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Everything posted by flyingkites

  1. I've been thinking about doing this too, but I think it's better to leave it to the professionals... I'm a bit worried about the pain though. It hasn't been really bad (except the medusa piercing, I had water rolling down my eyes because it stang so much!) for me, quite the contrary in fact. But getting your nip pierced doesn't sound exactly like a very pleasant experience... Oh yeah, I've heard from many people that it gets really swollen. I'm afraid that if I do get it pierced I'll choke on my own tongue while I'm sleeping or something.
  2. Wow, awesome! How long have you had your tongue pierced? Have you had any difficulties with it? Oh I forgot to ask, are you still wearing the same studs that your ears were pierced with? Whenever I get a new piercing and take it off for the first time it stings a lot, even if they're healed. But when you take them off and put back on a couple times it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm thinking your situation might be a bit similar. It's a good sign they're not hurting too bad though!
  3. That's pretty hardcore! I could never do that, it burns sooo bad. Anytime dear! Maybe you should just take them off and clean them? It hurts like hell if they're in a bad condition, but once it's done they usually get better in no time. If you do take them out, make sure your hands are clean and use a special cleanser that is not too strong to clean both the jewelry and the actual pierced parts.
  4. But we love it! I also loved your Mika geisha sig and now it's gone...
  5. There can be a lot of things that might make them a bit sore. What kind of jewelry are you wearing? If they're studded earrings, make sure they're not too tight. If the jewelry contains nickel it might irritate the piercing (I'm allergic to it so I always have to make sure my earrings are silver or at least don't contain 'rubbish' metals). If you feel unsure about taking them off and cleaning them, make sure you rinse them well while you're taking a shower. Try to move the jewelry around a bit while doing this, too. This usually helps me to the point when they're not as sore anymore and I can take them off and clean them properly. Feel free to ask me any time you want by the way, I've had some problems with my ear piercings and facial ones too so I'm glad if I can help!
  6. Wow, long time since this thread has been alive! Anyways, I've been trying to find something like this on MFC so I'm bumping this one. I've got a medusa and a labret piercing, aka cyber bites and I've also got my right tragus pierced and an outer conch piercing in my left ear. I also have three lobe piercings on my left ear and two on my right. I'd love to get my tongue and my nipple pierced but I'm afraid of the possible complications, even though I've never had any serious ones with the ones I already have.
  7. Good! Remember, I'll be watching you. I'm sorry! I was only joking, I actually love this place.
  8. It is indeed! I'm so glad there are other freaks like me out here!
  9. Makes you wonder eh? Once I found this thread the last bits of my sanity that I had left flew out the window.
  10. Yes you are! But you're also implying naughty things that could harm innocent, young girls like me. Then again, if I was afraid of something harmful, I wouldn't be in Wonkaland...
  11. Simply because I'm bored out of my mind, I had to try the slogan maker as well... "The smooth way, with Mika." "Mika - so good you want it again." "Mika - without extravagance." "The story begun with Mika." "Mika - clearly a better solution." "Mika for champions." Damn, this thing is pretty accurate! EDIT: I tried it with my own name and got "If Jesus was here, he would go for Elina."
  12. I love his fancy look too, but I absolutely hate that jacket.
  13. OMG that reminded me of something! When the Lord of the Rings movies came out people here started to name their children after the characters! So now we have children who are called Frodo and Arwen and even Gandalf :roftl:

  14. Hahah my name is very common over here, too! And it's a really old name as well, I feel a bit like a granny. :roftl:

  15. Aww, thanks! :blush-anim-cl: MarĂ­a is a very pretty name! Fer is a really cool nickname by the way, I wish I had one too but I don't. I have to get one though, if I ever move abroad people will have trouble saying my name right. :roftl:

  16. The "Light as a breeze, soft as Mika" sounds like a feminine hygiene product ad.
  17. That's a very catchy slogan! Where can I get one of these 'Mika's?
  18. I thought it was a joke too. You can't live in a lie forever, one day you'll have to accept the fact that every now and then he does things to his hair we'd rather not know of.
  19. OH MY GOD! I've never seen that pic, thanks for posting! I always knew he had something to hide.
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