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Status Updates posted by HyeSeung

  1. Sorry T_T i was busy these days beacuse of my school :) it's new season! haha ;)

    My school starts from 7:40 am to 9 pm.. so..! i didn't have any time to doing MFC sorry ;(

    ahh and your English is Great! i perfectly understand it :teehee:

    And I'm from South Korea! Ohh thats lovely that you're Argentinian~


    How have you been? ^_^

  2. Heyyy xD How r u doing vanessa~ :wink2:

  3. Hiii xD How are you there ;))

    Sorry T_T i didn't have any time to doing MFC because of school..

    but happy about doing MFC now ^_^ and what's your name there?? ;D

  4. Hello there!! nothing special today but I'm perfectly great x) what about you there? :)

    actually little bit a nervous cauz it's beginning of the new semester! :P

  5. Hello there XD thanks for dropping by my profile and for leaving a message!

    Hope we could talk a LOT!

  6. Oh i see :) Sorry for my late T_T I'm doing whole of my private lessons homework..

    Math Homework! Maths always bothering me =_=..

  7. ohh i see ;) How are you there? :) sorry for my late T_T

    i was busy for my homework! hehe

  8. Hey vanessa! you're on line~ hehe XD

  9. xD ahh no, what's wrong with twitter? ohhh you replied to me!! yeah xD

  10. Ahahaha XD actually I made this longgg time ago when mika visited Korea. But MFC site structure is not that easy for me so I gave up at that time but no w I find this site has so many interests! :)

  11. Yeah

    ;) what's your name? And I'm Jin!

  12. Hello siiri xD I'm great too ;D

    Wow you didn't have school? I know what it feels like because Me too ! From yesterday to this Thursday is a vacation! So happy!

    And where are you from? :) ahh Estonia!!?

  13. Hey Wendy!! I'm Jin ! Ahh so good to see you :teehee:

  14. Hi there! :teehee: I'm HyeSeung, and you Siiri? haha ;) How are you!?

  15. Helloo! thanks for asking a friend xD

  16. Heyyy! ;D good to see you here!

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