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Everything posted by We-Are-Golden

  1. I'm doing good! I've just had 2 weeks of vacation, still kinda sad they're over. And you?
  2. Ugh, I can imagine! It's good to have a place where you can say what you want right? Feel free to pop in here more!
  3. Hello and welcome to MFC! I'm sure you'll find a lot of Mika here.
  4. Yes! For sure! It feels like... just a few weeks ago for me, it's so weird! Don't lose hope! I'm sure you'll get another chance seeing him! Same for me!
  5. That's true. Yes! I hope we get a opportunity maybe at a gig or something, that would be very special! A year goes by so fast right? Way too fast. It's been 1 and a half years since I saw Mika... can't believe it really..
  6. I can imagine, I also find travelling very tiring (and stressful). Glad you had a great time! I've seen a few photo's and it looked like you all had a lot of fun! And that Mika cake looked delicious indeed. Yeah, I was really shocked when I heard the news. I hoped everyone from MFC was fine, but I wasn't sure. Good to know everyone is doing ok.
  7. Ikr, I miss chat! I'm doing fine, came back yesterdaynight from holiday and I now still have 1 week of vacation, so I'm good. And you? I live in the Netherlands, so I think I'm on when you're asleep.
  8. I did! I have a bit of a tan yes! (I don't get a tan easely sadly ) Oh I love that photo. I can imagine you keep cuddling it. I can imagine, I'd be nervous too, but I'm sure everything will be just fine! At least you're not alone when you get to London.
  9. It was great, thanks! I did yes haha Got a sunburn on the 1st day already But we've been laying at the pool a lot and we've walked around to see things, it was really nice Also visited the Loro Park, wich was really beautiful Went a bit crazy with souvenirs as well Here again: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Yes, is the cushion nice? Was it worth the wait? Oh exciting!! I hope you have a lot of fun (I'm sure you will tho )
  10. Hello everyone, I'm back from my holiday! I see I missed nothing here.
  11. True, it was enjoyable to watch. Ugh, don't get me started about that.
  12. I also don't get it, plus I don't understand Portugese, so I have no idea what the song was about. I admit, it wasn't my favorite song.
  13. At least! I think it always will make me feel... kinda special Nothing better then to go outside with a book. Okay, listening to Mika is better obviously
  14. I still kinda am yes! I think that will last a few days hehe. Weather isn't amazing here as well, it's warm, but also rainy. Had to work today, but I'm off tomorrow and Monday and apparantly the weather for Monday will be quite nice, so I might go outside in the sun and read a book.
  15. I'll see if I can read it when I have time! How's everyone's weekend so far?
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