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Posts posted by teenagedreamer98

  1. Tom Hiddleston is honestly one of my favourite actors.  Previously, I'd only seen him in Thor, but recently I started to watch more of his work and I can safely say I'm addicted!  I love his performances in War Horse and The Night Manager, as well as his role as Loki of course. :teehee:


    He always seems very charming and I think it would be cool to meet him in person.  Did I also mention the fact that he's super HOT?! :wub:



    Tom 2.jpg

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  2. The show was absolutely fantastic!  I always wished that Mika would perform at the SuperBowl Halftime Show, but this was the next best thing... and it was amazing :mf_lustslow:

    I loved seeing the young dancers and the fireworks, but my favourite part was Underwater.  A stadium of 83,000 stars was a mesmerising sight.  Mika looked so happy to perform there, you could see it in his eyes.  I also thought that ending with We Are Golden/Origin of Love was an excellent choice!  I'm so proud of our superstar :wub:

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  3. I am beyond excited right now.  As a huge fan of musical theatre, it will be a dream come true to hear Mika perform this song.  "Music of the Night" is one of my favourite songs, and to hear Mika sing it will be simply magical. :wub2:


    The strange thing is, I was talking to my mum yesterday, and I specifically remember saying how I'd love to hear Mika perform this song... and now he is!  My prayers have been answered.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Sabine64 said:

    O.K., let me tell you. Before I found out about Mika my life was in different shades of grey, I was in a hamster wheel and on my way to a big life crises because my life was everything I didn´t expected when I was younger. I grew up very protected and so I was afraid of nearly everything and never really never travelled without my parents or my husband..........

    Mika brought so much colour into my life with his music and his personality. I started to learn using internet, I started to refreshmy English which I didn´t use for 26 years until I joined MFC, I started to learn French because I want to understand what happens around me when I am in France for gigs, I started to travel alone and grew with every tripp I did because of Mika, I found many wonderful friends thanks to him. So I can say my life changed a lot since I stumbled about Mika and I´m really happy now.

    Is this helpful for you? :wink2:



    Thanks for your response.  I love reading about how Mika has influenced people, will be great to mention this in my article :)

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  5. Hi folks!  I'm writing an article on Mika for college and was wondering if some of you could help me out.


    The article is about why Mika is a wonderful role model and an inspiration to others.  I would love to write about the many positive impacts Mika has had on his fans, and how they have changed since becoming a fan.  So how has Mika inspired YOU?  Have you grown more positive?  Confident?  Changed your viewpoint in any way?


    Any thoughts would be appreciated, so feel free to comment below how Mika inspires you!


    Thanks :)

    • Like 1
  6. Well... I finally managed to tell the guy I like how I feel.


    I was incredibly nervous but luckily he was flattered.  We decided it's better to stay friends right now, but at least he was nice about it.


    Admittedly I still have some feelings for him.  After all, he was my first kiss (long story!) :teehee:  But I've accepted that nothing more will happen.  In the end, I still think he was uncomfortable with the age gap, but I can't help that.  I wish him the best anyway. :)

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  7. 54 minutes ago, cat_loves_mika said:

    Let me know how it goes with him! The best way to figure out how he feels is being straightforward, but the difficult thing is figuring out if you want to risk the status quo of your friendship to do so. If its driving you crazy, I'd shoot the moon and ask. But I'm a blunt person, so I've never had difficulty with that kind of thing. 


    Man, this is making me think about all my relationships that were complete s**t from before I met my boyfriend. My last boyfriend was a literal sociopath. I fell for him because he liked Mika and he sang opera and all this s**t... was a scumbag though. :baghead: But it just makes me super thankful for how great my man is now. :wub:


    I'll let you know how I get on.  Usually I tend to be tactful with people, although my new year resolution was to tell people how I really feel, so I'd better stick to it haha!  I'm going to try and hang out with him more, on a one-to-one basis.  That way, we might be more open to each other.


    That sucks but I'm happy you found a wonderful person.  There was a guy I liked at high school, but when he found out I liked him he went mad at me and said he never wanted me to contact him again. :( This was years ago, but I'm worried that the same thing might happen again with the guy I like now.  Hopefully not, though.

  8. 12 hours ago, cat_loves_mika said:

    Age gaps usually don't matter, but can be a little tricker when you're younger; like us. My boyfriend and I have a 6 year age gap and we never notice it most of the time and we have been together for almost 2 years now (we even live together, plan on moving across the country together, plan on getting married, etc.), but sometimes things will hit me that reminds me how young and naïve I truly am compared to him. Like when I hang out with his friends, I'm the only one still in school and the rest of them have careers or are married/getting married. It can be odd at times, but not to the point where I regret anything about the relationship I have. 


    Why not ask him out!? I think if you like him and you think he likes you too you, don't have much to lose. I was the initiator in my relationship and look where I am now :lmfao:  We also met on tinder, but that's another story. 


    My parents have a 6 year age gap and they've been married for over 20 years, so I know it can definitely work.  But, as you say, it can be difficult, which is why I'm so apprehensive.


    I'm really not sure whether he likes me or not.  Some days I think he does, others I think not.  I've been getting so many mixed signals and it's been driving me crazy! :doh:


    I've spoken to several people about it though and they all said it's worth a try, so I guess I'll have to see how it goes.  Thanks for the advice. :)

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  9. 24 minutes ago, Siri said:


    My brother and her girlfriend have a gap of 8 years. They are together since 2010 I think (?) Don't remember well.

    My best friend have a boyfriend 8 years elder than her. They are together since we were at high school (we're finishing university now).

    I once had a relation with a guy elder than me. The gap was of 7 years. Our relation lasted 4 years. It was my first relation so did not know what I was doing neither :wink2: when he asked me what I thought about him, I told it was a really good friend of mine; he asked if he could be more, my answer was "I don't know". But I loved talking with him and so he became more than a friend.


    What I want to say is don't mind the age gap. If you like spending time with him, do it! And if he likes hanging out with you too that's good. So, even if he rejects you, you can continue being friends, and maybe it can become more with time...or not, but you still have a good friend with no misunderstandings! (I had that problem too, I thought I had a good friend once, then I discovered he wanted sth else :annoyed_h4h:)


    Edit: I took it for granted he's a good boy. I don't know him nor you or how much do you trust him. However please be careful, you never know and we hear such things nowadays...


    Thanks for your advice.  My uncle and his girlfriend also have a gap of 8 years, so I know that it can work.  However, I know it can be an issue for some people, and I really don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.


    I've known this guy for three months.  I would say I know him pretty well now, so I trust him and know that he's a caring person.  It's weird to say this, but I feel some sort of connection with him.  He also has the most gorgeous blue eyes. :wub2:


    I will probably ask him out at some point, but for now I'll wait and see what happens. :wink2:

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