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Status Updates posted by nas

  1. huh? who says i'm on MFC? :dunno:

    that's my story and i'm sticking to it...:teehee:


    ok how's this? :hypo:

  2. how's this?:dance_man: i can do this forever!



    good..at work...

  3. emma bemma! :das: what's up?

  4. aww don't worry - no probs - feel better soon! :huglove:

    there's no rush!

  5. :lmfao:


    nah i think that's answered most of them :aah:

  6. nas

    oo don't remind me :aah: i'm the unluckiest bastard on the face of the planet! :roftl:


    but good luck hun!! :huglove:

  7. my questions: why was he in ur bedroom? was it day or night?why attempt chkn with ur parents around? and then why let them stop u? :roftl: where did he disappear to? was the song good?


  8. nas

    awww yes he does! :wub2: he must be so excited! :aah:

    sorry i missed you - at work..it beckoned :teehee:

  9. nas

    i know - i had that ridiculously busy phase a few weeks back..:teehee:


    let's get the party started then1 :dance_man:



    i see ur planning on going to europe - not jealous at all :shun::aah:

  10. nas

    holly!!! wat up dawg?! :punk:

    :roftl: we've missed you around here :huglove:

  11. hey ya! sorry to bother you :blush-anim-cl:

    hope i haven't been contributing to what u were asking about :teehee: if you wanna talk feel free to pm me :wub2:

  12. :floor: i can't stop laughing at what you said about the beers!!...u so silly :teehee:

    "bubblewrap that biatch" :roftl: yes please :teehee: nah i'm sure it'll be fine - i've gotten cds in the mail already and they were good...

    i'll pm you my WD dream soon -gotta go bathe now!:aah:

  13. wait seriously you bought it?! i remembered you saying smth like that this morning but then i checked my msgs and i didn't see any mention so i was sure i dreamt it!:roftl: or did i really dream it and ur only telling me now?bwahaha! i so confused!:aah:

    either ways that's incredibly sweet - thank you!!:huglove::dance_man:the postage isn't much right? and i hope u got it for very cheap :sneaky2:

    look on the bright side as u drink ur beers - next week time like now u should be seeing more of them so yay!:clap::naughty:

  14. :naughty: no fair - even if u were gonna now u won't :aah:
  15. :fangurl: *sings i think i love mew*...:teehee: from what i remember i loved all the songs on that cd but i don't listen it often cos i might succemb and download the darn thing...which come to think of it i should do!! i'll still buy the cd :doh: oomg i can be ditzy!:roftl:

    hey the golden tix is almost over - did you get one? :teehee:

    finished spartacus?:das:

    hope you're having an awesome day!!:huglove:

  16. knowing you - you're prolly going to change it tmrw :roftl: yea ur gif is amazing - it's just screaming to be used as a siggy :teehee:

  17. o don't worry that will def be used too!! i'm just still grooving on the performance yesterday that i wanted to be reminded :teehee: u think you're the only one who changes their siggy often? :naughty:

  18. i will have fun :das::naughty:

    i bet you won't miss anything! wanna wager? :aah:



  19. lol! yea i'm downloading from lara's link now...

    i don't think you'll miss anything - we won't see him again til the end when they announce the winner and the show is like 3+ hours! :roftl:

  20. nah :sad: i had to take it off - for the whole of EMD i only saw actual moving picture like 4 times for like 3 seconds :aah:

    and MFC is soooo slooow...:crybaby:

  21. yea!!*impatiently waits for someone to upload the vid* now i can't do anywork til i see it proper :aah:

    ahh well...

    hurray for the sun shining in the land without sun!:clap::roftl:

  22. hey hon! did ya see it?? did ya see it??:boing: i came back on just to watch it :aah: i could barely see it kept freezing but it was awesome -great shots of bob!! :roftl: i just *had* to share that....:aah:

  23. :roftl: that's how i judge a busy day too!:aah:

    yea eion's off too and the sun is actually out today so we might go somewhere soon...either ways i need to be off of mfc for a bit so i can do a bit of school work..i have no discipline i know!:naughty:

    o abt your musical directing - it's the thought and effort not the $ :biggrin2:

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