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Everything posted by krysady

  1. Aaa,eu sunt din Roman! Cred ca nu prea sunt fani prin zona asta.

  2. Salut,de unde esti?

  3. Probabil i-a fost frica sa spuna sa nu fie asediat castelul de fane,who knows?
  4. Noooo,he's not a fan of Mika,but I'm a bitch and forced him to come with me at both gigs in our country,threatening him with divorce:sneaky2:.And I try everyday to convert him with pics and vids of Mika but I think is a little bit jealous.(although he say to our friends that Mika is very nice).Anyway,I don't give up!:devil:,and hope for many gigs on 2012!:band:

  5. Well,some people from MFC are just amazing!When I found out what happened with Angel,I told to my hubby to take me to as many Mika's gigs next year,because we never now how life is and I want to die happy.(I now:bad wife:p).

  6. Hello,today I saw the pics from Angel's father and I :tears:again...You did such a wonderfull job with the flowers and that card...and all the messages from so many people...Yes,MFC is a big FAMILY!:groupwave:

  7. Maybe Obama come here and post his pic with Mika!
  8. No,this year in Roumania and Hungary was BG and LG,and only in Roumania he perform shirtless:naughty:.(it was 15° but it was sooooo hot!).That's my pics:http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.119318724826175.26098.100002441431695&l=d019e6e92a&type=1 (sorry for the bad quality).

  9. You were LG???:bow:Well,maybe next year is better for you.

  10. Yes,I see your album and yes,I miss DA too.(I cryed even I never met her).And YES,I was to Bestfest this year and last year on Mamaia's gig on the beach and it was magic! And you?

  11. Hi,my name is Cristina from Roumania.I've been here for almost a year but now I read the most amazing post from MFC(yours):"I want to be his hand"!Soooo beautiful! I feel that too when I see that pic.With common words we can say so much...And I love your album with Mika's pics.And I love Live@Home too!(Mika unplugged is HEAVEN).So it seems that we have the same tastes:wink2:.Sorry for my English,I learn now all by myself,because of MFC,and after one year here now I can understand almost everything.(I learned Russian and French at school).That's why I don't post too often but I'm here undercover!(or should I say underwater?):badmood: Anyway,I'm glad that we are friends here on MFC and keep your album updated!:thumb_yello:

  12. On twitter I'm also "krysady" but I don't post too much because my bad english.Maybe that's why I love "Blame it on the weather"(who cares about the lyrics when he looks soooo hot and his voice is soooo amazing!:hypo:).He is a genius,nothing more to say!:wub2:.I'm happy to be your friend too:huglove:

  13. And here is from Universal Music Korea and It's also Underwater in one word:http://www.universalmusic.co.kr/#/special/specialFeatureDetail?valObj.ctlm_seq=206
  14. My pleasure,love you too! Ohhh,so much love here,makes me wonder what is the Origin of love?:fisch:
  15. Hello,thanks for your request.I follow you on twitter and I want to say I LOVE YOU!All the things you say is in my head too,but I can't write too often because I don't speak english very good(actually now I understand almost everything because of Mika,I spend all my time here and I learned all by myself).I know,I'm an old crazy women but what can I do?my son is very surprised how much I learned English without help.(well,with MFC's help:thumb_yello:)Everything for the Boss! Mais j'ai appris un peu de francais dans l'ecole(25 years ago) et je suis heureux parce'que j'ai comprends Mika quand il parle cette langue(presque tous).Il est tres HOT quand il parle francais!I'm sorry for my english and french but we all speak the same language here(Mika's language) and that's the most beautiful thing in the world!:fisch:

  16. Here is " Mika set list" and I see UNDERWATER. http://blog.naver.com/mzmania/10119206960 (last pic).
  17. Daca stiam,te luam eu in masina la Bestfest,am mai avut 2 locuri,chiar nu era o problema.Momentele astea sunt unice in viata si nu trebuie ratate pentru nimic in lume,as lipsi doar daca as fi in coma!:boxed:

  18. Normal ca am fost,dupa Mamaia de anul trecut am jurat ca nu voi lipsi de la nici un concert cu Mika.Am stat pe al 3-lea rand.http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.119318724826175.26098.100002441431695&l=d019e6e92a&type=1 (pozele mele).Tu ai fost?

  19. Salut,cred ca aici trebuie sa postez,inca nu stiu bine cum merge treaba pe aici.Sunt din Roman,tu?Am observat 28 mai si eu sunt pe 29 mai:thumb_yello:

  20. Salut,sunt din Roman.Tu de unde esti? 28 mai! eu sunt pe 29 mai!

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