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Everything posted by Meli.LoveMGG

  1. I miss talking to you :tears::hug: I'm fine thanks! How are you?? And well you can see it all here! :das:http://melkiafruits.tumblr.com/tagged/art

  2. YEAH! :das: hahaha I'm so happy! :swoon:

  3. I wish! But they said that will gonna use it like as a cover for their songs and that :teehee:

  4. :teehee: Thanks El! And yes! One day we will! :huglove: Like in my dream :lmao:

    Oh El btw I got some new artwork for Miracles, and they're gonna use it for their promo! :tears:


  5. :aah: How are you gonna cut it? Please tell me that fro style lol. I think I'll never get over the fro thing :lmao:
  6. Well... YEAH! :aah: Looks really cool!:teehee: But let me tell you that, with that awesome hair a :fro: will feel good on your hair :lmao: jk, I like it very much :3

  7. Hahaha but I like whiping my tuft :aah: At least it's something XD Talking bout hair (haha), I really like what you done with yours really cool. :)

  8. HAHA it was huge! I like whiping my fro, only I can do now is whiping my little tuft :naughty: haha

  9. Oh yeah! Fro is back! Hahaha one day I'm gonna let my fro grow up again like old times :aah: Remember this? XD



  10. Foh sure :aah: Bosses for ever hahaha

  11. :das: Like a boss! You bet! :aah: One day we'll make our B´Day party together and it will be the best party ever, Like boss again HAHA.
  12. Best month ever! :das: Haha. That still cool! :)

    You know, I agree with that addiction cuz' I want my whole body covered with tattooes :aah:

  13. I hope that so! This is like my rest haha.

    Glad you're ok! Hate when you have that feeling of watching videos of any concert and you can´t go. :tears:

  14. Ohh my y bday is on August too :das: haha. But almost there ha. You want another tatt besides that?

    They said that getting a tatt is addictive lol.

  15. XD Really? Here you can get one at any age hahaha. Well just one year more right?

  16. Nice phrase ;) And at what age you can get a tatt? :o

  17. Thanks Em! Glad you like it!

  18. This :) For my grandma. I made it myself! I know she wont let me but I'll do it hahaha

    At the end she's gonna love it! I know!


  19. Oh damn! That sounds painful! Haha and I will but not tomorrow, I'm going for the skin divers :tears: But I really want a Tatt soon

  20. Oh yeah :das: haha I've enlarged my septum like about 2ga or 5.0 mm but my cousin kick my nouse and the plug come off. They close really fast! :tears: haha

    I've to go to the Tatt Studio! Tomorrow I'll go!

  21. Yes! I have them for long time now, but it starts hurting :tears: I don't want to take them out :(

    Here in my chest


    :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears:

  22. Not to much haha. My skin divers hurt a little, I think I've to take 'em out :tears:

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