5. Exactly! After all,I'm more interested by the songs than the cover :blush-anim-cl:

  6. Then I will love this cover,because I like it much more than the previous two :naughty: Only that it looks unfinished to me,too simple,I can't see Mika doing smth like that.I mean,he always is trying to do something meaningful,you know.

  7. It can't be,there must be his sister work there and I can't see it.And you'll see,it will be a blast,I'm sure,I trust him :wub2:

  8. Yes :wub2: But I think it's not the final cover :wink2:

  9. It looks to me like a reference to some religious paintings,if you know what I mean :wink2:

  10. No,he said that the artwork will be from his photo and some drawings coming from his head,don't you remember?

  11. Thanks! If I'm going,I'll need one standing place and one seated,so thanks,I didn't know there's also upstairs places I was looking to the vids from 2010 and it seems to me that if you're not in front,you can't see much from the show,or maybe it was just my impression.
  12. OK then,Mika IS a giant with long and knobbly toes :naughty:

    I wanna meet you too :huglove:

  13. Yes,me too! Because it wasn't played at any of the listening sessions and nobody hear it!
  14. Oh!! :wub2::wub2: I so loved that bit from the vid!! :wub2: He's crazy!! :naughty: I remember seeing another interview in italian,and he did the same while the host translated :roftl: And also in a korean or japonese one.And here,at the beginning,what he did with his mouth :lmfao:

  15. Thanks!! :huglove: I read it,and I like it,it's written in a very sincere and objective way.I'm still amazed by his intelligence and honesty.:wub2:

  16. :fangurl: Thanks god he's in this clip,not like EMD :sneaky2: I'm not mad about Celebrate,but the vid is a pleasure :licks_lips: he's too much to be true :wub2:
  17. :lmfao: Right,I forgot about that smiley :naughty: I'm 1.71m but in all pics Mika seems like a giant and he's not.

    I don't know yet,I'd like to go to Luxembourg but it's so far and expensive....:tears: maybe Vienna,we'll see. C'mon,come to London!! :pray:

  18. You have no idea how many times my siggie fits with the comments
  19. Someone can tell me how big is this venue and if it's only standing places? Thanks!
  20. Welcome to MFC! I think you should ask here,I'm sure someone will help you : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25848
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