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Status Updates posted by nas

  1. i nominate you too!!:boing: but i'm only an honorary middle-ling so i don't count :teehee::roftl:


    how ya hon?:huglove:

  2. omg!! no wonder i associate those things with horror!! i couldn't watch past the second page :aah:

    first commercial...:teehee:

    have a good night's rest! nighty-night :huglove:

  3. wow that was about 5 years ago - you need to go skating :aah:

    i find those monkeys both funny and a wee bit scary...maybe cos of the opening of the phantom of the opera...:teehee:

    walking dead starts now!! :boing::boing::excite:

  4. :floor: never heard anyone say that about the monkeys but i know exactly what you mean - they play in my head sometimes :roftl:

    o nice! you're prolly much better than you're admitting...:teehee: when's the last time you did it?

  5. you just totally wasted the winter then :no:


    i can be bundled up with 10 layers of clothes, i still get cold outside after like 10 minutes :aah: i think i'm just not cut out for it :aah: i'd like to go ice skating though - will prolly break my butt but it looks like fun :teehee:

    so why did u want the article then? your sleeping time is abs normal! !:aah::roftl:

  6. there were a million articles but i was looking for the right one..they were all like yea most successful ppl sleep like 4-5 hours but it's not necessarily healthy and they prolly have some special gene :teehee:

    i do get tired of it sometimes but i couldn't stand more than a month of winter so i'm in the right place :aah:

  7. yeah right try to make me feel better :naughty:

    no we have no seasons :sad: hence no time change...though i do notice summer coming by the fact that it's lighter when i leave at 6 am and that i now have to open my window at nights for it to be cool :teehee:

  8. how come you never write on your own wall???what's wrong with me???:shocked::hair: talk about fail!!:roftl:

    and you are abs right - it's spring forward...you'll be 1 hour farther :crybaby:

  9. yay! glad you joined up :clap:

    aah it changes tonight in the US and canada...makes sense that further up north it would be different :doh: soon you'll be one hour closer to me :yay::aah:

  10. :roftl:how could you forget the time difference :shocked::aah: do you guys have daylight savings? it changes back tonight, no?

    you're artsy - don't you wanna sign up for the birthday project?:teehee:

  11. girl you know i think your handwriting is amazing so please write away!:aah:

    yea the aches are better - really makes you think you shouldn't exercise indeed!:roftl:

    i am so happy for you :huglove::boing: i got some done but i'll do more tonight...

  12. heya!!:huglove:

    i did sleep - had to take some panadols for my body aches ;sad: they're much better now though...unfortunately didn't get to walk - woke up too late...:teehee:

    yes you are clever and it was a good suggestion :wub2:

    you got work done?

    yes please steal my idea :boing:

  13. yes i would like you to teach me them! :clap: actually that's one of the things in your mail - c'bean sayings and words...:teehee:

    ok fine - hint taken :shun::aah: i'm gone then...i feel a headache coming on so i prolly need to sleep anyways...have a productive studying session :huglove: might catch you around later

  14. :roftl: u gotta teach me how to pronounce that word! though i do so love the english translation :teehee:

    at first i thought it was a joke but then i got they were serious...i guess if i was having copious incapacitating diarrhea i won't mind the transplant either :teehee:

    o man the day is flying! have u started studying yet? think i'm going to do so now (and just lurk around here ever so often :teehee:)

  15. i 100% agree you should move *starts packing to meet you there*:aah:

    yes i can be just as juvenile :teehee:


    read this at your peril:


    i was so shocked and intrigued and grossed out i just had to share :aah:

  16. haha! i wish - a gig without anyone asking for it! :roftl:

    i dream on...:teehee:

    nah 'fall through' means smth didn't work out :teehee:

    whipping out his TOOL never gets old for me btw :lmfao:

  17. wait i'm confused - i'm going to see who? :dunno: (well besides mika some day in the future :aah:)

    that's why they're not bringing bruno anymore though cos he wanted more $$ than they were prepared to pay...honestly it might be less than what i quoted for mika but i don't think i want to find out..they're looking for someone to come sooner rather than later and hardly anyone here knows who mika is right now (though hopefully that'll change after TOOL)

    awww he was just venting :wub2: but i get how that can be frustrating to listen to after a while if you feel powerless over all of it...

  18. no prob! how's your dad?

    at first it was all good but then as i went on she started looking slightly 'wtf?!''this girl is not so normal' :roftl: the danger we all run i guess...:aah:

    o wait! i try not to dwell on this too much cos it would've just been :insane: remember the bruno mars thing?:das: well it kinda fell through...so the girl in charge of planning it knows i'm cuckoo foe meeks so she decided to check him out to see if they could bring him :shocked: she went on mikasounds website saw him play and all and was toying with the idea - asked me if i knew anyone in his management. as if!!:teehee: but i told her he costs abt 200,000 pounds...that's a little out of what they were looking for..:sad: prolly for the best - i would hate for them to ask and he says no or he comes and ppl don't go or smth :tears: right?

  19. dawn of the dead - yes that's exactly what it is! :roftl:

    great! so no headache then :clap: only 150 pages...u shld be done that in no time! *says the girl who has about the same amount and knows it'll take her abt a week* :aah:

    one should not try to convince relative strangers to become mikafans when one is tipsy...it can only lead to the stranger looking at you very strangely...:roftl: i told her abt EMD being so popular in france - she hadn't heard it at all in london - big surprise :sneaky2:

    gotta start doing work too...i DREAD running this afternoon! maybe i'll walk more than run :teehee: still counts right?

  20. :naughty::naughty:

    that cat is me almost everyday!!:roftl:

    omg i feel like i got hit by a bus - everypart of me hurts!:shocked: most of it is from the running yesterday...but some is from the slightly excess alcohol i frank last night :teehee:

    it was a lotta fun actually - we met with this couple eion had as customers, they're visiting from london (plus the girl is originally from france) so ofc i had to ask her abt meeks :aah: she knew and liked him but wasn't a 'fan' fan...darn!

    how about you - how's ya day been?:das:

  21. it's true! i'll send u a link tmrw..:aah:

    you'll be more successful :huglove:

    well i'm off..have a good night hon :huglove:

  22. hah! us poor SSs..:roftl:

    that's actually a very good way to deal with it -be productive..all the most successful ppl don't sleep much anyway..:aah:

  23. you're healthy and nowhere near fat..it has to do with ur frame y'know as you said i have a tiny frame..it's not just abt being fat though: i'm super untoned and my stamina is in the ground so i'll stop saying i'm fat and say i'm a slow slob instead!:aah:

    aahh wel at least you've seen it :roftl: yea scar tells the hyenas that stick with me quote...:teehee: i've never done that with a cat - will have to :roftl:

    gonna leave for the bar soon...can't believe ur crafting at almost 3 in the morning :aah:

  24. Lion King!! don't tell me you haven't seen that either :sneaky2::aah:

    yea the rock but they still don't quite know it...:sad: you were teenage angst - i was a teenage mess!:roftl: i had it together in some ways but in other ways i was just hopeless:no:...:roftl:

    judging by now i know you were a mature 16 :thumb_yello: btw did i ever tell you i think you'd make an amazing youthworker?:teehee: well journalist too...but youths would be lucky to have you :wub2:

  25. i'm sure you didn't mess up anything!:aah: but made awesomer

    yes 'stick with me and you'll never go hungry again!' :naughty: wrong quote but you get the jist :aah:

    awww hiba just told me the sweetest thing on the ssr thread - i suspect she might be high on studying but it was still nice! :wub2: i swear her, mair, emma and weezey are just the most AMAZING and wonderful girls of their age - i'm jealous i wasn't as funny and smart as they are when i was their age...:aah:

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