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Everything posted by M-enis

  1. I was yesterday with my cousin and one friend of my cousin speaking and listening music .... My cousin had my cellphone and his friend and me were talking about Kanye west, suddenly My cousin sang " Relax take eaaaaaaaaaasy, blame on me and blame on you " and said mika is so cool.... and his friend ask who is Mika?...and before I could answer my cousin said " He's a singer that have very cools songs, he sings in falsetto . the first time I saw him was in axn when they show big girls.....and the video only had a skinny person and was him........". I was like ( He know too much about mika because he continued speaking) And then I asked - Bro, Do you like Mika? and he said - " NO, he is gay. But I want a copy of his album. I was like WTF?:shocked: PD: Cousin and me don't believe in bisexuality, I do not want to build controversial topic. but I am telling the story exactly as it happened
  2. My Mother looking photos in my cellphone..... -" a photo of Jar Maikel!!!!" ( Jar Maikel is my cousin but, I don't know him....) Me- "No mom, He is Mika and is a singer" - " You have weird friends... this has a girl's name, but u can invite him to eat here" Me--:shocked: (How she assume that I know Mika?)
  3. I really like this photo.. I notice something that I never noticed in another photos:teehee:....( Yes, I have a very dirty mind)
  4. Maybe they speak in a code ..that humans can't understand....
  5. I want to say I visited the first Wonkaland....awesome experience!!
  6. The Mika's songs parodies are very funny....but i really like more the parody of " Happy ending"
  7. sorry...the problem is that i write in the same way i think in spanish and is a mistake. I will be careful next time.
  8. 21....but I only drink for special occasion....like my solid state home work
  9. Did I write wrong? my english is very bad there are a lot of words that i don't know how to write..google doesn't help me.....and i'm just drunk when i become really drunk i go to leave mfc and going to sleep....
  10. you Annie or who is falling in a drunken?? Of course you are invited, Beer or wine? Now you have to drink so that nobody have questions:yay:
  11. yes..it's in the afternoon and is hot here...and there are cold beers in the refrigerators........ I though in Portugal its about 10 pm, right? there are six hours of difference if i'm not wrong
  12. Hi!!! Welcome !!!

  13. I want to know ..... Mika, Are you a Fan of Perry the platypus?????
  14. despues de conocerlo quiero tener uno...pero es una especie en extincion. Asi que me conformo con los peluches...y ese sueño si que estaba extraño.....
  15. eh!!! que yo soy fan de perry el ornitorrinco......y no me presiones al muchachon....quien sabe si estaba borracho...y se arrepiente de lo dicho....:shocked: y quien sabe si mika tambien es fan de perry el ornitorrinco
  16. Hola a todos los argentinos!!!! Soy de Republica Dominicana y visite Argentina hace seis años y me encanto:thumb_yello: su pais es muy bello y espero volver a visitarlo. solo pase a decir hola
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