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Everything posted by Prisca

  1. Well both, that's a children book and that you don't know the other meaning.
  2. Andrea is innocent of that. I made my post after her (but I hadn't seen that she had posted Donald Duck here, I swear ).
  3. Good job You know where you are. There's plenty to drink and eat here, dig in.
  4. Always happy to help, no not to clean but to make aware of a naughty word.
  5. There was once a text where something had gone wrong with the layout and there were commas (yes, really commas) where they shouldn't be and I should delete them. Oh my god it was sold as a couples book but it was more of a mass sex book. And at my language school there was a cartoon book where the cartoons were doing all sorts of sex acts (one of them I think was Donald Duck).
  6. Yeah, I saw that, after a while... Didn't know at first if @Hero was just pretending not to understand what I meant or if she really didn't know.
  7. Like I said before, how the heck should I know that you don't know the other meaning.
  8. I hope this word doesn't have two meanings as well. (* @Hero looking it up in my thoughts )
  9. How the heck should I know that? The dictionary didn't specify anything and the first thing Google told me was what I posted. Ignorance is no excuse in law, or how is it called? Butterfly Lounge or Naughty Corner?
  10. In the UK it's maybe normal to put such a word randomly in a thread but in Switzerland not.
  11. Ok, I decide, go and clean the Butterfly Lounge, please (I'm nice, aren't I ).
  12. I like winter, but I struggle with the fact that it takes so long in the morning to finally have some daylight. And it would help to get up if it wasn't dark for so long. But it's also connected to my current vitamin and mineral deficiency that I struggle to get up. I don't know, in the past I didn't care that it was dark for so long. 😅
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