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About ottimistaaccidentale

  • Birthday 03/17/2003

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  • Interests
    Music, piano, drawing, crafting, graphic design

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  1. Does anyone know if there's a way to partecipate as public?
  2. I was lucky and I got a ticket. I'm so happy since it's my first time seeing Mika in Milan since moving here
  3. I'm looking for a ticket for the concert in Milan at Teatro degli Arcimboldi Cerco un biglietto per il concerto a Milano al Teatro degli Arcimboldi
  4. Tanti auguri :yay:


    Rainbow Ice Cream - Julie's Eats & Treats ®

    1. ottimistaaccidentale


      Grazie,thank you!! :mikalove:

    2. Paoletta


      Buon Compleannoo!!!! Happy Birthday Party GIF by LIDL Romania  tanti cari auguri ti auguro di trascorrere un fantastico compleannooo


    3. ottimistaaccidentale


      Grazie di nuovo come sei gentile!!💖

  5. I did this thing some days ago because I was bored. I love tattoos and I really want one as soon as possible Hope you find some inspiration! I also do drawings commissions from 10€ so if you need something more specific you can contact me
  6. Hello everyone I just discovered this thread! I made a lot of Mika fanarts in the past years...I think that the best way to show you a part of my work without making a very long post is to link here my art blog 👇 https://www.google.com/amp/s/ottimistaaccidentaleart.tumblr.com
  7. Does anyone know where is the performance on the Nutella Stage uploaded?
  8. I made my own template for a phisical CD,you can use it if you want 😄
  9. Finally Mika comes near me! Can't wait to see him in my beloved Sanremo 😄❤
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