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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Yes, I have just received the same email!!! So the e-ticked will be sent to us tomorrow?
  2. https://www.barbican.org.uk/whats-on/2022/event/royal-shakespeare-company-my-neighbour-totoro
  3. Just to remind an old photo Mika posted in August 2020. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXR2Pkl2eu/
  4. oh, really? You have a ticket with the place number on it? I don't have it yet.
  5. Oh thank you. So actually it depends which entrance you will take. When I was watching a video on YouTube I've seen the left one. So it is like the "ground level". I didn't know about the other one called "main entrance". So it's good to know which one you will choose. I am a little stressed because I don't know how long it will take me to arrive as I will land at 2pm (if no delays). Then a train. Then I need to get to my hotel. And then I will take a tube, or a bus or I will walk. So this additional step to find the box office scares me a little. Now I know where to go. I cross my fingers not to be late
  6. I have just read the message from Deb. So we need to pickup our tickets from the box office. Does anybody know in which part of the venue it is? At the main entrance?
  7. Actually I can imagine that there will come a moment where Mika fans take over the venue Only one hope - we will not be more than 60
  8. And he has just posted a story with his vocal exercises. Maybe they have a rehearsal before Thursday? It gives me shivers!!!!
  9. Ha ha ha! This is what I wanted to comment as well seeing his new post Andysoon sounds like Mikasoon!
  10. Hej Julia. Jesteś nową fanką, więc na pewno nie będziesz się tu nudzić. Jest tyle informacji do przeczytania, filmów do obejrzenia. Ja, kiedy wstąpiłam do fanklubu , zarwałam wiele nocy, bo ciągle znajdowałam coś pasjonującego tutaj i nie mogłam oderwać się od ekranu
  11. Yes, I think too that Andy's photos have been taken earlier. He can be now in Athens to edit his podcast.
  12. Mika posted on Instagram. UK FANS!During the summer I traveled across the UK to film a very special new project for Channel 4 called ’The Piano’ with the brilliant @claudiawinkle and @langlangpianoThe series will culminate in a spectacular concert at London’s Royal Festival Hall this Thursday and the series will be televised on C4 in the UK spring 2023!Can’t wait to tell you more about this new show, the brainchild of Love Productions.
  13. Mika posted about the Thursday concert! UK FANS!During the summer I traveled across the UK to film a very special new project for Channel 4 called ’The Piano’ with the brilliant @claudiawinkle and @langlangpianoThe series will culminate in a spectacular concert at London’s Royal Festival Hall this Thursday and the series will be televised on C4 in the UK spring 2023!Can’t wait to tell you more about this new show, the brainchild of Love Productions.
  14. Cześć Laura. Mam nadzieję, że spodoba Ci się tutaj. Myślę ogólnie o MFC Forum. Większość wątków jest po angielsku, więc na pewno najwięcej czasu tam spędzisz. Mało jest aktywnych fanów z Polski, więc tutaj piszemy dosyć rzadko. Ale może to się zmieni? Powoli polscy fani się uaktywniają i jest nas coraz więcej. Zapraszam również na cotygodniowe Insta Live (może już oglądałaś). Tam Deb dzieli się wszystkimi aktualnościami i możemy poznać fanów z całego świata - i zobaczyć ich twarze na małym ekranie telefonu Zapraszam również na moją stronę internetową www.mikapopolsku.com gdzie w miarę na bieżąco uzupełniam kalendarz wydarzeń z Miką, jego biografię oraz piszę o tym, co się akurat dzieje.
  15. Cześć. Witamy w klubie. Możesz napisać kilka słów o sobie?
  16. I never have questions to ask him. Especially when I see him. All seems to me so trivial! Anyway I had only one occasion to talk to him. But I had a subject to talk So I don't expect anything in London - if we ever see him. But other fans for sure will ask some questions.
  17. a question to ask him in London (if we manage to meet him after the show)
  18. Well, I prefer to think that sometimes there are things he cannot share with us but he want to stay connected with us. So he posts anything and then he reads our comments with a big smile on his face
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