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Sod Gordon Brown - Mika for Prime Minister!!!


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Hi ya


As I drove to work this morning, I was SOOOO tired following a late night and early morning. I was on the verge of pulling over to the side of the road to have a nap as I didn't think I could continue my journey to work. Instead, I put on Mika's album and WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! I arrived at work wide awake and raring to go! The man is so fab, he should be prime minister. He's an angel with curly hair and I LOVE HIM!!! Just wanted to get that off my chest...


Missing you all loads since changing my job as I can hardly ever post, but nice to pop in every now and again and see what you're up to. Love to everyone and take care Mika fans. Jonahwood xxxx:wink2:

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Can you imagine England if he were Prime Minister??? Gosh! it would be amazing! AND instead of Gordon Browns grumpy old face in the papers everyday Mika's would be!!!! :biggrin2:


*Goes off to start campaigning*

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