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Posts posted by kreacher

  1. So, I finally ended up this painting I started months ago :mf_rosetinted:



    excellent job!

    i saw this small in your sig & thought it was a video still :teehee: then i thought 'hmmm i don't remember that scene' :aah:


    and those headphones are amazing :shocked: i would've sworn they were machine made!

  2. I just have to post this because I can't stop laughing: this toys name is 'Chicken Butt' :roftl:




    when you were younger did you ever do that "guess what? what? CHICKEN BUTT!" thing? i did, a lot, and am only just now realizing how relevant that is to this thread :aah:

  3. oohhhhh Bob is covered with doormat!


    i think it looks like he tucked a bunch of random laundry in his belt :teehee:



    i really hope Mika's not covering Bob up because we made him feel self-conscious :(

  4. Yes but I want it to go to £2000 by tomorrow :naughty:


    maybe some rich benefactor will suddenly appear :thumb_yello:


    all my spare money is going to Mika Mail :blush-anim-cl:


    but when my tax return comes... *rubs hands together* MWAHAHA

    the only thing stopping me from donating it all is knowing that if, but some miracle, i win i'd have no money left to buy anything the prize doesn't include like food :teehee:


    btw, is there an option to donate & not be entered to win?

  5. i do think:teehee:




    well i won't say she was mean - more like a b****, but she called mika a 'squawking pop gonk'...:sneaky2:


    i need to see photographic proof of this...:roftl::roftl:


    proof of the guy smiling or proof of Bob peeking out? :teehee:


    here's the guy i meant

    see dancing guy's checking Bob out while Mika sticks Bob out



    now dancing guy's got a big smile



    if you look at the faces of the other guys behind Mika them seem entranced by Bob too :das:

  6. thanks for trying alice but there's no bob there...he made sure he was well covered :shun:...twice!:aah:


    this reminds me :teehee: in the EMD performance did you notice the backing dancer to the right (right from the camera's POV i mean) of Mika? he was smiling pretty big, i think Bob might of been peeking out from behind his protective shield

  7. Nonsense. :shun::roftl:




    But what if he liked it? Then he'd be like :das: and someone else would take credit for all your hard work. And then Mika would start flirting with them and they'd flirt back. And then... :roftl:


    hmmm... that's a good point :blink:

    i bet he would like it too, i bet he's been desperate for someone who wants be, wants be whatever else that touches Bob

  8. Just had to clear that up, the word was unfamiliar for me. :blush-anim-cl:


    Yeah, I mean it's not the first time someone's mentioned pinching or grabbing Bob in this thread, but to do that IRL? I'd be shocked and appalled! :shocked:Like we're all not fantasizing about doing that. :roftl:


    handsy, it's a good word :thumb_yello:


    i'm shocked it doesn't happen more often :teehee:


    btw i'd only do it when other people are surrounding him too, so when he turns around to see who did it i can be all :dunno: then he'll turn back away and i can :swoon:

  9. Pfffttt, she will never do that. I'm using reverse psychology! Aren't I clever? :teehee:




    Sunglasses are a good call, you can look at Bob as much as you want without Mika noticing! Just make sure the lenses are dark enough or you'll get caught. :naughty:


    good idea but i have a feeling it wouldn't work, he'd notice the drool, the gaping mouth, the lack of ability to form coherent words not to mention being that close to Bob would make me handsy

  10. BWAHAHAHA!!!:roftl:




    yea if you meet him in the dark at a M&G that won't look suspicious at all...:mf_rosetinted:


    btw - i fully own to my bob fandom - i would tell mika that any day!! ah ain't afraid o that tall dude..!:naughty:





    :shocked: but what if he doesn't take kindly to us naming his butt & bans us from his gigs *bites off nails*

  11. :lmfao:


    noes you're not - my cough*chestarea*cough has been posted twice actually - in the show us ur style i think...:blush-anim-cl: just not my face...fine i'll repost my pic in my profile - that's only so kreacher finally reveals herself from guilt!:roftl::roftl:


    don't you know by now, kreacher has no guilt :roftl:


    i posted a pic w/ my eyes in it so i guess i'll have to get some Lozza sunglasses before i meet Mika

  12. Oh you're a flippin cheater, got me thinking I missed something! :wags_finger:


    So I'm the only one of us who's posted their picture here. I are bravest. :teehee:


    not only did you post your pic, you posted here about posting it. so when Mika's checking out who's been drooling over Bob he'll know to look for your pic elsewhere, so then when you meet Mika he'll keep Bob far, far away from you :roftl:

  13. everything i can say to this will just further this dirty train of posts so i'll just zip it...:naughty:


    my train exploded when i pictured trying to feed vanilla pudding to Bob :shocked:



    ya know, it's posts like this that ensure i will never, ever, post my photo on the MFC :aah:

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