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Everything posted by Elenita

  1. Ahh my Spanish is really terrible, I've forgotten most except for the basics
  2. Lucky you! Yeah it was really an enjoyable gig to watch!
  3. It's the Spanish version of my real name Elena. I lived in Colombia for a year and picked up the nickname there
  4. And when I say "new fan" I mean I literally discovered Mika and his music for the first time over this past weekend. It was purely accidental, but sometimes hours wasted on Youtube will bring you to find amazing things. Now I cannot stop his songs from playing through my head even when I'm trying to sleep! I also discovered this site by chance, I was looking for English subtitles to the "Les Mondes de Mika" documentary special. The translating team is incredibly brilliant and a huge blessing, thank you guys so much! I live in Shanghai, China, and one of my biggest regrets is that I wasn't a fan last year when he had his concert here!!! Oh well, fingers crossed for second chances.... I'm looking forward to enjoying everything this site has and meeting new people. Thanks to those who've made this site and this platform for sharing possible!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5P9lx6tat0 here's a link to the incident
  6. "I walk around in my suit and I’m the guy you don’t look in the eyes, that you avoid. I am the strange man in the metro at 1 A.M., I am the one at school that you don’t recognize, even on the school photos. I am like millions of people around the world , outside of the stage I’m a ghost. But one night in a bar, I see you and my heart goes boom boom boom, but you, you don’t even see me. I tell myself this time it will be different, this time you won’t ignore me. I go to the bathroom and I look at myself in the mirror. I comb my hair, I slap myself, and I tell myself: 'You Mika, you are a super hero, you are handsome, you are a super hero, you are as classy as Clark Gable, you have the groove of Gainsbourg ; you have the swag of James Dean, you are gorgeous' and I get back into the bar to say hi to you , to tell you what you did to my body and my heart. I look at you, but you’ve gone already."

  7. Hi everyone I'm new here, just spent the whole day going through all the amazing material here, thanks especially to the amazing translating team, you guys deserve the world for your contributions! I was watching the Mobistar concert where he forgot the lyrics to "Lola" and then tried to get someone to look up the lyrics then seemed kinda pissed when they didn't find it. I thought it was hilarious but also wondered what other singers do when they forget their lyrics? Do they also get the audience to help or just change songs? And then I wondered why didn't Mika have the lyrics printed out? He seems to have these papers on the top of his piano. And he said whoever gave him the lyrics could sit on the stage for the rest of the gig but I didn't see that. Sorry if this topic has already been covered.
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