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Everything posted by eugenio

  1. The Origin Of Love è disponibile in preordine su iTunes Italia, con la tracklist della US Version http://itunes.apple.com/it/preorder/the-origin-of-love-us-version/id558058501 p.s.: è possibile ascoltare l'anteprima di 1:30 min di tutte le canzoni
  2. The latest issue also includes the review of the record, from the same author of the interview. So, I took the liberty of translating it. It's nothing compared to the huge work of Lucrezia but I always find interesting to hear some opinion from experts in the field. So, here's the scan (thanks to theriversaint) MIKA The Origin Of Love / Island-Universal Vote: 7.1 It had to happen, sooner or later. Mika is grown up, as a man and as a pop artist. With his third album, he has lost the naivety of his first two records: miniature musical, camp atmospheres, comic-pop and school-play thrills are faded away (fake but not at all, 'cause Mika is a self-confident performer). Apart from the title track, which opens and deceive with a medieval chorus, which tells the "machos" to take a running jump, The Origin Of Love is actually the birth of a more compliant (=homologated) popstar. [i thought about this ] With the single Celebrate he fights against Scissor Sisters, Maroon 5 and Black Eyed Peas for the conquest of the ether with a pop hit where 'fun' rhymes with 'we just begun'. Kids is even a step forward towards the spiritualistic side of Michael Jackson (the chorus has a gospel progression), but it's not about taking care of the world but just about "another California day". He tries to get back to the naïve pop of the first two records with Lola (a prominent beat and choirs in plenty) and partly he succeed, especially when he not rely on falsetto (come on, Mika, you have a great voice even with low tones!). Overrated is a dance track which could explain the undiscovered connections between Village People and Maroon 5. And Stardust is in line with a over-produced pop-dance which seems to obscure his prodigious voice. Mika left the backyard where he used to play and sing with his friends, in order to get out and compete with heavyweights of pop music. Little else remains of the boy who knew too much and who played to imitate Freddie Mercury and Elton John. In order to be pleasant to us, at least, because there's some extremely appealing material for radios here.
  3. Well, I don't know if it was posted yet...but, Universal Music Italy said something more about the 'Italian edit': the deluxe edition will feature two tracks - Origin Of Love and Stardust, as we already know - with some verses of the lyrics in italian! (Click here for the news) At first I thought it was just a different cut of the songs, I wasn't expecting this news today! I don't know what to expect, for now... it just makes me laugh a lot At least, it will be bloody funny listening to his FABULOUS italian
  4. Has anyone noticed that in the pre-order links there's this: 500 deluxe albums will be signed by MIKA at random, applicable to both the DELUXE 2CD and DELUXE 2CD + SCREENPRINT bundle. It has been recently added or am I wrong?
  5. Sam Llewellyn Smith ‏@samlleweewellyn Just a personal letter from #mika
  6. Ero certo che ci fosse lui sulla copertina di Settembre! È il SUO mese E di certo non sforna album ogni anno, quindi hanno fatto bene ad approfittarne In più c'era stata una piccola "caccia al tesoro" nei giorni precedenti, sulla pagina facebook della rivista... "Chi ci sarà sulla copertina di XL di settembre, in uscita il 31 agosto?" :teehee: Din din din, risposta esatta!
  7. The title says: Changing style (musically is 'genre' but I think it's deliberately ambiguous, also referring to his sexuality...)
  8. XL September issue! MIKA will be featured on the cover! (along with Muse) With a long interview about the new record and the last revelations about his sexuality So I guess no 'Pop up' this time http://videodrome-xl.blogautore.repubblica.it/2012/08/24/xl-79/
  9. Until Mika says "Hey, this is the cover for my new album, and the golden drops are made with the worst iPhone app EVER", I won't believe it.
  10. Well, I guess it's not the definitive cover. I mean, there's almost nothing of what he talked about during the . He said:"It's still very colorful"..."there's a lot more photography but there's a lot of illustrations as well. All the photography it's black & white and then drown on top of me are all these illustrations that are in color"..."I'm crying a tear of blood but then the blood turns into other things, turns into animals that are jumping up onto my head." And the artwork is inspired by the album cover of 'Disraeli Gears'...really? So, where are colours? And then there's the title, vertically positioned (), and I can clearly read 'The Origin of Love by Mika', that is not so proper for an album cover. Well, yeah, I think something's missing
  11. Thaaaanks for posting! I've been wondering for a while about the correct title name of the song... They called it The Origin of Love, then without 'The'. And now there's no definite article on that tracklist. I really hope that the song will be called TOOL, just like the album Maybe just because I'm used to TOOL and not to OOL
  12. What a nice piece of art! Now we know where this pic is from
  13. Probably the best interview for the new album so far! I LOVE talking about artworks, one of the aspects that fascinates me the most about a new album, aside from MUSIC, it's enough to say He finally said something about how the cover will look like, and I'm so glad he said it will be different! I found the concept very interesting, just using photos as wallpaper for the illustrations. I just can't stand the type of artwork made just with a photo of the artist to the foreground, usually made ​​for albums by artists who bet everything on the physical appearance So, as Mika said, the artwork is inspired by the album cover of 'Disraeli Gears' by Cream. (edit: pic previously posted ;D)
  14. This is the shirt he wore: Previously seen @ Crazy Week. I recognized it as soon as he suddenly came into the room Yeah, I hope they will realease the pics very, very soon Yo! I still have to share my report, I've been quite busy in the last two days I'm gonna share my feelings asap (Much has been told, but I still have a couple of things to say about )
  15. Questo è molto più di un report, sono parole che vengono dal cuore! È stata una lettura piacevolissima, te ne sono davvero grato
  16. I'm so glad he rocked Vigevano, he never stops showing his love for Italy. It would be great if he's going to attend the playback. I'm on my way to Milan, so excited Thanks for the lovely report!
  17. Buongiorno! Ancora in attesa della mail di conferma per il playback. E a voi, arrivato niente?
  18. Oh, senz'altro! Ricordo di averti intravista a Roma, due anni fa, ma scappai con un taxi subito dopo il m&g! Comunque, inauguro subito i MP, vorrei chiederti delle info ;D

  19. Grazie Marina! La tua gentilezza è rinomata :3

    Non esiterò a contattarti, allora! ;D

  20. Hello! No, I won't go because of university exams But, big news! I'll be in Milan on Wednesday to attend the playback of the new record And you're one of the guests, right? See you there Oh, that's nice Thank you so much, all of you!
  21. Ciao Sara! I vincitori del contest della pagina facebook(quella internazionale) sono stati sorteggiati sabato. Oggi si sapranno i vincitori del concorso indetto della pagina facebook italiana!
  22. Hello everybody! This is Eugenio. I'm a new user technically, but I follow MFC from a very long time without joining (I didn't use my first account, long story ) Well, I was a sort of ghost The italian forum is my hometown, since 2007. But now the time has come! Maybe some of you already know me via Twitter (@eusounds), or stuff like that. Anyway, until now I've been reading thoughts, opinions. Now I want to discover the person over the username. I'd really love to That's all, I think. Oh, well, just because I'm not awkward enough, this is me with the boy Yeah, cause with the real one is too mainstream (?) Oh, I'm so stupid Nice to meet y'all!!
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