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Everything posted by Meli.LoveMGG

  1. Hey gurl :das: haha how are you Em? :huglove:

  2. We do! hahaha :das: And yes I know I need it, but it so much work that I don´t know I can D: This killing me!

    Sorry for not answering! Hello! How are you today? :aah:

  3. Hope she will! :'/ If she comes... I can die in peace haha

  4. Bet she will. :) But to Costa Rica never :'(

  5. YES IT IS! D: Well i think I'll start saving money haha. M;aybe we can go together :das::aah:

    My vacations starts now! But I can't take it, cuz' I have to study fot the Spanish exam that is after vacations, and have to work on my thesis and prepare for baccalaureate exams! This stressing me now! D:

  6. I don't know, if I have the money surely I go! But well traveling and tickets and all stuff here is very expensive D: Some day I think! Hopefully!

    Oh El, I'm not forgeting about ur B-Day present haha I'm only in exams so when they're finished I will. :teehee: haha.

  7. I really like your new avatar pic :) ha.

  8. I really want her to come to Costa Rica :tears:

  9. Like a table for 12 persons HAHAHA it's really big! It was for our School Open House. I'm very proud of it, and my friends that helped too :) Artcrew hahaa

    And HOW COOL! (About the Justice gig and that). I bet Mika will go to Finland, those places are the most likely to have concerts! Lucky you! :teehee: Unfortunalety He'll never come to Costa Rica :tears:

  10. Why's that? Don't be. Here's your costarican friend XD

  11. I'm fine thanks :huglove: How are you? :'3

  12. Amazing! Please, if you do something, I want some of that!
  13. Yeah it really sucks, besides is not in Costa Rica so :tears:

    Im glad you had a great time! And I bet it was! Hahaha and only Justice played?

    Oh and Eeeeeeeelllllllll haha I finished my latest artwork :) Hope you like it! And my friends too!





  14. I just want to cry! It's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Oh band introduction hahaha

    He's the one in the middle :)

    Handsome guy haha



    This guy here I love him most :das: His name is Leo (In the right)



    This is Guido



    And this here is Fela (In the left) :teehee:


  16. OMFG! HOW WAS IT? JUSTICE IS DAH SH*T! Hope you had a great time! :huglove: And I'm sad haha OWSLA will make the HARD Summer Fest :'( And I can't go :tears: but besides that I'm good :)

  17. Fine too thanks :) So what's up? :aah:

  18. Oh no it's ok Em :) How are you today? :huglove:

  19. HAHAHA that is of Ale the vocal :swoon:

    Oh how are you today El? :teehee:

  20. OH YEAH!!!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I thought it was of MGG! AND I WAS LIKEE WHAT???!!! HAHAHA

  21. Oh no Em, I'm not upset I'm happy, tears of joy haha :)

  22. HAHA Awm :3 And I bet you do :das: Thanks El!! :dasmaxima: Hoho

    Oh and El here is what I won in the gig!


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