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right, im going to bed for def now! cant wait to see what happens further on the story! bye for now!


































































*wishes something would happen to her character*

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a little mistake......wait till phunky sees this!

NO! DON'T BRING IT UP!! I finally got her off my case! That's the reason I got seperated from the group, you know. Phunky wrote an entry where I chicken-ed Luke, and I tried to apologize, but she made me into a murderer and kept coming after me, so I hopped a tour bus and ended up sitting next to Beth Ditto. I just got reunited, don't make her angry again!!!:blink::boxed: :boxed:

I'll write something into the story that happens to you.

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NO! DON'T BRING IT UP!! I finally got her off my case! That's the reason I got seperated from the group, you know. Phunky wrote an entry where I chicken-ed Luke, and I tried to apologize, but she made me into a murderer and kept coming after me, so I hopped a tour bus and ended up sitting next to Beth Ditto. I just got reunited, don't make her angry again!!!:blink::boxed: :boxed:

I'll write something into the story that happens to you.


oop! i'm sorry! i've only just realized after i posted it! please forgive me!

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Mika stopped laughing. "i just figured something out...I'm a chick magnet" said mika "yes you are mika...and a dude magnet" He started laughing again then stopped "I really like you" he said pointing to me " you can do CPR! Plus you taste like strawberries" "umm thanks?" I said starting to giggle. All of a sudden the ambulance came to another screeching hault. "oh no said the paremedic


(ok, so I sat around and watched I don't thionk so :wink2: )


Rushing outside, I looked at patrt of the gang sittingon the bench, Phunky sitting on Luke and shooting Glow glares from time to time. Bg leant over to me and whispered "she's making him get couple therapy and is tying to ge pregnant herself,"

I stared at her in shock "I heard gun shots and this is what you tell me, something isn't right her, and hasn't been since last month when we woke up in that hospital with no memory of anything beyond the helicopter crash" I stated, looking around the group.

Rose shook herself out of her stupour and pulled out a sheet of paper fropm ehr bag.

"My contacts have said they same thing, they have no idea what happened to us," she stated, staring around too.


Meanwhile in the ambulence.

"Oh no?" asked Artsy, worreidly.

"yeah, Bob stole my spot again, means we have to wlak 10 more steps :wink2: " he answered, looking glum.

M4L sighed and threw open the door to the ambluence as mavvers and artsy dragged Mika to the front doors of the hospital, as he weas giggling about being a chick magnet still.

While he was getting checked in, Artsy pulled out her phone and dialed me.



"hey baby, we're at the hospital," Artsy stated/

"The hospital" I askde in shock. "Would anybody care to tell me whats going on,"

"Mika was shot, but his fine apart from amnesia. He doesn't remember much of the last 6 months,"

"He weas shot and these guy don't care," is stated staring at the bench. "Ok, we'' be there soon as I can get us a cab and get everyone in, something bizarre is really going on here"

Rose glanced over. "When Mika gets out, maybe we should see Dr Hangeffery, his a bit of a mad scientist but he may be abloe to tell us what is wrong with everyone," she added, glancing in concern at he others.

"Sounds good, I really want to know. When I joined this group I didn't expect to lose slabs of time," I said with a sigh, as I hailed a cab and started pushing the others in, as they reluctantly entered.


A few minutes later we were at the hospital.....

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(ok, so I sat around and watched I don't thionk so :wink2: )


Rushing outside, I looked at patrt of the gang sittingon the bench, Phunky sitting on Luke and shooting Glow glares from time to time. Bg leant over to me and whispered "she's making him get couple therapy and is tying to ge pregnant herself,"

I stared at her in shock "I heard gun shots and this is what you tell me, something isn't right her, and hasn't been since last month when we woke up in that hospital with no memory of anything beyond the helicopter crash" I stated, looking around the group.

Rose shook herself out of her stupour and pulled out a sheet of paper fropm ehr bag.

"My contacts have said they same thing, they have no idea what happened to us," she stated, staring around too.


Meanwhile in the ambulence.

"Oh no?" asked Artsy, worreidly.

"yeah, Bob stole my spot again, means we have to wlak 10 more steps :wink2: " he answered, looking glum.

M4L sighed and threw open the door to the ambluence as mavvers and artsy dragged Mika to the front doors of the hospital, as he weas giggling about being a chick magnet still.

While he was getting checked in, Artsy pulled out her phone and dialed me.



"hey baby, we're at the hospital," Artsy stated/

"The hospital" I askde in shock. "Would anybody care to tell me whats going on,"

"Mika was shot, but his fine apart from amnesia. He doesn't remember much of the last 6 months,"

"He weas shot and these guy don't care," is stated staring at the bench. "Ok, we'' be there soon as I can get us a cab and get everyone in, something bizarre is really going on here"

Rose glanced over. "When Mika gets out, maybe we should see Dr Hangeffery, his a bit of a mad scientist but he may be abloe to tell us what is wrong with everyone," she added, glancing in concern at he others.

"Sounds good, I really want to know. When I joined this group I didn't expect to lose slabs of time," I said with a sigh, as I hailed a cab and started pushing the others in, as they reluctantly entered.


A few minutes later we were at the hospital.....


when suddenly we saw cherrisse run out of the waiting room with a small box in her hand. She got down on one knee and started to propose to the nautious mika that was limped in my arms. Artsy gasped and mav fainted. I dropped mika and stared open-mouthed. I then got down and picked mika and started to run into the E.R with him in my arms. Cherrisse ran after with mav and artsy.




Phunky blue and the gang had gotten two cabs to come to there rescue. "i wonder how mika's doing?" blushed big girl. "i don't know but we'll find out soon said blue calling the hospital on her cellphone, when her face stopped cold...

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Yeah....*dramatic movie announcer's voice* Something happened in that helicopter.....everyone remembered the crash, but not how they got down from the tree and not how they got in the hospital..... Not to mention that little secret Calvin Harris whispered in my ear, which I still haven't decided when to reveal, and if so, what will be revealed. Oh, the intrigue....

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Yeah....*dramatic movie announcer's voice* Something happened in that helicopter.....everyone remembered the crash, but not how they got down from the tree and not how they got in the hospital..... Not to mention that little secret Calvin Harris whispered in my ear, which I still haven't decided when to reveal, and if so, what will be revealed. Oh, the intrigue....

Oh we shall see....


I thought we needed mystery..

and theres also the chance calvin Harris survived (dum dum dum...)


Btw Artsy, you should do a post now *hint hint*

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I helped M4L13 carry Mika into the hospital and onto a stretcher. Then the two of us turned around and caught Cherisse as she tried to run after Mika, who was being lead away by nurses.

"But...Mika!" she cried.

I grabbed Cherisse by the shoulders and stared into her eyes.

"Woman, what is wrong with you?"

"I need to propose to Mika!" she yelled.

"No, you don't!" said M4L13.

"Cherisse, he's nearly half your age." I said. "It's just not....it's NOT."

"But I have to!" she wept. "You don't understand, I just have to!"

I glanced at M4L13. Something wasn't right here. For a woman about to propose, Cherisse looked amazingly terrified. Like she would die if she didn't propose.

"Well, he's been shot, he's in no condition to be proposed to right now anyway." I said, trying to convince her to leave it for now. Apparently, it worked, and she calmed down. The rest of the gang swept into the waiting room and sat around us.

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I helped M4L13 carry Mika into the hospital and onto a stretcher. Then the two of us turned around and caught Cherisse as she tried to run after Mika, who was being lead away by nurses.

"But...Mika!" she cried.

I grabbed Cherisse by the shoulders and stared into her eyes.

"Woman, what is wrong with you?"

"I need to propose to Mika!" she yelled.

"No, you don't!" said M4L13.

"Cherisse, he's nearly half your age." I said. "It's just not....it's NOT."


Cherrisse started to try and escape. I slapped her. "honey, he's just not that into you! He's into us! and the MFC" Cherrisse rubbed her cheek. "maybe if you put on more clothes...he'd respect you but that's all we can ask for," said artsy. Suddenly, The rest of the gang burst through the E.R doors. "where's mika?" cried Luke. "in the E.R " a nurse told us "and he might be there a while........."trailed off the nurse..........

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Cherrisse started to try and escape. I slapped her. "honey, he's just not that into you! He's into us! and the MFC" Cherrisse rubbed her cheek. "maybe if you put on more clothes...he'd respect you but that's all we can ask for," said artsy. Suddenly, The rest of the gang burst through the E.R doors. "where's mika?" cried Luke. "in the E.R " a nurse told us "and he might be there a while........."trailed off the nurse..........


"He might be here a while," I said in shock, looking around.

Phunky and Glwo seemed to shrug their shoulders, and turned back to sticking their tongue out at ech othe, while Luke pulled his arm out of Phunky's.

M4L looked over at them "Still not caring I see," she said, shaking her head, before tapping Glow, "That is your husband shes talking about."

"Whatever, he stopped talking to be over the whole Luke's baby thing, and beisdes his a girl," she said, shruging her shoulder, before turning back to Phunky.

Mavvers also shook her head, and we decided to leave BG, Phuinky, Glow and anyone I've forgotten in the wiating room with cherisse as Artsy, I, Mavvers, M4L, Luke and Rose headed towards Mikas room.

Luke however stopped halfway and shrugged. 'he should be right" he stated, shrugging his shoudlers and returning to his wife.

Rose glanced over at us. "Ok it seems we are the only ones not affected by this not caring," she stated,

"And the only ones worried about massive memory gaps," added Artsy

"Like, about what happened when we crash landed," added m4l

"We have to see this dcotor Rose knows, maybe he can answer some questions," I said, as we walked into the door of Mika's room.....

(Rose had connections tog et us into the Er I figure :wink2:)

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"He might be here a while," I said in shock, looking around.

Phunky and Glwo seemed to shrug their shoulders, and turned back to sticking their tongue out at ech othe, while Luke pulled his arm out of Phunky's.

M4L looked over at them "Still not caring I see," she said, shaking her head, before tapping Glow, "That is your husband shes talking about."

"Whatever, he stopped talking to be over the whole Luke's baby thing, and beisdes his a girl," she said, shruging her shoulder, before turning back to Phunky.

Mavvers also shook her head, and we decided to leave BG, Phuinky, Glow and anyone I've forgotten in the wiating room with cherisse as Artsy, I, Mavvers, M4L, Luke and Rose headed towards Mikas room.

Luke however stopped halfway and shrugged. 'he should be right" he stated, shrugging his shoudlers and returning to his wife.

Rose glanced over at us. "Ok it seems we are the only ones not affected by this not caring," she stated,

"And the only ones worried about massive memory gaps," added Artsy

"Like, about what happened when we crash landed," added m4l

"We have to see this dcotor Rose knows, maybe he can answer some questions," I said, as we walked into the door of Mika's room.....

(Rose had connections tog et us into the Er I figure :wink2:)


"I have a confeesion to make, just incase mika doesn't make it." I told the girls "Mika told me that he's not a girl, it was all a clever scheme to get all of those girls away from him...he loves me" Everyone looked shocked "why'd he lie" artsy asked in shock " i told you...he doesn't like all that attention"

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*bangs head on keyboard* NOOOOOO!!!!!!! I just typed out a ton of editing!!! WHY DO YOU PEOPLE WRITE SO QUICKLY??! :blowup::biggrin2: Must go back...or maybe I can just move some of it over to the next post, work around the last two posts.....perhaps this could work.


LOL! I'm sorry...I type fast so i beat out other people LOL!:roftl:

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Here we go! Better?


Just then, we heard a scream! Running back to the waiting room, we saw Cherisse getting ready to propose to Mikey. We grabbed her before she could get down on her knee.

"Whos' this?" asked Baby, and I momentarily forgot that she and Cherisse hadn't met.

"Ah, yes, Cherisse, Baby, Baby, Cherisse, Mika's drummer."

But Cherisse didn't reply. She was too busy staring at Mav. She took out the ringbox and got down on one knee in front of Mavvers, getting ready to propose.

"CHERISSE!!" M4L13 and I yelled, pulling her back up onto her feet.

"What's going on?!" asked Baby.

"I'm not quite sure." I replied.

"How's Mika?" she asked.

"He's good. His memory is still jacked up, though."

I introduced Baby and Cherisse, then a doctor walked out. The gang swarmed around him, waiting to hear about Mika.

"He can only see three people right now, and he can't be stressed." the doctor said in answer to our inquiries.

"He asked about someone named Artsy."

The others were miffed that I was the one Mika asked for. Confused, I shrugged, then looked around to decide who was the safest to see Mika without stressing him out. I chose Baby and M4L13. Neither of them had displayed much mental instability, so they were the best choices.

We walked into the hospital room just as Mika was getting the gash on his forehead stitched up. All three of us winced in sympathy. It looked quite painful, but Mika smiled when he saw us.

"What did you want to talk to me for, darling?" I asked.

Mika looked directly into my eyes.

"Artsy," he said, "I need to know something of you. When you were held captive on the ferry, did Calvin reveal that he knew certain.....facts?" With this, he glanced nervously at Baby and M4L13.

"They're ok. I trust them." I said. "And yes, he did tell me that he knew.....the facts."

"What are you two talking about?" asked M4L13.

"I'm guessing it was that whispering on the ferry." said Baby.

I looked at Mika, and we both nodded.

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Here we go! Better?


Just then, we heard a scream! Running back to the waiting room, we saw Cherisse getting ready to propose to Mikey. We grabbed her before she could get down on her knee.

"Whos' this?" asked Baby, and I momentarily forgot that she and Cherisse hadn't met.

"Ah, yes, Cherisse, Baby, Baby, Cherisse, Mika's drummer."

But Cherisse didn't reply. She was too busy staring at Mav. She took out the ringbox and got down on one knee in front of Mavvers, getting ready to propose.

"CHERISSE!!" M4L13 and I yelled, pulling her back up onto her feet.

"What's going on?!" asked Baby.

"I'm not quite sure." I replied.

"How's Mika?" she asked.

"He's good. His memory is still jacked up, though."

I introduced Baby and Cherisse, then a doctor walked out. The gang swarmed around him, waiting to hear about Mika.

"He can only see three people right now, and he can't be stressed." the doctor said in answer to our inquiries.

"He asked about someone named Artsy."

The others were miffed that I was the one Mika asked for. Confused, I shrugged, then looked around to decide who was the safest to see Mika without stressing him out. I chose Baby and M4L13. Neither of them had displayed much mental instability, so they were the best choices.

We walked into the hospital room just as Mika was getting the gash on his forehead stitched up. All three of us winced in sympathy. It looked quite painful, but Mika smiled when he saw us.

"What did you want to talk to me for, darling?" I asked.

Mika looked directly into my eyes.

"Artsy," he said, "I need to know something of you. When you were held captive on the ferry, did Calvin reveal that he knew certain.....facts?" With this, he glanced nervously at Baby and M4L13.

"They're ok. I trust them." I said. "And yes, he did tell me that he knew.....the facts."

"What are you two talking about?" asked M4L13.

"I'm guessing it was that whispering on the ferry." said Baby.

I looked at Mika, and we both nodded.

M4L looked at me, "Whispered in the ferry?" she asked confused. "that was right before we crashed and the memory lapse wasn't it?"

"Yeah right after I met up with the rest of the group," I replied, "Makes me wonder how you guys reacted to me afterwards, considering it seems we know each other forever now,"

Artsy glanced at Mika, "Wait, you don't think what Calvin whispered had anything to do with this whole memory loss thing,"

Mika nodded solemnly at Artsy.

"And how do you know about that anyway. How is it that both you and calvin know my secret?" she asked in indigination, pacing the room. "It was a well kept secret,"

Baby glanced over at m4l and shrugged as Artsy paced the room venting.

"No one was supposed to know and now you tell me its involved in the wacked up way everyones acting," Artsy continued, as Mika followed her with his eyes.

Reaching over I rested a supportive arm o Artsy's shoulder, stopping her pacing.

"Ranting about it isn't going to solve anything. Now why don't you take a seat and tell us whats going on," I asked, as I pulled a stick of gum out of my backpack, then looked at my bag in confusion. This wasn't my backpack, mine had been blue, and this was purple.

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M4L looked at me, "Whispered in the ferry?" she asked confused. "that was right before we crashed and the memory lapse wasn't it?"

"Yeah right after I met up with the rest of the group," I replied, "Makes me wonder how you guys reacted to me afterwards, considering it seems we know each other forever now,"

Artsy glanced at Mika, "Wait, you don't think what Calvin whispered had anything to do with this whole memory loss thing,"

Mika nodded solemnly at Artsy.

"And how do you know about that anyway. How is it that both you and calvin know my secret?" she asked in indigination, pacing the room. "It was a well kept secret,"

Baby glanced over at m4l and shrugged as Artsy paced the room venting.

"No one was supposed to know and now you tell me its involved in the wacked up way everyones acting," Artsy continued, as Mika followed her with his eyes.

Reaching over I rested a supportive arm o Artsy's shoulder, stopping her pacing.

"Ranting about it isn't going to solve anything. Now why don't you take a seat and tell us whats going on," I asked, as I pulled a stick of gum out of my backpack, then looked at my bag in confusion. This wasn't my backpack, mine had been blue, and this was purple.


"What's wrong, blue?" I asked blue "this isn't my backpack...mine is blue not purple!" said Blue, looking at the front pocket which was empty. I bent down and peeked into the bag. Inside were explosives. Being the smart individual i am i slowly backed away. "whaT is it hunny?" asked mika. "don't call me that." i replied. "artsy go get a nurse and tell them to come here, blue go get me a cellphone, quickly...no one ask questions" everyone hurried off quietly to do their tasks. Mika stared at me with a look on his face that i have never seen before. "what is it M4L? you can tell me!" "Mika just concentrate on not being worried right now...I need to call the bomb squad this thing's ticking!"

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