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Everything posted by Narimène

  1. I'm selling one ticket for Grenoble 30th May. This is a standing ticket. Pm me if you are interested or contact me on Twitter @narmemene
  2. Je l'ai vu déjà vu la tenue je sais pas encore mais je sais juste que je voulais me faire une sorte de bandana avec trois rubans tressés un bleu un blanc un rouge, il faut que je trouve l'occasion d'aller m'occuper de ça! En tout cas compte sur moi
  3. I'm also a little bit afraid that Jon leaves before sansa comes.. so close to have two stark together (well a stark and a snow but you know what I mean) and yet we may not have it. It would be so frustrating.. I've read the same thing about Arya I do believe she will not stay there forever, she has much more to do. I loved the way they show her evolution. I guess she can go by herself and kick some ass right now hoping that jaqen hagar won't mind if she leaves though
  4. This episode was great! And the scene at the Tower of joy was so exciting! We are starting to have all the pieces about the theory of Jon's parents I'm so excited!! Looking forward to have the final word of what happened there. And Allister Thorne and all the rest finally had wad they deserved. Even if I was a little bit sad that Olly hated that much Jon by the way I was glad to see Jon having an important place on the show again! There is so many things that are happening my head is going to blow! I'm so afraid for Rickon!! But maybe it's going to be the reason that makes Jon marches on Winterfell soon? We will see... And I have the feeling that Cersei and Jaime are planning something terrible *gloups* ... And about Daenerys It's starting to be boring I hope that Drogon will show up soon and take her out of here Anyway looking forward for next episode
  5. About Roose watching him die made me happy *what goes around comes around* but on the other way It gives TOO much power to Ramsey... And when you know Ramsey you don't want him to have power! ^^ Then Theon's uncle makes me think of the Ramsey of the Iron Island, he seems to be a psycho too! Can't wait to see what they are going to do with him.
  6. Thank you it's not completely over I still have a week of exam *exhausted* Anyway I saw the teaser of next episode and it looks like it's gonna be epic! Can't wait! I'm sure if it was more available everyone would like it! But I don't think HBO will let the series to another channel
  7. I agree this song is really appropriate!! I didn't have the time to post because of my exam but I was going to come to share my happiness with you!! Finally he is back! This is such a relief. I can't wait to know the truth about Jon's parent and what he is going to do with Thorne and the rest. Also I expect that now that Jon is back HBO will give us an epic bastard's battle!
  8. It could look great if many of us are wearing those colors
  9. Yeah the episode was greaaaat! I also thought for a seconde that ramsey might have some feelings during the scene with myranda but then I realised he was just as crazy as always... I'm still have hope for Jon, they didn't burn his body yet so... however may ghost and the walkers or even the wildlings avenge him
  10. Je suis juste fan de ton compte rendu! *o* ça avait l'air vraiiiiment génial sinon je dis pétition pour le remboursement de la part de la Sécu
  11. Love this part! Here is another Sold my sword, broke my vows, tell me what did I get? Killed for you, lied for you, why don't you pay your debt? Oh could you behead me? I'm not even guilty You should be realising That winter is coming
  12. I guess we've seen the same thing anyway with this show we can never really spoil because nothing is completely sure! This is why we love it
  13. Don't know if you have seen the theory about Jon's parent but I truly believe in it which makes me sure that he can't be out of the show ^^
  14. Well maybe I've got too much hope but I'm pretty sure Jon Snow is dead BUT he is going to come back in a way or another! But if he doesn't well I join the WhiteWalker team with you x) Love your anthem by the way! "I've got no money in my pocket and George Martin wants to kill me When Baelish lies, Varys always finds the true Never trust Walder Frey when he says he forgives you Everytime in King's Landing you're risking your life ... Trusted you, lied for you, tell me what did I get?" Well just Wat came to my mind after reading you! ^^ Also think this is one of the best tv show ever. I'm rewatching all the 5 season before season 6! In France the first episode of the season 6 is going to be able only April 25th.. going to turn off the Internet during a day so to avoid spoil ^^
  15. Hey so here you are, welcome enjoy your journey on the mfc !!
  16. Hi guys ! Well I don't really know if I might come, like where I'm going stay in Paris (I never travelled by myself before so it's kind of scary and I really don't know Paris ^^). Also I have to make sur that I don't have school stuff. But anyway I bought my ticket for wonderland. I'm sooooo excited, I can say at 70% that I'm going to be there ! X!
  17. Bon je dirais pas jusqu'à l'une de mes préférés en français mais elle est entrainante à du peps rentre dans la tête... bref en soi ça pourrait le faire. Mais après c'est en français. J'ai rien contre les chansons françaises mais on va dire que en France globalement c'est ça passe ou ça casse. Je pense que c'est un paris plutôt risqué. J'ai l'impression que la maison de disque cherche à retrouver le carton qu'avait fais elle me dit en se disant "c'est en français ça va cartonner". Après voilà peut être qu'ils tiennent le bon bout et J'ai pas envie sera de ces chansons en français qui arrivent à percer. Même si personnellement je pense que Hurts ou OGYTD toucherais une plus grande audience. D'autant plus que ça aurait remis Mika au niveau d'artiste internationale.
  18. Oh enjoy tomorrow that's great that you will see him ???? you will be very tired but you will sleep the day after
  19. Bien sûr ! On utilisera le temps sur le MFC à bon escient ????????
  20. Haha so thanks to Mika I improve my english and you your French ???? but still we can blame the rest on him ???????? Au plaisir de t'aider à progresser en Français ????
  21. Le temps passe tellement vite sur le MFC haha. Et ouiiii je suis française ???? du coup venir sur le MFC n'à pas que des mauvais côté scolairement parlant : il me fait travailler mon anglais ???????????? Toi aussi tu es française?
  22. Well I've got lots of homework for tomorroW too and yet here I am ????????
  23. Bienvenue a toi. écoute en temps normal ya pas grand chose à faire à part partager dans la joie et la bonne humeur???? Bon en ce moment c'est bof la joie en France c'est sur ???? mais on est fort on peut et on doit aller de l'avant même, si on ne sait pas exactement vers où... ???? Une pensée à toutes les victimes en France et aux proches et ainsi qu'à tous les êtres humains qui souffrent à travers le monde ????
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