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Status Updates posted by Meli.LoveMGG

  1. Oh I see, glad you good :huglove:

    And well I'm not so good... I failed on my university exam. I'm like really mad, I passed the art test and not the admission for it. I'll try next year tho.

  2. I know! Thanks Eli! :huglove:

    HHAHAHA :teehee:

    How are you Eli P.I.M.P master? :aah:


    You're my sensei and I'm your grasshopper... TEACH ME MORE MASTER! :teehee:

    :lmao: This is so good :aah:

  4. WELL I PASS MY ART EXAM I'M GOING TO ART UNIVERSITY SOON! IM SO HELLA HAPPY! I'm done with my final exams just need the results! Aw Nassy baby LOL I got some new check out:







    And I also made some new stuff on Go Green St

  5. MIIIIIIIIISSS TALKING TO YOU NAS! :tears: :tears: :huglove: I'm fine, I'm on vacation now HELLA YEAH! How about you?!


  7. Ohhh damn I'm feeling this magic, the P.I.M.P, it's awesome :tears:


    (You're the one in white hair and I'm the other girl and you're passing me some of your P.I.M.P :aah: ):lmao: !!

    I get mu results the 29 of this month and my art test results the 16 of thiss month!! How's you Eli?

    You know what, I can now call you Sensei :aah: You're the master in the P.I.M.P you ruled now :aah: hahaha

  8. I want to look like you, you got to much P.I.M.P haha :aah: Share it with me, maybe? :lmao:

    Tomorrow is my last exam! YAY! I know it's so cool! Here isn't yet, but I hope soon it will!

    I hope too! I'm going to pray for him to go there and here hahaha :teehee:

  9. I don't we'll see! I think that maybe something that make me look like pimp :wink2: hahaha.

    Glad you're good Eli Eli Eli! 'm fine! Almost finishing my exams! And I LOVE IT! :tears: You?

  10. Yeah that's the problem, you don't know if your body is gonna rejected or not D: But I want one on my nose, really :teehee: He's a sexy beast :lmao:

    How are you Eli? :huglove:

  11. Oh :lmao: Que bueno! Me alegro Biaa! Y muchas gracias!!

  12. Don't worry cuz' you're gonna win that fight :das: hahahahaha!!

    Oh that sucks Eli :tears: and yeah he took them out with a scapel, so much pain in my heart 3 He was like "Meli, please don't cry haha" and I was like :tears::tears: :tears: :aah: I got some little scars, they're not very noticeable! I would get it done again but in my nose like this:


    Haha :aah:

    It's hurts like hell haha :tears: But I be there for you pimpy (New word :aah: ) I'll cry for your babies :teehee:


  13. Diseño gráfico y de modas :das:

    Y tu? Como vas con el cole?

  14. Bueno ambas :das:

    Que dicha! Y bien bien, ya pase los del cole ahora solo me falta bachillerato y listo!

    Y tu??

  15. Guapa eres tu :das:

    Yo estoy bien por dicha! Y tu? :huglove:

  16. Thaaaaaaaaaaanks Eli Eli the pimp :) You'll still be THE pimp :wink2::aah:

    And you're going to get done the medusa again or no more? Cuz if you do I'm going to make the dance of the medusa so you can have it again and with non of scarring (?) hahaha awm I'm sab bout that ha. When my friend took out the divers I feel like he was taking my heart away :aah: I'm going to cry for ur medusa too :tears::teehee:

  17. ...DAMN! Why Eli?! :cry: It's really sad when you have to take out any piercing :cry: Its like you're taking off some finger or stuff ( :aah: ) It's a shame really. You looked really nice with the Medusa :teehee:

  18. AW SHET :wink2: CONGRATS ELI! :huglove:

    I did well! I'm out of school now, just have to do the baccalaureate exams so I can go to the university (ART SCHOOL HERE I GO :aah: ). Last Saturday I made the ability test and I did well too! The art teacher that was caring us told me that my collage was worthy of a museum and I was like HELLA YEAH XD. I took pics of it (The first one not cuz' it was ugly xD)



    The art contest wasn't that good. I didn't win anything butthat's ok, I'm really glad with what I made :blush-anim-cl: The Adventure Time T-Shirt Contest, I didn't win anything but it was kinda obvious cuz' they only picked the ones from graphic design -.- Blame on them cuz' they didn't say that in the contes D: My pic was make by hand so :doh: hahaha. And the other contest from my school, they'll give the results next year!


    Continue in another one...


    I'm back haha. Sorry for not answering you I was in my final examns! How does yours go? I hope you did well! (I hope not, I know you did :wink2: )

    How are you pimp girl? :aah:

  20. We just finished exams today! HELLAAAAAA YYEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!! :teehee: Oh NO PLEASE! Hahaha can you please tell Fer too?

  21. HAHAHA yeah we know :aah: But the thing is that our parents wont buy us the dye for that cuz' it has to be ordered -.- :tears::lmao:

    And yes maybe, when I have finished school and that I will :teehee:

    How are you Eli? :huglove:

  22. Thank Eli eli Eli Eli! :hug::huglove: I hope so too!

    THAT'S FOR SURE ELI! :das: And I'm going to sing you 50 Cent's songs till I'm dead :aah:

    And well that's good that didn't hurt too much, and oh that would be cool with nice jewerly and that :teehee: Eli's looking for stuff so she can PIMP her body :wink2: HELLA YEAH! :lmao: I want to get my nipples pierced too but I want my skin divers again soooooo much :tears:

    I'm with this crazy idea all last night and today about dyeing (like a rainbow) my armpits and d there too LOL Fer wants it too so we'll be together on that hahah :aah:

  23. KIMIIIIMIMIMIMI :ahh: It's ok. I'm still on exams -.- everythings' being great :teehee: How's you?

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