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Posts posted by Paoletta

  1. On ‎11‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 1:05 AM, ottimistaaccidentale said:

    Yesterday was my fourth Mika's concert :)

    Somehow last night, I managed to vet very close to the stage
    I hadn't seen him live for more than two years and many things, as we know, changed.
    The show itself has got a total change.
    First of all, I noticed that we no longer start from any hell or paradise, but from an origin and, as the song says, the origin of everything is love.
    There is no time for nostalgia: there's one song after another, one color after another, one dance after another.
    There is no time for tears: for the first time I haven't cryed.
    The pain is there, but it is hidden between the lines, and fails to dominate the rest.
    Mika jumps from one side of the stage to the other, plays, dances, he offers himself completely to his audience without never stopping.
    The revelation this explosion of joy carries is only one: we must stay high.
    I believe that we can improperly define this concert a huge and messy group therapy: we are all here, and for two hours we dance without consequences. We forget pain, we are up and we promise to stay there.
    Here is what has not changed in Mika: it's an extremely personal concert. Joy is universal, but the story is his, the music is his and the origin is his.
    I was there, under the stage, looking at Mika against the light, with his pink piano, and despite all the s**t I heard from the people in front of me, despite my poor back, I could only smile: what a surreal night.


    This concert made me feel good, and that's why I first called it a therapy. I know that the memories from this evening will be with me for a long time.
    Mika is always Amazing 









    @ottimistaaccidentale è vero it's true also for me it's the same  Mika is a therapy!!! natural and easy so so beautiful concert!!!  però la gente non ha rispetto per lui che scende tra il pubblico sta lavorando per noi non è un giocattolo da sballottare il proverbio dice "Guardare e non toccareee" Mika non si tocca!!! non è un palloncino che lo butti di qua e di la io fossi lui non scenderei più ma lui è troppo buono spero un di di incontrarlo solo lui magari a qualche evento chissà intanto me l'ho son visto live e mi son divertita un mondoooo e lo rifarei!! Mika mi sta insegnando a fregarmene un po' di più delle cose del domaniii oggi è oggi e domani ci penso domaniiii Grazie Mika e alla prossima e soprattutto a stare high nei giorni down

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  2. 21 hours ago, Gabry74 said:

    Il concerto vero e proprio inizierà alle 21:30, prima si esibirà il/la supporter. Nel Revelation Tour italiano sono previsti tre ragazzi che si alterneranno per aprire i concerti di Mika. :original:

    Ok Grazieeee 1000 come sempreee... sicuramente mi accaparrerò qualcosa del merchandising sperando che ci sia qualcosa

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