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Everything posted by WeAreGolden*

  1. Yep, exams are over and I am free :mf_rosetinted:


    Oh well I'm sure you did more than great, good luck :huglove: When do you get your results?


    I'm happy for me too :teehee: I wish you could come as well though, you're probably my best friend from MFC! /emoticons/default_mikadas.gif" alt=":mikadas:" />


    I was the same, exactly the same. I didn't really like them at first (especially MYH), but now I listen to them happily. But, for example, I still listen to Grace Kelly and I love it, while I think that I won't be able to listen to Celebrate much longer without getting bored of it. :/


    I'm pretty good, really lazy and bored but oh well. That's summer for you :mf_rosetinted: You? :huglove:

  2. Hellooooooo! How are you? :huglove:

  3. Yeah they would make great acoustic songs! And did you see Overrated is going to be club/dance song? HOW can this happen? How could you Mika? :shocked:


    Staying pale is kinda difficult for me though, because I get tanned easily, especially my arms. And queuing for the concert in the middle of July won't help either :naughty:


    Exams are over wooo! I'm happy :groovy:


    My day was pretty boring, I didn't do anything. :teehee: Yours?

  4. Yep, thank God for facebook :naughty:

    Ohh your exams haven't ended yet? When do you finish? Good luck :huglove:


    I'm pretty good, on summer holidays since Thursday. It gets kinda boring I have to say. :mf_rosetinted: (not that I miss school, no way in hell :teehee: )


    Yep, I'm going to Vigevano! My first Mika gig! What about you? :mikadas:

  5. Of course it sounds sane I was so happy to see he's happy with someone too, don't get me wrong. It's just my curious side, I can't help it
  6. Ohhh how I love this interview! This day couldn't get any better. He looks so happy and honest, more mature yes, but still the same person. And I'm going to see him in 1 month. *dies* I wonder who's the lucky one though:mikadas:
  7. Oh okay, thank you for the info! Could you maybe PM me a picture of the shirt? I'm getting really excited as well, and I can't wait to meet all of you! Edit: Just saw the shirts on facebook, they look really nice! I'll get back to you if we decide to buy them xx
  8. Oh that would be great, please send it if it's possible! Thank you
  9. I'm in. Edit: Where do we get the glasses and shirts? (even though me and my friend were thinking of making our own shirts but we don't know yet xD )
  10. Carmeeeeeeen! Hello :mikacool:


    It's been ages since we talked, so I thought I'd drop by and say hi. How have you been? :huglove:

  11. Ohhh so you're dancing? What kind of dance? :wub2:


    Yes exactly! And now that I've seen the Lovebox videos, I still stand by my opinion. I don't like the backing vocals lady, and the rest of the band was too...unnoticeable I guess. It helps that Mika didn't introduce them, but still, I feel like the old band had more 'character'.


    I'm alright, studying for exams, I have 2 left. I'm so looking forward to the summer :mf_rosetinted:

  12. Yeah the hair could be better indeed :teehee: But I can get used to it I guess.

    I like Celebrate way better than MYH, but I actually really liked MYH live, I didn't expect it. If he hadn't done the robot voice I would have loved it. :mf_rosetinted:


    Ohh that's nice /emoticons/default_mikacool.gif" alt=":mikacool:" />


    Alright, waiting for those damned exams to finish. They never end *_* I have 2 left, so I'm slowly getting happier and happier xD



  13. This smiley should represent the Vigevano concert By the way, do we know how long the gig will be? I don't want 30 minutes like Lovebox *_*
  14. ^ohh yes. I have a history exam tomorrow. 90 pages. I have learned only 18. And having "Celebrate" stuck in my head is not helping.
  15. Thank you everyone for the lovely reviews and photos and VIDEOS. I actually like MYH better than Celebrate live (even though it's the opposite for the album versions). I liked the 2 microphones, even though I hoped he would get rid of the electronic voice live, but it was good! He looks amazing and it's nice to see that the dance moves never change I can't wait for Vigevano now, I'm so excited! *___*
  16. Thank you so much for the report! I'm glad you guys had fun and it's too bad it was too short! :/ Did Mika meet any fans afterwards?
  17. @krysady It's funny because your signature shows exactly how I'm feeling right now I cannot wait to see videos, I hope you all had a great time!
  18. I remember when Grace Kelly came out, I was 11-12 years old and I was so obsessed with it! And then We Are Golden was my national anthem for so many months. I wasn't a fan but I still loved Mika. I like Saranaya, she was sweet, but she seemed too...ordinary for me. iMMa stood out and she was lovely, I couldn't wait to go to a concert not only to meet Mika, but the whole band as well!

    I cannot judge Saranaya as a person, because I don't know much about her, but I can compare her with iMMa as far as stage performance goes. Same with that new backing singer. And it's not like we condemned her for life, we just wrote our first impressions for God's sake >_>


    I forgot to thank you for the friend request! How are you? :D

  19. I hope you all have a great time (though I don't doubt it ), the O.K thing is such a GREAT idea Please take as many videos as you can for us poor souls who can't be there:teehee:
  20. Hello!

    My exams end on Thursday, I have 3 left. I feel as if summer holidays are already here, I'm so lazy :aah:


    Aw good luck then, future teacher :mf_rosetinted:


    I'm sure it will! We will travel around for Mika concerts, double fun :naughty:


    I've been good, nothing special! I'm really excited because we're getting lots of new Mika stuff! Do you like Celebrate and Make you happy? :wub2:


    And how have you been? :huglove:

  21. Hello :huglove:


    Exams are going okay, I have only 3 left so I am happy!

    I'm great, I'm loving all the Mika news we're getting lately! And I can't wait to watch videos from Lovebox tomorrow :mikadas: Do you like Celebrate? :D


    And how have you been? :huglove:

  22. Yeah they've been following Mika more years than we did, but still, we all love him, no need for the attitudes -_-


    Haha I should have guessed! Lovely name

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