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Everything posted by Minthy

  1. Ma journée commence vraiment mal :( J'espère que le reste sera plus intéressant. Mais bon,il faut demeurer positive malgré tout. J'espère au moins qu'une de nous trois gagnera !

  2. D'accord, merci.Je ne connais pas skiwi mais on fera connaissance. Elle est de France, elle parle français, ça va faciliter les choses pour moi. Bonne chance à toi.

  3. dois-je confirmer? Je crois que nous n'avons pas le choix

  4. La dernière personne vient de s'ajouter :(

  5. Il reste toujours Kathingaaa une personne s'était ajoutée et a enlevé son nom par la suite

  6. Pour l'instant j'ai pris Katchingaaa pour ne pas etre exclue complètement

  7. je ne sais pas, mais j crois qu'il faut faire vite

  8. You will join this team?

  9. Oui, c'est très bien comme nom.

  10. Quel est le nouveau nom de l'équipe? Est-ce que tu en as trouvé un. Moi je ne sais vraiment pas.

  11. Hi, i am here.

  12. Oui, je peux faire ça sans problème. Je vais mettre mon réveil-matin à sonner parce que, comme tu vois, je suis plutôt un oiseau de nuit. Merci d'accepter de me prendre dans votre équipe. Je n'ai par contre aucune idée du nouveau nom. Et on se connecte où pour se parler? À plus tard.

  13. Hi, I want to join your team, I ask for it, I am waiting for your answer.
  14. I don't remember what it is. I think it's the 2 first CD's but as I know Mika only at the end of 2011, I visited the Mika fan club first then I can see who are really this man. I really like his song, his personality, the way his fan are with him . He is a special man and a special signer. After buying the 2 CD,s, my father gave me 100 $ for christmas and I spend all this money to buy Mika's "things" (sorry, I don't know how to say this in english, I hope you will understand) I will say in french, maybe someone will translate " j'ai acheté tout ce qui était possible que Mika avait produit dans sa carrière". - The 2 piano's books - The 2 DVD live - The Mika Songs for Sorrow. - The Origin of Love ... And because I lost the CD, I bought Life in Cartoon Motion a second time and The boy who know Too Much Deluxe. That's it for now I think. Have a good day.
  15. Really crazy !!! And when we don't know this "language" (don't certain of the word) we also don't know what we say
  16. Thank you for your message. It's been a while before I answer but university was really hard at the end. But now all is end then I will have more time to be here! And you say "je parle français un peu". You are perfect. Et même aucune faute. Each time I see someone who speack french I realise that french is now the first language in the world as it was but french is still present.
  17. Thank you! it's really expensive. If I buy it, I will have no money to put on it! All will be to pay it!
  18. What are you looking for Mika???
  19. Mika looks like nothing else can be exist all around him! so cute
  20. His song, when they are in french, sounds like "chanson française" from France. To me it's sounds really different as the Québécois songs.
  21. I don't have any time to read all the thread, but "she" is about his youth and it's because youth, in french, is a femal word.
  22. I can confirm. I was sitting beside her at restaurant Les Trois brasseurs this summer and all she was bitting was her lunch
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