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Posts posted by kreacher

  1. Are we still talking about Bob here or some illegal substance? :roftl:




    I know this is off-season, but the bolded part immediately made me think of this.





    with the things he makes me do, sometimes i think it would be better if Bob were an illegal substance



    that video... wtf? :floor:

  2. :no:


    Bob isn't very big!




    Do you do that in real life too? :roftl:


    I can imagine a situation where you're at a shop and the cashier says something a bit pervy and you go :das: at him/her. :lmfao:'Cause that's what I always do. I like to show people my true colours straight from the start. :mf_rosetinted:


    true, but Bob is also very powerful, so it only takes a tiny smidge bit of Bob to have a great effect :das:



    do that in real life? :blush-anim-cl: noooooo, one really has to get to know me before my true colors come out. that's why people always think i'm a good girl until i come out of the blue with something really filthy and they're all :shocked: and i'm all :teehee:

  3. Yes, the Oakland gig was the next night.


    There's a discussion about it here:




    Here is his blog post:




    And I can assure you that none of it is true. We were there for hours while Mika was rehearsing for this tour and I was in the front row of the LA show myself. The guy is full of sh*t. :chair:


    thanks for the links, they explain Mika's Oakland comments a lot :teehee:


    It's ironic isn't it? He basically says he prefers a gig of a singer who can't sing live, just so that he knows that at least it's sung live. I personally can hear the difference between Mika on record and Mika live. It might just be the experience I have though:naughty:


    i can hear the differences too. it makes me think this asshole just hasn't heard the records enough to notice the live changes or mistakes.

  4. Bob isn't mine we have a very liberal relationship - we don't believe in 'owning' each other....:teehee:




    i think there's enough Bob for everyone to share :naughty:


    I was trying to twist those words into something naughty but I couldn't think of anything. So maybe it is, indeed, possible that you don't know the meaning of them. :mf_rosetinted::roftl:


    aaah okay. my trick when i can't think of a way to twist something naughty is just to add :das: behind it :teehee:. then hopefully everyone assumes i'm just too polite to perv it up :das:

  5. PUH-leaaaseee! Bob is mine! Don't forget I'm the one mastering in the degree of buttology! :shun:


    ... I guess this is what people are talking about when they say "taking things too far"? :teehee:


    :floor: taking things too far? pfft! i don't know the meaning of the words




    *waits for Nas to post that Bob is really hers* :teehee:

  6. It's a good thing I have a day off tomorrow so I can read this entire thread. :naughty:


    I saw the performance and Mika accepting his award today. I thought he looked adorable with the hair and the outfit and the dancing, but I was slightly disappointed. I'm not really sure what to think about it. :dunno:


    Even with the performance being a bit of a downer it was good to see him. And I loved how he looked so genuenily surprised when he won the award, it was adorable. The whole "not bad, thanks" clip made me cringe though, poor Mika. :aah::roftl:


    I'm still a bit bummed I missed all of this when it was actually happening, but I'm glad it's all been collected to this one thread, it makes it so much easier to catch up. Thank you all! :flowers2:


    i feel for you! argh it sucks missing all the anticipation & fun then reading about it all later, doesn't it? :aah:


    and yeah, i meant to say thanks to everyone for posting pics & videos in one convenient place :clap: it's made catching up & saving everything so much quicker

    :bow: if i was giving out NRJ awards i'd give one to all of you :teehee:

  7. I think he would cancel in that situation, not lip sync. I think he really feels very strongly about it. We didn't see him until a couple of days after the TV show and he brought it up so it must have been bothering him. And that business with the critic in LA accusing him of miming was...ugly. Greg Wells basically tore the guy a new one and Mika had to publicly defend himself on Twitter.


    i think he'd do that for his own gig, but on a big awards show where he's only performing one song? i wasn't so sure :teehee:


    i missed the story of all that! is there a thread explaining it all? ooooh wait a sec, is this what Mika was refering to at about 0:32 in

  8. Wait. Isn't 'read between the lines' a global expression? Damn, my English failed me again! :aah:


    What I meant was that I know that because I am the partner who told Mika to wear a longer jacket. It's a lame joke, I know. :lmfao::doh:


    i got the joke, but i knew it's wasn't true :shun:because i am the partner who told Mika to wear a longer jacket, i only asked you the question about what he wanted to wear just to throw you all off MWAHAHAHAAA

    btw he originally wanted to wear the WAG boxers but i made him put a suit on cuz BOB IS MINE :sneaky2:

  9. that was a lot to catch up on! i can't believe i missed it all :blush-anim-cl:


    my random thoughts...

    Well, maybe he changed his name since last time we saw him... maybe his new name is "Not Bad"


    *thinks of Friends episode where Pheobe changed her name to "princess consuela banana hammock" :mf_rosetinted:


    immediately made me think of the movie Idiocracy, when Luke Wilson's character mistakenly tells the arm barcoding machine his name is Not Sure so everyone calls him that for the rest of the movie :roftl:


    Exactly my point. I think that's what caused him to turn to France. I obviously can't say for sure, but he did try so hard with KA and he did say somewhere, that he wanted everyone to get behind the song (or words to that effect) but another sad thing was that when KA was released onto DVD, I thought the music video would have been on the bonus features so ppl could see Mika singing it, but it wasn't included.

    In my honest opinion, Mika was badly let down by whoever was responsible for the movie franchise and the radio stations


    i bought the dvd hoping for that too, it still pisses me off that the KA video's not on the DVD! why'd they even make a video for the song if it's not gonna be on the DVD?!?!?


    Sorry for returning to the "Mika's performance" topic, but I want to say something.

    Yes, it was pretty bad, I agree. But as a fan I can forgive him all that playback thing as long as he's not doing it at his own concerts. But if I were a casual NRJ awards viewer, I would get a really bad impression about Mika and would never consider a possibility about going to one of his gigs, because that night Mika performed in the same level as Britney, or even worse, since Britney at least can lip sync, while Mika really can't do it (I see that as a good thing, actually :naughty:).

    And what Perez wrote (and later deleted, but others bloggers were fast enough to copy it) isn't really helping :sneaky2:

    So I have one question for Mika: what were you thinking, boy?? :aah:

    i think the syncronized back-up dancers really give that impression. i get why they had back-up dancers i guess because he sings 'danse danse danse' and all, but i'd have prefered if the back-up dancers were each doing their own dance like at a party. i think that way would fit the spirit of the song so much more!


    Well Perez doesn't do everything single handedly and the post has been deleted so I would guess someone else put it up and Perez deleted it. :dunno:

    i hope so :thumb_yello: Perez seems to be one of the few people who really tries to promote Mika in the US


    It looked like an NRJ show and not a Mika show... Maybe he didn't have his usual freedom to do things? Those dancers?? Mika looked really cute dancing, but it was quite funny :teehee:


    I still think he looked really good and actually very relaxed and not stressed. Sometimes we can see from his face that he is not pleased with technical problems.


    Perez (or someone from his site) always write things like that. I don't think people take it seriously (at least I hope so). I'm still glad they deleted it.

    Mika seems to be such a prefectionist, those tech problems must have been killing him :(


    As Ingie said we don't actually know what happened but I am just sure that Mika was not thinking to himself "Oh I can't be arsed singing tonight so I am going to lip sync". It could have been out of his hands or maybe it was simply a mistake. He couldn't even hear the guy beside him properly ask him his name so maybe he couldn't hear what was going on with the playback. :dunno:

    hopefully the only reason he'd choose to lip sync is if something's wrong with his voice :blink:

  10. I was thinking about making a comment about that... Guess I don't need to. Not anymore, you got it covered. :naughty:




    I thought she referred to the person Mika's dating at the moment! Like this:


    *Mika's getting ready for the award show*

    Mika's partner: Aww hell no! You're not wearing that! Here, put this suit on.

    Mika: But the jacket is so long!

    Mika's partner: Exactly! I don't want to see those pervy fangurls drooling all over your derriere once again!


    ... Yeah, I think that's what happened. :roftl:


    :aah: i don't belive it, but i just couldn't stop myself from repeating it

    i don't know what they say about feet that grow more everyday though! :das:


    so just what was it that Mika wanted to wear? :mf_rosetinted:

  11. Papparazzi: Bob! Bob! Can we get a picture of you?!

    Bob: *hides demurely behind jacket*





    Okey, I know that if I'm in this thread is to be staring at his butt, but OMG!!! How long are his feet!!! :shocked: I think they are growing more everyday.. poor Louboutin.. :naughty:

    well he's a big boy, if his feet were smaller he'd fall over like a Barbie doll :teehee:

    plus you know what they say about big feet :das:



    But how can the beeeeee, we've been awfully subtle about admiring his bum! :teehee:



    that's so true! yet still he wears a whole tablecloth just to hide bob...methinks someone is jealous..:teehee::roftl:

    Mika is jealous of the attention Bob is getting? oh poor Mika *pets Mika's head* me loves you too!!!!

  12. His hair there is like Johnny Gallieki from The Big Bang Theory, and that stripe he had in it, Johnny had a similar one in the first season.

    I'm sensing a pattern here.


    Mika is a closet Big Bang Theory fan :roftl:


    Mika has good taste in tv shows then :teehee:

    you're right about his hair! oooh i always did like Leonard's hair back then :naughty:

  13. I'm sorry Mika, you know I love you but the fishing vest was calling my name and I had to do this.




    BREAKING NEWS! After the Lozza campaign Mika has announced that he will be the new face of Fisherman's Friend!





    what is Fisherman's Friend? whatever, i don't care, if Mika endorses it then it must be great and i want to buy loads of it :aah:




    blush.gif Just saw the pic of the new hair and I kinda like it. I'm not sad anymore. smilie_hops_168.gifAnd I love all these girlie smileys :teehee:


    i like his new haircut *phew* there i said it.

  14. Oh, was there someone else with Mika in that pic? I didn't even notice her. :biggrin2:


    :thumb_yello: however her blue corset is so eyecatching that sometimes when i'm going through pics quickly i notice her before i can stop myself. someday, when i'm motivated & have time i'll eraaaaaaaase her from all my Mika pics :naughty:

  15. i wanna enter RIGHT NOW but i reeeeally can't afford it. i gotta have patience for a few weeks but i keep thinking about what show i'd want to go to & that's making it so hard not to go straight to the donation site & donate all my rent money RIGHT NOW :roftl:




    ppffttt that's SO e a s y ....


    The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by Chester A. Arthur on May 8, 1882, following revisions made in 1880 to the Burlingame Treaty of 1868. Those revisions allowed the U.S. to suspend immigration, and Congress subsequently acted quickly to implement the suspension of Chinese immigration, a ban that was intended to last 10 years. This law was repealed by the Magnuson Act on December 17, 1943.


    Didn't google it - that came STRAIGHT from my brain :mf_rosetinted:



    overachieve much? she only asked for the year :teehee:

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