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Alyara last won the day on December 3 2016

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About Alyara

  • Birthday January 5


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    If you could look into the future, would ya?

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  1. Tanti auguri

    1. Alyara


      Thank you very much! So so sorry for the huge delay in replying, I haven't logged in here in a while.  Have a good day :)

  2. I honestly didn't find it all that difficult to understand, so I'm gonna share my understanding of the story, hoping that it will be helpful. Little Eurus was so clever and so different from all the other children that she had no friends and the only person who she had to play with was Sherlock, as they were the same age. He, however, already had his best friend to play with and never cared about his little sister, so she got jealous and thought that maybe by taking his friend away from him, he had no choice but to play with her. She even came up with that little song/riddle for Sherlock to solve and rescue his friend while actually playing along with her. She was only a child and could think of no other way to ask for help. But after his friend went missing, Sherlock was devastated and withdraw into himself, caring even less about Eurus, who, at this point, wanted to get rid of him as well, so she set the house on fire. So she was taken away and locked up alone, convincing herself even more that her brother didn't love her, since she got to see Mycroft every now and then, but she never saw Sherlock again, he even forgot about her. Then, probably while helping Mycroft search the internet for traces of plans of terrorist attacks, she noticed Moriarty, whose intention, like hers, was to make Sherlock suffer and eventually kill him and she took advantage of it, by requesting an unsupervised conversation with him. At this point (more or less during the time of season 2) they came up with a plan to get rid of Sherlock and knowing that Moriarty was willing to die for the cause, they probably arranged a back-up plan in case things didn't turn out as they were hoping, so that she could carry it on alone after Moriarty's death and that's her who broadcasted the Miss Me clip at the end of season 3. (If you consider that Sherlock pretended to be dead for 2 years, then there was John's wedding preparations, then Mary's pregnancy, then all the months she went away after Rosie's birth, it is in fact possible that 5 years had passed from the day Eurus and Moriarty met until the facts told in The Final Problem). Then, she decided to get close to Sherlock by getting close to John, flirting with him, pretending to be John's therapist and eventually meet Sherlock himself when she introduced herself as Faith, before revealing her true identity. The whole point of it was to lure him into Sherringford, where she had prepared all those tortures, and make him suffer, make him kill people and watch people die, make him hurt the people he loved, all to get her revenge. She was hurt by him and his indifference when they were children, so now he had to suffer, too. Of course Eurus is mental, no sane person would do such things, but taking a disturbed little child who only craved for affection and locking them up in complete isolation is not going to help that much. If anything, it only make her worse. The girl on the plane was in fact a metaphor, an image she created in her head to describe how she felt, so alone and so distant from the rest of the world, with no idea how to reach people and no one to help her. So, in the end, when Sherlock finally figured out what she really wanted to achieve with that song, he felt sorry for her and helped her understand that he did love and care about her. That's when she surrendered and helped him save John. After she was restrained in Sherringford again, Sherlock went several times to see her and play the violin with her, to make up for all the times he'd never played with her when they were little, to show her she was loved and try to save her from her torment. So, here's my conclusions: - Moriarty's game started as his own, but it then became Eurus's game, because they shared the same goal of burning the heart out of Sherlock and that's why she carried it on by herself in this last season. She probably even tried to use Moriarty to solve her problem without drawing attention onto herself, but once that failed, she had to take the reins. - Yes, the point of the whole episode was in fact Eurus's hatred and resentment towards Sherlock that she'd been harbouring for years and years and what's so ridiculous about that? She was a child with a great, yet disturbed mind and hurt feelings that found no better way to cope than seeking revenge. It's not like it's never happened before. - Eurus and Sherlock's story made perfect sense to me, it's a couple of other things I still wonder, like, who sends Mary's videos after her death? And why she recorded them in the first place? Why was Molly so upset even before Sherlock's call and what happened after?
  3. (This post contains some spoilers, so don't read it if you haven't watched the episode.) To be completely honest, I quite liked it. Yes, it was different from all the other episodes, but it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I've read some people complain that it made no sense, but, despite some minor loose ends, it did make sense to me. I couldn't help but love all the details that showed how human and caring Sherlock has become, from little things like how sweet he was to the little girl in the plane or when Mycroft wanted John to leave the room because that was a family matter and Sherlock replied "That's why he stays!" to when he had a proper meltdown and smashed the coffin, because he was aware of how much pain he was being forced to cause. I was so sad for him I actually wanted to cry. Even the ending when he hugged Eurus made sense. I think he eventually realised how similar they were, feeling lonely and unloved, but while Sherlock had the chance to learn about human relationships especially thanks to John, she, being locked up alone from a very early age, didn't have the same chance and maybe fed off the very same hatred that caused her to be locked up. So I think Sherlock knew that all she needed in the end was to see that he did love and care about her, unlike what she'd been thinking her whole life. The only moment that felt rather rushed was the very last minutes, when they played Mary's video. Yes, it was what I felt was the right ending, but I'd definitely have loved to see more of that. I do think they left some things pending, but very few and it was actually a smart move. They could always go on with a 5th season and explain more in depth what is still unclear but in case they can't manage another season for very long or at all, this could do as a conclusion anyway, for the most important questions have been answered.
  4. As far as I know the long breaks between seasons are because both Benedict and Martin are highly requested to appear in other films and thus it's hard to have them available at the same time for Sherlock. Marvel had actually to change their schedule for Doctor Strange to allow Benedict to finish filming the new season of Sherlock. I hope we'll get other seasons, though, even if we have to keep waiting that long. It's too good a show to just give it up. As for the impression of an unfamiliar Sherlock in the first episode of S4, I have to say I didn't think that at all. Those new aspects of his personality were gradually introduced throughout all S3, so it didn't happen overnight, imo. However, I agree that there's a need to balance sassy Sherlock and emotional Sherlock, because a drastic change of his personality in favour of the latter would be like getting rid of the funny part of the show as well as part of who he is.
  5. I know, right? Three episodes per season is really too little, especially for such a good enjoyable show. I know they're basically the same length as 3 full films, but still, it's something I think I'd never get bored of watching. It's too bad that we don't even have the time to absorb all that's going on, that it's already over. Sassy Sherlock is priceless and, although most of the other characters seem to have a hard time being around him, I find myself relating to him very very much. I definitely understand his struggle with people. However, it's good to get too see even his emotional side, I hope it'll finally make people realise that he's not an insensitive machine, but that he does care a lot in his own way, he's just misunderstood a lot because of his quirks. I mean, he can surely be a c*ck when he wants, like everybody else, but all the hate he gets is unnecessary. No wonder the few people who love him are the ones who're not put off by his seemingly rude manners.
  6. Oooh I didn't know there was a thread about this show! Let me try to bump it up by reposting what I said about the show in the Benedict Cumberbatch thread. I love Sherlock and even if I only watched it for the first time a few months ago, I'm kinda obsessed with him, to be honest XD I'm basically him, minus the super intellect. I'm so happy I didn't have to wait 3 years for the new season. Speaking of which... The Six Thatchers was... how can I say... not really what I was expecting. I liked it, but if that was the first episode, I can't imagine what's gonna happen in the last one. The Lying Detective was mind blowing! It almost felt like being high like Sherlock and Mrs Hudson was amazing. I love how she'd do anything to keep those two together. By the way, I've noticed Johnlock is quite a thing among Sherlock fans. Do you think it'll become real? I think it might, I wouldn't mind at all if that happened. It's something I kind of felt was there in a subtle way since the very first episode, even before reading about it all over the internet. I think showing the growth of Sherlock as a character, embracing his emotions more and more and showing his human side may also be in preparation for that moment and if it doesn't happen in the end it's either because the writers just wanted to fool us or they changed their minds and didn't go through with it, but the signs are there, it's not something the fans made up. Can't wait for the next episode! What are your thoughts on the new season?
  7. Well, the writers of the show are known for lying to avoid spoilers and/or mislead the audience on purpose and they also said (with these exact words) they think people will think "I was told this was going to happen and I didn't listen". Of course the references had to be subtle, because if they were too blatant, what kind of sucker punch would it be? But they're there for whoever chooses to see them and not ignore them. I think showing the growth of Sherlock as a character, embracing his emotions more and more and showing his human side may also be in preparation for that moment and if it doesn't happen in the end it's either because the writers just wanted to fool us or they changed their minds and didn't go through with it, but the signs are there, it's not something the fans made up. I completely agree. I've watched so many of his interviews and he always comes across as such a polite, educated, well-spoken, sweet and sensitive man as well as funny and witty. I'm spellbound by the kind of person he is.
  8. I've seen Doctor Strange, too! I liked it a lot, even though Marvel films aren't always my thing, but that one was fascinating with all those special effects and it had some very funny scenes. The six Thatchers was.... how can I say... not really what I was expecting. I liked it, but if that's the first episode, I can't imagine what's gonna happen in the last one. By the way, I've noticed Johnlock is quite a thing among Sherlock fans. Do you think it'll become real? I think it might, I wouldn't mind at all if that happened. It's something I kind of felt was there in a subtle way since the very first episode, even before reading about it all over the internet. Can't wait for the next episode!
  9. Heck, I am! I only discovered Benedict when I watched Sherlock for the first time a few months ago (shame on me for being sooo late) and I completely fell head over heels for him. He's an extraordinary actor, a very deep and fascinating person and, my gosh... he's got the most amazing pair of eyes I have ever seen in my life. I love Sherlock as well, of course. I'm kinda obsessed with him, to be honest XD I'm basically him, minus the super intellect. I'm so looking forward to watch the new episode in just a couple of hours! Happy Season 4 to all Sherlockians around the world!
  10. I'm so happy and proud of him. This is exactly why I like him, because he's an amazing person before being an amazing singer
  11. Don't know if this is the right place, however here's the lyrics of the English part Mika sang during the duet with Eros: staring back at my face in the mirror/ I couldn't understand/ would my reflection be any clearer/ to a woman or a man/ make sense of me cause I know that I need ya/ don't leave without a trace/ just lead me to a better place/ don't (n)ever let me fall from grace Thanks to Vv for the help in getting them right (hopefully!)
  12. The way I see it, it wasn't exactly his choice to build a career here. I mean, he didn't wake up one day and said "Let's flip a coin and see where to go and do tv shows" He was offered to become a judge in XF in Italy and it was a stroke of luck, as I understand he wasn't doing very well at that time. Of course he took the opportunity. Everything started there, as far as Italy is concerned. He has been invited everywhere and offered other opportunities ever since. And right after XF here he started to do The Voice in France.
  13. Expect a lot of people to your place, then, Mamiam!
  14. There's one thing I really don't get in all of this, though. Was it that much better when he used to focus more on the UK instead of Italy and France? I'm obviously not talking about those three countries, but, say, for Spain, Georgia, Brazil or New Zealand (just to mention those I've seen mentioned in this discussion before)? Did you get more concerts in your country back then? Would it make any difference for your country if he focused on the UK now instead of France or Italy? Or is it just because we're getting more concerts than before and you don't? Or is it even a matter of "Why that country and not mine"? Or is it because you don't like him doing tv shows at all? Really, how does him focusing on Italy and France now affect you in a bad way compared to when he didn't? Except for the UK, obviously
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