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Posts posted by teenagedreamer98

  1. 5 hours ago, We-Are-Golden said:


    Yeah! :excite: Sadly I don't understand a word of it :aah: 


    Me neither, but the atmosphere is great! :biggrin2:


    I'm hoping to get audience tickets, but I'm not sure how that works exactly.  Is it a random draw or first-come-first-served?  Will there even be a live audience this year?  I have no idea. :dunno:


    If possible, though, I'd love to go.  I would absolutely love to see Mika again.  Besides, I'm in desperate need of a holiday! :aah:


    But even if I can't go, I'm sure it will still be amazing! :)

  2. 1 hour ago, We-Are-Golden said:


    Yeah hopefully! Beeing sick isn't fun :wags_finger: And those stupid neighbours! :angry: Can't you speak to someone about that?


    I've been going to that park since I was little, but I love to go there everytime. :wub2: 



    I'm going to report it to reception, but I don't know if there's much they can do.  Hopefully they can do something though, it's disrupting my sleep! :annoyed_h4h:


    You must have some very special memories of that place. :wub2:

  3. 2 hours ago, We-Are-Golden said:


    Oh no, what do you have? :(  Hope you're feeling better soon! :hug: 


    I'm doing good. I've been to an amusementpark (the Efteling) on Monday wich was very fun. It's such a magical park :biggrin2: 


    Thanks! :hug:


    It's just a sickness bug.  Hopefully it will go away soon.  I was kept awake for hours last night by noisy neighbours again, so that didn't help. :angry:


    That's great!  I saw your pictures and it really does look like a magical place. :wub2:

  4. 1 hour ago, Starlight said:

    Oh no I'm sorry! :(

    How do you feel now? :hug:


    I had a terrible week... my colleagues are obviously disliking me and don't keep it to themselves...


    I'm feeling a little better now, thanks.  It's still a bit noisy at night, so if it continues I'm going to report it.


    That's a shame. :(  If it gets worse, you should definitely do something about it.


    1 hour ago, daItrick said:

    Hello! I'm a newbie in here, haha... how's eveyone doing? :biggrin2:


    Welcome! :D

  5. 25 minutes ago, luvin mika 4eva said:

    Hi everyone, quick update about the Peugeot gig tomorrow. I've finally been given all of the information (we're leaving in less than 12 hours!) They're calling it a Private Showcase of Mika and the invite says it will be broadcast on social media so you guys might get to watch live but they haven't said where so I assume keep an eye on Peugeot's facebook page around 7:30 (Paris time) tomorrow night :thumb_yello: I'm not sure where to post this for more people to see it? Feel free to quote this in a proper thread...


    In terms of my 'prize' we're being picked up at home at 6:30 tomorrow morning in a mercedes to be driven to Heathrow. Not arriving at the hotel (4 stars!!) until about 3:30 apparently so then have 4 hours free to explore Paris before heading to the venue. No idea if I get to meet Mika but I will be maximising my chances by wearing a large pink badge that says Birthday Girl (we'll just ignore the fact that my birthday was actually Saturday :mf_rosetinted:). Also no idea what time it ends but if it's not too late it would be nice to go and see the Eiffel Tower all lit up. Then the next day we have more free time until 2pm when we'll be taken back to the airport :emot-sad: Not really sure what we're gonna do that morning other than just wander about. Any suggestions greatly appreciated! We have about 4 hours the first day but we need to have dinner at some point in that then 5ish hours the next day and will have to walk everywhere. I'm assuming souvenirs will be easy to find! 


    Sounds so exciting!  Have fun tomorrow :D

  6. 4 hours ago, Starlight said:



    Is it only me or does the weekends really pass that fast?


    Yeah, the weekends always pass too quickly. :(


    I felt really homesick last night.  It was really bad.  I couldn't get to sleep for ages because these stupid drunken girls were shouting in the corridor outside my flat.  I suddenly felt overwhelmed with homesickness.  My own home is really quiet, so this is going to be hard to get used to. :tears:

  7. 10 minutes ago, Starlight said:

    Hello there!!! Sorry for my longer absence again... I'm really missing this place when I can't come online. But I'm very occupied with my job. So I don't have much time during the week.

    What's going on?? :D


    Welcome back! :)


    I recently moved into my new flat.  This is my first time living on my own, so it's very daunting and exciting at the same time. :aah:

  8. 12 hours ago, We-Are-Golden said:

    And how's everything going now Fiona? Are you settling in well? :) 



    How's everyone else doing? :D 


    Hi, I'm doing alright at the moment, thanks. Still feels a bit weird to be away from home, but I guess I'll get used to it. Weirdly enough, there is a girl in my college course who is originally from my home town! She's also a big Harry Potter fan, so that helps. :naughty:


    Only trouble is, I still can't seem to get the wifi working on my laptop. Using my phone at the moment, but I need my laptop to study. Hopefully it will be sorted out soon. :sneaky2:


    How are you doing? Got any plans? :)

  9. On Sunday, September 03, 2017 at 9:16 PM, silver said:


    Are you allowed to decorate it at all?  I've rented places where you couldn't change the wall colour or main furniture, for example, but was able to add throws and cushions to make it more my style.


    Yeah, we're not allowed to change anything, but there is a noticeboard where you can pin up posters. I have some Mika pictures up already, and I even brought my precious Mika cushion to make it more homely. :D

  10. Hi everyone, I just moved into my own flat!  It's incredibly exciting and daunting at the same time.  Wifi is a bit slow and YouTube doesn't seem to work for now, but hopefully I'll get that sorted out. :aah:


    I've already started my Professional Writing course and I'm really enjoying it so far.  I'm so pleased to be studying something I actually enjoy. :D

    • Like 1
  11. 53 minutes ago, Monsi67 said:

    Hello Mika fans ^_^ 

    how are you all?

    I made a AWFUL nightmare some nights ago, Mika had died by a heart attack :tears: and this forum was like an abandoned house :dunno:

    Fortunately he his more beautiful and alive than ever :wub: so here we are.

    Have a wonderful weekend you all :flowers2:


    Oh dear, that's awful!  Just be thankful it wasn't real. :whew:


    5 hours ago, We-Are-Golden said:


    Same :aah: I need vacation again! :aah: 


    It's only 4 months to Christmas.  Hang on in there! :newyear:


    I'm moving into my new flat next week.  The time has been going so fast!  Hard to believe I'll soon be living on my own in Glasgow for the very first time :excite:

    • Like 1
  12. 13 hours ago, Mikasister said:


    Just took a look at the thread and read you post. I dont know any book/ Mika's biography in english. The ones I know are in french and italian as you say. I bought on of them in italian, this one. Someone told me that a fan wanted Mika signed this book and he refused, I guess because it's not an official biography. Soon the official will be published, I guess, the famous book Mika has talked about but as fas as I know it's  an italian publishing house who'sresponsible for publishing the book, so probably it will be in italian but I hope for an english translation at last. 



    I hope his book will be released in English as well.  Surely his management should realise that he has loads of English-speaking fans!


    You said you bought an Italian book - would you say it is worth buying even if you don't speak Italian? :dunno:

    • Like 1
  13. 13 hours ago, We-Are-Golden said:


    I also don't live in a big city, although we do have a 'highstreet' with quite some shops for a little town. :P 

    That will be a big change! But a good one! :) Then you can go out and walk around every day if you'd like haha! :naughty: 


    Yeah I'm really looking forward to it.  It will be so great to live in a city and meet new people! :)

  14. On ‎08‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 1:57 PM, We-Are-Golden said:


    We don't have one in my city, but there is one in the city a few km from us. I go there a few times a year, most of the times with the bus, wich stops not even 100 meters from it. :naughty: So I'm quite lucky :naughty: I live for that shop. :aah: 


    Yesterday we went to the city Den Bosch, wich is a really nice and old city, there's a lot to see and a lot of shops (again :aah: ) Didn't buy too much tho, just 3 things. :naughty: But I love walking around there. :love: 


    I love walking around cities.  I've always loved the atmosphere of a city.  My town is really small and I have to travel at least 50 miles to get better shops!  But I won't be living here for too much longer though - once I start my writing course, I'll have my very own flat in the middle of Glasgow. :D

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