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Status Updates posted by flyingkites

  1. Hey Laura! How've you been doing?

  2. Sisarukset on varmaan aina yhtä ihania, oli ne sitten vanhempia tai nuorempia... :naughty:

  3. Oh I can't wait to taste your pepperpot :licks_lips::lmfao:

    So glad to hear you had a wonderful day - I bet it did you some good. :huglove::wub2: Feel free to send me the story whenever you feel like it! :das:

    'Twas alright, I actually didn't get to spend that much time with my ladiezzz cause I met my brother on the way to the city and went to have a drink with him... It was a good night all in all though. :teehee:

    I'm off to bed now, I have an early morning tomorrow. Have a great rest of tonight! :huglove::wub2:

  4. Hmm, something very Finnish eh? That might be a good idea. :teehee: I'll look for a simple recipe that's both easy to make and to illustrate - a win-win for everyone! :naughty:

    Oh both of your dishes sound very good! Especially the pepperpot, even though I have no idea what it's like but it sounds yummy. :licks_lips::roftl:

    Aww so in a few hours you'll get home, that's good! :thumb_yello: Was your Monday as relaxing as you planned by the way? Got any writing done? :das:

  5. Oho! :teehee: Onko sulla paljonkin sisaruksia?

  6. Aijai! Kyllä mä taidan suolata sut sun porukoille, mun tulevan nuorisotyöntekijän etiikkani ei salli tällaista. :wags_finger::roftl:

  7. Hahahhah :lmfao: Mulla kans ihmiset yleensä kuulee/kirjottaa mun sukunimen väärin. Siinähän sitten tavutellaan aina. I feel your pain... :teehee:

  8. Annuliina, onpa nätti nimi! En oo aikasemmin kuullutkaan. :teehee: Mun nimi on siis Elina, täällä useimmiten Eli. :teehee:

  9. Iltaa iltaa! :biggrin2: Mitä kuuluu? Ai niin, mikä sun nimi on? :teehee:

  10. Hahahha yeah, people really seem to hate her. :aah: I saw that Carl picture a while back but didn't realize it was Calvin & Hobbes inspired! Silly me. :blush-anim-cl:

    How's your day been? :wub2: Have you already submitted the recipe for the birthday project? I'm totally panicking because of it, I can't come up with anything! :tears:

  11. He did?! You lucky gal! Seriously, you've trained him well! :das::lmfao:

  12. I know, I know... They're almost too much to take in... :drool::mf_lustslow:

  13. Aww that is so pretty! :teehee:

    Ooh I see, how exciting! I can't wait for the 3rd season!

  14. OMG is it someone I already know?! :teehee: (I don't even know how that'd be possible though.)

    Hahhaha I seriously didn't think of anything from that mailman comment before you pointed it out. :roftl:

    Waaahhh those necklaces are so cute! :mf_lustslow: Thanks for the tip, I need to take a proper look now! Which ones did you order?

  15. Oi, no se on kyllä ollut jo aika iäkäs setä. :wub2: Odotan ihan kauhulla sitä päivää kun meijänkin koiruus lähtee sateenkaarisillalle, se on kuitenkin jo 12-vuotias... :tears:

  16. How could I know who the hooded person is? Do YOU know?! :shocked: I think Carol is much more of a waste than Lori. Her character is totally useless! Lori is just plain annoying with her tantrums... :naughty:

    OH SNAP! :aah: That stang! :roftl:

    Oooohhh I'm curious what the mailman had for you. :das: See you soon!

  17. I don't know, I just feel like a slacker! :aah: You're right though... I'll be better tomorrow, all ready to boss it out! :das::naughty: I don't have the headache anymore so it's all good now.

    I LOVE Andrea and Daryl! Oh and Glenn! :naughty: Absolutely hating Carol, Lori and Carl... :sneaky2: Ugh! I knew what was going to happen to Shane because I saw a spoiler but Dale came to me as a surprise - I was like :shocked: !

    Aww :huglove: I'd be equally happy to see you win. :wub2: Even if the chances are very slim I'm glad something's happening! Plus I love entering competitions. :teehee:

  18. Hey you! :huglove: What's up?

    I feel like such a bad person, I didn't go to work today because I was nauseous when I woke up and ended up having a migraine... :tears: Hopefully I get to go tomorrow.

    Me and Ilkka just finished TWD - the last two episodes were AMAZING! :boing: It'll be hell waiting for the new season, just like with Dexter!

  19. Tessa on sekarotunen mut aika paljon siinä on kuulemma noutajaa ja karjalankarhukoiraa. :wub2: Luulin että Aksu olis ollut joku pomeranialainen. :teehee: Valtavan suloinen. :wub2:

  20. Vooii miten hellyyttävä kuva! :wub2: Ja ihana tuo sun koirakin muuten. Lemmikin menettäminen on aina ihan hirveetä. :sad:

  21. Aattelinkin ettei poika näytä kovin isolta. Aivan ihanan näköinen kyllä. :wub2:

  22. IHANA! :fangurl::wub2: Mikä sen säkä on? Voi miten kiltin näkönen. :wub2:

    Aww, vähän ikävää jos joudut lopettaan sen vuokrauksen. :sad:

  23. Hahha how cool! Eek I can't wait to see it! :teehee:

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