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Everything posted by WeAreGolden*

  1. Hello! Ahh I know, thank you! We basically share the same opinion :teehee: It makes me a bit sad how some members (particularly older ones I've noticed :mf_rosetinted: ) accuse others so easily. But I didn't want to drag it even more, that's why I didn't reply to that thread :/


    My name is Marianna by the way, and nice to meet you :pinkbow:

  2. We're not judging, we're just saying what our first impressions were. And I never said I'm never going to like the new band, I most certainly will in the end. But like some others said that they like the backing singer, we said we didn't. They're both opinions, or 'judgements' if you want, based on first impression. The fact that one is positive and ours is negative doesn't mean anything.
  3. Yeah I got the feeling that she wants to overshadow Mika or something, dancing on the centre of the stage and all that. I'm not saying that was her intention, but....I JUST DON'T LIKE HER I WANT IMMA.
  4. I don't like the backing singer at all, I don't know why. Her voice is great but her presence is annoying ...or maybe I liked iMMA too much
  5. It's the only day I didn't have to wake up at 7am for exams...and I woke up at 7:30 OMG HE'S HERE OMG
  6. Sounds nice! We're getting so many news lately omg, I'm so not used to this. I'm not used to Mikafast. Me gusta.
  7. Exactly the same here. Kinda missing the colours and childishness, but oh well...he looks niiiice
  8. Oh my Goooooooood, I cannot wait, Friday morning will be so exciting! And the new site is just beautiful, I love the simplicity of it! And those photos. He has grown up, I kinda miss all the childish colourful stuff, but oh well. He looks so handsome
  9. Sorry for the late reply again, I'm terrible :blush-anim-cl:


    I'm alright, it was a nice day! I went shopping after my exam and then I just relaxed at home. Tomorrow I have an English exam so I won't study at all :naughty:


    How are you? :huglove:

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