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Status Updates posted by flyingkites

  1. Moiiii, mikä on olo? Mitä siellä tapahtu, oliks kaikki ihan kunnossa?

  2. Oh nooo! :( That sucks so bad! Did it rip or something? One of my friends had like 20mms and her ear ripped during one night so she had to take the plug out and get her ear stitched. :shocked: I hope your situation isn't that bad!

    I'm fine thanks! Having a massive cold but I'll get better soon... I hope. :aah:

  3. Well helloo helloo Mel! :das::mikadas: How are you?

  4. Aww no mut kuulostaa just hyvältä! Pitää varmaan itte kehitellä samanlaisia suunnitelmia ellei kuume rupee taas nouseen. :teehee:

  5. En tiiä vielä (vielä, ihan niinku siihen olis monta päivää aikaa :roftl: ) yhtään... Poikaystävä on tällä hetkellä käymässä töissä, mut pitää kattoo mikä sillä on olo sen jälkeen et jos lähdettäis käymään Tampereen keskustassa. :teehee: Onks sulla suunnitelmia?

  6. Hahahhah, voi ei :roftl: No mut hyvä et teijän luokanvalvoja sentään on lepposa!

  7. What?! :aah: Saiks ne jälkkää siitä vai riittikö opettajilla huumorintaju? Mä muistan kun yläasteella joku heitti vahingossa yhtä opettajaa lumipallolla päähän, se oli ihan sairaan vihanen ja juoksi sitä pihaa ympäri, yrittäen ettiä syyllistä. :lmfao:

  8. Hahhaha voi eiii :aah: Kiitti, eiköhän tää tästä pikkuhiljaa paranemaan päin ole. Niin ja hyvää vappua sullekin! :huglove:

  9. Aaaahh niinpä, helmee! :mikalove: Tuntu niin oudolta kirjautua sisään, ihan sairasta miten riippuvainen oon tästä paikasta :aah: Mitäs tässä, juhlitaan poikaystävän kanssa sen synttäreitä olemalla molemmat flunssassa! :yay::roftl: Mitäs sulle?

  10. Oh I see, that's really awesome! You'll get out of there in no time then, I still have 2 and a half years of school left. :doh::naughty:

    OMG today I got something in the mail and I was so sure it was from you but it was a letter about paying taxes or something! :aah: I was so disappointed! Maybe next week then.

    Hope your Friday will be great! :huglove::wub2:

  11. Argh voi ei! :aah: Jos tekisit sen sit ratsastuksesta/hevosista :thumb_yello:

  12. 8 koetta?! Huuhh hyi että! :shocked: Yläasteella oli kyllä just hirveetä toi kun saatto olla monta koetta samana päivänä, mut lukiossa sitä ei enää onneks tehä.

    Hahah, mullakin on sopivasti koko viikonloppu töitä niin en millään "ehdi" lukee noita kirjoja tai kirjoittaa harjoitteluraporttia... :naughty:

  13. No heiiii! :biggrin2: Mitäpä tässä, hirveesti olis noita koulutöitä mutta jaksamista ei. En olis ikinä uskonu et ammattikorkee olis näin raskasta! :doh: Mitäs sulle?

  14. Your English is fine, don't worry about it! I wish I could speak to you in French but it's been ages since I studied it and I've forgotten most of it. :blush-anim-cl:

    I'm studying youthwork and we also deal a lot with voluntary work. It's really hard to explain but those are the two things we focus on the most.

    I'm really sorry to hear that. :( Depression is an awful illness, I've struggled with it too. I hope you're feeling better now! :huglove:

  15. Oh yes, I love how MFCers are so understanding and non-judgemental. This is a very good place to meet new people who share your thoughts. :wub2:

    I'm good, thank you! I'm really busy with school though. What do you do for a living, by the way?

  16. Aww how many years of school do you have left? Sorry if that's a silly question but I have no idea what your education system is like. :aah:

    The card hasn't come yet but don't worry, I'm sure it'll be here soon! :thumb_yello: I'm living with my boyfriend in another city at the moment so I've had to have my mail transferred from my actul hometown, it always takes a few days for them to sort it out if I've gotten mail.

    I'm good, thanks! Having a day off because I'll be at work all weekend. :doh: How are you? :huglove:

  17. Thanks for friending! :huglove: How are you?

  18. Woah your school starts so early, that's crazy! :shocked: I'd never be able to get up at that hour. :aah: Mine starts at 9:15 and that's bad enough for me!

  19. Me too! Just today at work I remembered how I made my own flamethrower nce from a candle and a can of hairspray. :teehee: It's potentially dangerous but back then I managed to get a good laugh out of it. DON'T TRY IT THOUGH.

    I thought 'spunk' meant something like attitude or spirit but now that I checked UrbanDictionary I see there's also another meaning for it... :teehee:

  20. Glad you're better. :mikadas: (I wonder when I'll get tired of that smiley. :teehee: )

    Oh just saw you received an awesome Mika mail from Denmark by the way! I seriously lol'd at your comment about wanting to set the teddybear candle on fire. :naughty:

  21. Hah, I think it sounds way more exciting than it actually is. :naughty: But I hope all this studying will be worth it and I'll end up getting a good job that I enjoy!

    It's good that you're into voluntary work! One of the things we focus on school is how to get young people more interested in it. :thumb_yello:

    Hah, thanks! When you wrote me that message I had just arrived at work and now I'm back again. :aah:

    Hope your day's been good! :huglove:

  22. You're right, it'll be worth it in the end... Sometimes it's just so exhausting. I'm a student of civic activities and youthwork! It's kind of hard to explain really. :aah: But it's about doing voluntary work and youthwork, mostly.

  23. "I got 99 homeworks and ain't do 1" Hhhahaha genius! :lmfao: I have the same problem, uni is killing me! Sounds like you're going to have a great day though. :wub2: And totally something worth skipping homework for!

  24. Eek you just made me so happy! :mikalove: Thank you! :huglove:

    I'm good, thank you! Got lots of rest this weekend and I tried to do some studying but it turned out to be harder than I could imagine. :teehee: How are you? How was your weekend?

  25. OMG hahahah I got a bit worried there for a second I had actually upset you! :aah:

    That is so cool that you're actually talking to them and helping them! I had a listen to Pieces of You and Me, sounds very nice. :thumb_yello:

    Oh you know I can't WAIT to get the drawing you sent me! It's a piece of art! :wub2: I'll let you know when it arrives. By the way would you mind if I used it as my Twitter profile pic, with credits to you of course? :teehee::blush-anim-cl:

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