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Status Updates posted by DareToBeGolden

  1. Which of the songs would you like my arrangement to? And noo :( really wanted to go though but by the time i found out about it all the tickets had gone. Iv had to work hard for piano and guitar but i go to a youth choir on wednesdays since i was 8 so iv picked up a lot of skills that i can apply in my other instruments :) x

  2. I play piano,guitar and sing :) i have some of his song books which cover all the songs on both albums as they are played in the actual songs. My favourite one to play would have to be any other world because it has a gorgeous overture and isnt too hard to play (considering im grade 6) :)

    Would you like the tonic chords for any of the new songs (apart from make you happy) ? Iv arranged them myself to the correct pitch x

  3. Had a STRANGE dream last night with Mika in that involved 'chicken' in a school...in need of therapy..

  4. This will be my 6th year i think. Good luck im sure you'll he fine and if you want some practice you could listen to some of mikas french songs and memorise them. Iv learnt alot from his songs and think you may benefit too :) x

  5. Ermm i could translate some of the french songs Mika has done if you want? Its easier said than done to learn it, believe me i had to work really hard for that A*! x

  6. Aww bless you. Thats so good for you being so brave and doing something for what you believe in :)

    Do you want any chords for blame it on the weather, underwater or 82 rue de martyrs? Iv arranged them for guitar but they could be transferable for keyboard? x

  7. Yes and im doing french ALevel soon :D excited!

    i got an A* at GCSE level and i want to do something in it in the future. Do you? x

  8. 16 et je suis libre! Just like Karen from 82 rue de martyrs :) you? x

  9. I find that he lets me be what i want not what others want me to be. And im a bit different in other peoples eyes so i use him as a role model :)

    Hes definately a unique person but would any of us change him? ;) naww hes the best x

  10. So very true! Haha :)

    He is delicious isnt he? ;) x

  11. Oh cool! I play piano, guitar and sing :) Mika is a true inspirational to me because he makes me feel that when im singing or playing an instrument, i can be anything or anyone i want. He has made me into the person i am today and i couldnt ask him to be any more wonderful. Thats my reason for loving Mika. Whats yours? x

  12. Im an eighth scottish! Do you play any instruments? :) x

  13. Yorkshire in England :)

    whats your name? Mine is Nel x

  14. I sing, play piano and guitar :) im really passionate about music, it makes me feel free. I find Mika to be a true inspiration for me personally because he makes me feel like with music i have the power to be anything or anyone i want. I find his music meaningful and i relate to it so well. That is why i love mika. Whats your reason for liking mika? x

  15. The Uk, you? :)

    Do you play any instruments? x

  16. Hello to you too

    where you from? x

  17. Probably about three or four years i think :)

    oh my god, you're really close! Iv done some guitar parts for the new songs- minus Make you Happy- would you like a copy of any? X

  18. Aw you have a nice name. Where abouts in yorkshire are you from? Im from wakefield x

  19. Hello fellow yorkshire lass!

    Im Nel, whats your name? x

  20. Hi

    im nel, whats your name? x

  21. I agree. Although, i really hope that he doesnt play with the synthesised sound on blame it on the weather, and 82 rue de martyrs, cause i love their simplicity.

    Do you play any intruments? x

  22. Same to be honest. Where abouts is guildfor? Im from Yorkshire though im not exactly proud of it. As soon as i finish at uni, im off to live in london or travel and work in france or something. Thats the plan anyway! Haha

    What do you think to Make you Happy? I love it x

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