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Status Updates posted by astor



    No. I'm just all tizzy now.

    How's your first day treated youz?

  2. He was the lead in the school musical (where the fatal winking incident occurred) and they're displaying his photo. It's rather purty. B b b but I can't have it.


    EJBLKAENVARL the dude who I was mad keen on before works at the tennis club, and he found this special tennis racket string paint, and painted a heart on to my racket. WAY TO CONFUSE ME MAN.

  3. Yes, you see a lot of stuff happens in my head :mf_rosetinted:

    There is now a freaking massive headshot of him (who will not be named :mf_rosetinted:) in the drama corridor on the wall and a die a little every time I walk past.



  4. For me, apart from the telling you they love you bit :mf_rosetinted:


    But... It's good cake! DON'T MAKE ME THROW IT AWAY :tears:

  5. And The Chrurch of Wales is Anglican :wink2:

  6. I guess that's something - Civil Partnerships are reasonably common (although not techinically marriage).

    There is the Equal Right's Act, which means people cannot be discriminated on due to their race or gender. So racist and sexist behaviour is in theory not allowed (although people still do it :sneaky2:

  7. Umm okay. I may need to know some stuff about Vietnam then, because I'm nt sure what would be different.

    What is Vietnam's general view on gay people? How about woman's rights?


  8. I know, it's all good when it's going well with someone, and you're Fearless and stuff, but when you're 15 (and somebody tells you they love you), it's rather depressingly relevant.


    Yay :clap:

    Unfortunately I don't have the right cake tin for that :dunno:

  9. Yuh I had a bit of a crying-fest to Taylor Swift the other night. Hmmm.


    I will make half a cake.

  10. Mmm I get what you mean.





    Okay, I don't get what you mean. What do you mean?

  11. I had a major obsession with it a couple of years back. Like MAJOR MAJOR. I had a Tardis wardrobe :dance_man: And I have the Tennant DVDs. Unf.

    The GIFs I'm looking at of him are rather.. racy. :naughty: I would totally post them, but may well be kicked out :aah:

  12. I thought you'd go for the last one :teehee:

    Unfortunately, he's not in it anymore :mf_rosetinted:


  13. Yep, that's how I know it, too :roftl:

    Wanna see what the fuss is about :teehee:

    Aaaand, since you're here, and you like David Tennant also, SPAM:






  14. Then I'm still young and free and okay to fangirl? :pinkbow::mf_rosetinted:


    Killer Queen. That Queen tribute band, you know it? I'm never that keen on tributes, but I need to get out of the house. :teehee:

  15. Aren't you so filthy in RL too? :naughty: No, I understand, this site gives us a remit to just relax and... take it easy. And be filthy. And stare at Bob... etc, etc, etc.

    It's like the FBI :glasses2:

    Not really. I'm going to a concert tomorrow night. But with my mother :mf_rosetinted: Hanging out here is the closest I've come to socialising this week. Woop.

  16. That's fair enough. :mf_rosetinted:

    I know what you mean, I glimpsed one of my friends taking out her iPod and I saw TBWKTM's cover on the screen :shocked: I don't want to encourage her in case she joins MFC and I am busted :mf_rosetinted: He's my thing. But then that also makes me feel selfish. #firstworldproblems

    On another note, I have nothing to do. I feel lonely.


  17. Really? Really?









  18. But - what if I DON'T really really really wanna zig-a-zig-ah? :huh:

    Aw, so you guys are pretty serious? :mf_rosetinted: Have fun! :teehee:

    Oh come on, can't you just imagine swaying down the street; belting out 'ERAAASEEE' :drunk_sing: HMDYLM made them sleepy? :shocked::naughty: DO DEE OOH DEE OOH. DO DEE OOH DEE. How do you NOT tap your foot to that? :mf_rosetinted:

    They love Mika? Oh, vair good. I guess they don't come here though :teehee:



    It's basically just social awkwardness. I'm A STRONG WOMAN though. :naughty: 'knee to the groin, doof'. :teehee:

    Aw I love happy couples :teehee: You gonna stay at his aaaall week? :wub2:

    You should go for Erase, that's a drunk, swaying emotionally type song :naughty:

    Do they like Mika?

  20. Of course :pinkbow:

    What do you need to know about wonderful Wales? :mf_rosetinted:

  21. When we run the world: free Gok-ification for everyone! :yay:

    I nearly got lost - on the screen thing before I got on the flight, I checked to see what gate to go to, and it said 'Flight closed' and I was like WHAAAAA PANIC PANIC PANIC but it was okay in the end :aah:

    It's not too bad, he's actually a bit of a dweeb. Not a sexual predator or anything. But I guess I should take a feminist stance and say something, but he does mean well. Just lack of personal space. :aah:

    That sounds like an amazing weekend :biggrin2: Is it like a delayed Valentines :teehee:

    Have fun on Saturday! Let your un-dark hair down :das::mf_rosetinted:

  22. Skinny: they want curves; curvy: they want skinniness. MAD WORLD.

    I'm good thank you :biggrin2: I survived the plane journey on my own so I'm rather proud :aah:

    I have this slighty odd friend (who's a guy) and he's all weird and touchy-feely, and keeps touching me, to the point where someone asked if we were an item :sneaky2: *cringe*.

    You? :teehee:

  23. Oh awesome, I've had that kind of colour too. I really want to experiment with more coloursv(maybe not experiment a la Mika avec le stripe, but experiment anyhow :naughty:) but I can only go darker which doesn't leave much scope. Unless I bleach it which probably wouldn't suit my colouring *cries*

    More camp than Meeks though :teehee: I'm not that keen on his muscles now. He better not beef up too much :sneaky2::mf_rosetinted:

    Yes, you are getting on a bit now, aren't you dear? :mf_rosetinted:

  24. I'd love to have ginger hair, but I reckon it would really suit you. I think blonde/ginger is interchangable; a girl in my year looks stunning with both. :teehee: He is just gorgeous, really tall and lean but also casually muscular :naughty:

    Left wing liberals all the way :punk:

    I'm glad you learnt something today :old::mf_rosetinted:

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