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About We-Are-Golden

  • Birthday 02/29/1992


  • Bio
    Just another Mikaddicted freak

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  • Location -
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Mika obviously! I also love Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, IDKhow, Harry Potter, Doctor Who and the Walking Dead! My hobbies are reading, photographing and watching movies/series. 🥰

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  1. I am doing okay yes! It's hot here right now and I'm not build for that, so not too pleased with that Yes exactly! I feel the same way Oh that is fast! Hope all goes well!
  2. Aaaww that's just amazing! Oof you're a busy one! It's so nice you can do everything from home Here in the Netherlands we're quite good on vaccines (at the moment that is ) Especially with Pfizer or Moderna
  3. Hello! Happy to hear from you! I'm glad you're enjoying your job! It's good to have something to keep you busy, especially now! Vaccinewise we're now finally going to good way here. I've planned my 1st vaccination on the 29th! Hope you can get yours soon too! I relate to this so much
  4. Hello! I've been doing well thank you And thanks! My nephew has been born at the beginning of May and he is just the cutest. Congrats to you too on becoming an aunt, I can tell you: it's amazing! It's understandable you decided to do that, it's the best decision. Better be safe Meanwhile life is just going on as usual here, staying home as much as I can I'm very grateful I have a job where I can work outside. Nothing really changed for me workwise, I only got more work, but I'm not complaining about that! (I work as a postwoman). Now I'm waiting to receive my invitation to get my vaccination, wich I hope will be somewhere this month. I hope everyone is doing well!
  5. Happy Birthday  :hug:


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    1. Paoletta


      Happy Birthday...  Greeting Happy Birthday GIF by macniten

    2. We-Are-Golden
  6. It's been a exact year ago already since I saw Mika in Utrecht. Seems like a whole different world. :crybaby:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mikasister


      I'm starving of Mika's gigs and concerts in general. I take comfort in seeing them on the screen of my laptop, but it's not de same *sigh*:no:

    3. teenagedreamer98


      Hopefully you will be able to see him again when it is safe :hug:

    4. giraffeandy
  7. I have put up and decorated our Christmas tree today! It's a fake one, I think that's easier. Although I must say I do miss the smell of a real one sometimes. I've also put up a smaller tree in my bedroom, because why not.
  8. Here we call him Sinterklaas and he comes on the 5th!
  9. Ah yeah, the whole situation right now is not fun. But I get that you're very careful now! That's the best to do! That's true!
  10. Thank you so much!! Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that Yes, Mika is the best medicine! Stay strong! Thank you! Hellooo! Thank yooouuu! Aaaww 16 years already? Time really flies doesn't it. This is my first time beeing an aunt so I'm excited to see what it will bring! Oh good! It really helps now if you're okay with beeing inside. It's good to stay careful. I'm glad you're doing well I'm not a 'going out' person either, that really helps now
  11. *bump* Helloooo, how is everyone doing? I'm still working right now, but a lot of things are closed at the moment. I'm happy that I have an outside job (I deliver mail). Everything makes me a bit depressed sometimes though. Also in other, more happy, news: I'm going to be an aunt!
  12. Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
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