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Everything posted by CarlottaP

  1. I totally agree with you: a wonderful experience in a very particular night.
  2. I have one. It costs 20 euros. Contact me if you are interested.
  3. Thank you. By the way if you come to Florence for the concert we can meet and have a talk. It's always a good thing to know different people from different countries and, why not, with different opinions. Do you agree?
  4. Ok it doesn't matter. Probably there is a misunderstanding but it's okay. Have a nice day!
  5. I know but it was just a list of countries where he played. I meant that he is often traveling all around the world for his gigs and that he isn't only and always in Italy and France!
  6. Maybe it's true that in these last years he has spent more time in Italy and France than in other European countries but hae used to work in some talent shows. If you get a job in a e certain place you can't be somewhere else. Of course he is free to choose what, where and when do concerts, shows etc. As far as I can remember in February 2016 he was on tour in the Far East, and in Spain. He has gone several times in Canada,and in Mexico and United States and of course in the UK. As you can see he goes in many countries but I can understand that you feel apart. Maybe you should try, as Georgian fans, to do something to let him know how do you feel. I think that if he knew he would come to your Country. Of course I don't know him personally but, accordingly to what I have understood about him, he is definitely a very caring person so he won't let his fans down. Good luck and think positive.
  7. Mi fa piacere che anche un programma come questo si occupi del fenomeno Mika. Il fatto che tutti ne parlino ovunque vuol dire che obiettivamente ciò che sta facendo Mika non è così scontato. Anzi. Si tratta pur sempre di uno straniero senza legami di sorta col nostro Paese che in tre anni o poco più ha imparato bene la lingua, si è fatto conoscere e apprezzare non solo come artista ma anche come persona. Dico "artista " perché parliamo di un musicista, di un cantante, di un compositore, di un conduttore e di un attore riuniti in un'unica persona che, per di più, non è non italofona (dettaglio non da poco ve lo dice una insegnante di lingue straniere).Niente male direi! Chissà che prima o poi qualche " star" nostrana non prenda esempio e ne segua le orme tornando ad innalzare il livello della TV nazionale!
  8. Me too, I'd like to step into 2017 with MFCers. Let's find something to do!
  9. Sarà la prima volta in vita mia che faccio una cosa del genere. Comunque saremo 4 persone e confido che sarà una bella esperienza!
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