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I respect Mika.


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So, talking about respect...

I haven't read the whole thread, there's so many posts already, so maybe my thoughts about that have been expressed before. Nevertheless I'd like to take the chance, confess and leave my thoughts and insecurities here, too.


I do respect Mika, very much so, in the utmost sincere way. But that is nothing special. Why? Well, I respect everybody regardless of whether I know them personally or not and I do so until they have proven not to deserve that respect.

I joined a fanclub so I don't think I need to add a respect statement to my sig. Don't get me wrong, Finkster...:wink2:


The Knitting thread...

(formerly known as pervo thread) emerged from funny random talk in another thread. This one was called something like 'Is Mika a pervo?' and was started by someone who had read or heard somewhere that Mika could possibly be dangerously filthy or even sick for using terms like 'making love' and such. How ridiculous. So there was a lot of silly talk about his evil curls and his very pervy dimples and so on. The knitting thread was born when we decided 'if M is pervy because of all that, then we are glad being called that too'.

The original title was quite misleading and could attract the wrong people to this forum so the thread got another, also misleading but less insinuating name.

The content of this thread is really far more harmless than people could think. Basically a lot of mostly gig pics are posted there and talked over. In its main the only difference to other threads is that words like 'mikagasmic' or 'gorgeous' are replaced by 'knitty'. That's it. There is nothing disrespectful about it in my book.


The non-readers thread

A couple of weeks ago I've been asked by one single person to stop posting in there immediately because if I kept on doing so, this would certainly scare Mika off and prevent him from ever logging in again. Was it inappropriate, offensive or disrespectful to set up that thread? (the concerns were not even about the title but about the content)

So that request quite confused me. I'm pretty sure there's no way to keep Mika away from his own forum. Plus Mika wouldn't be Mika if he didn't totally get that this is just a game and it is absolutely up to him whether to take part or not. If he's going to post there, I'll surely be delighted, if not, nobody will die because of that.


Quotes compilations...

One person of this board brought to my attention that the audio compilations were in bad taste and thus also offensive and disrespectful. I must admit that made me think much more and longer than the request to let the non readers thread go down the abyss.

I have been thinking about removing the links but then again I remembered that quite a lot of people enjoyed them and totally got that it was just made for the fun of it. The bits are ridiculously taken out of context and they are not even compiled professionally. One must be totally deaf not to get that this is just put together in the utmost unprofessional way (technically) and well, deaf people would not be able to listen at all so I think there's not really a problem about this. (I may be wrong, so one hint from Mika's direction about this, and the links are gone. Yet I don't think these silly little tracks are of any importance...)



Where does it have to start, where should it end? Everybody has their thoughts and principles about that question. The difficulty is all about finding the common denominator.

Me for example, I would feel extremely uncomfortable asking for a pic of him taken with me for several reasons but also because all that aftershow queuing for having pics taken looks pretty much like a Disneyland episode to me. How can I explain to you without offending?

Of course I get that such a pic means the world to let's say 95% of all the people on this forum so I'm skating on thin ice here. But please understand that this is only my very own perception. I know that nobody wants to bother or harass him by asking for a pic and he at least seems to enjoy that so actually everything is fine.

What do I mean by Disneyland episode? Well, last year I have been there and there were those Disney characters wandering around or standing at certain points in the park just for the purpose of being photographed with the kids - and some adults (lol)

A totally different thing actually because those people in the costumes were paid to do that and nothing different. I'd feel really strange, getting all upset about a pic of myself with a person who doesn't know me at all and won't even remember my name or face the day after...

On another note: Although I'm absolutely with Finkster, Hannah and others saying they feel extremely awkward witnessing people being rude as in shouting out their innuendos at concerts I have to say that this can hardly be avoided considering the development of his shows as far as sexappeal is concerned. I stated in another thread that I really loved that kind of coy and delightfully subtle sexual radiance shown at early gigs such as the Koko one. Sorry, Mika but you are asking for it in a way. Not everybody gets that this is just an extended form of your teasing, level two after the braces twist... so, don't be annoyed, don't take it personally.


No idea about that rocket/uzzo thing, I never looked into that but I'm

enough of a visual thinker to get an image of what it probably all comes down to. I've noticed that cockadoodle-thread and decided rightaway that I wouldn't enjoy reading/looking into it (no offence, yuppmuch) so I didn't.


In one of the previous posts somebody pointed out that they were glad not to have posted much on the forum. I have to say, I don't really think that the number of posts and the degree of disrespect towards Mika are directly proportional. Not at all.


Last but not least: MIKA, no idea if you read this, really. BUT just in case you do, nothing I did was meant disrespectful or offensive.

If there's anything in my responsibility that actually made you feel offended, just let me say I'm sorry.


Was that wordy?

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So, talking about respect...

I haven't read the whole thread, there's so many posts already, so maybe my thoughts about that have been expressed before. Nevertheless I'd like to take the chance, confess and leave my thoughts and insecurities here, too.


I do respect Mika, very much so, in the utmost sincere way. But that is nothing special. Why? Well, I respect everybody regardless of whether I know them personally or not and I do so until they have proven not to deserve that respect.

I joined a fanclub so I don't think I need to add a respect statement to my sig. Don't get me wrong, Finkster...:wink2:



Violet, you are one of my favorite people. :) That was not wordy, it was perfect. :)


And yes, the Knitters are a lot more innocent than believed, I think. :) 95% of the time we're not even talking about Mika. :roftl:

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So, talking about respect...

I haven't read the whole thread, there's so many posts already, so maybe my thoughts about that have been expressed before. Nevertheless I'd like to take the chance, confess and leave my thoughts and insecurities here, too.


I do respect Mika, very much so, in the utmost sincere way. But that is nothing special. Why? Well, I respect everybody regardless of whether I know them personally or not and I do so until they have proven not to deserve that respect.

I joined a fanclub so I don't think I need to add a respect statement to my sig. Don't get me wrong, Finkster...:wink2:


The Knitting thread...

There is nothing disrespectful about it in my book.


The non-readers thread

A couple of weeks ago I've been asked by one single person to stop posting in there immediately because if I kept on doing so, this would certainly scare Mika off and prevent him from ever logging in again. Was it inappropriate, offensive or disrespectful to set up that thread? (the concerns were not even about the title but about the content)


Quotes compilations...

One person of this board brought to my attention that the audio compilations were in bad taste and thus also offensive and disrespectful. I must admit that made me think much more and longer than the request to let the non readers thread go down the abyss.



On another note: Although I'm absolutely with Finkster, Hannah and others saying they feel extremely awkward witnessing people being rude as in shouting out their innuendos at concerts I have to say that this can hardly be avoided considering the development of his shows as far as sexappeal is concerned.




Don't worry, I agree with some of what you have to say.

You didn't offend me at all.


I know what you mean about respecting everyone, I try to respect everyone really, also. I just have more respect for Mika than the person who I don't know walking down the street because I know more about some of the positive things Mika has done for us and for society. (Is that bad..? To respect someone more...? hmmm..)


I've actually never been in the knitting thread, so I wasn't really talking about that thread..maybe that wasn't fair of me because I've heard about the pervier side, though, and some people might assume I was talking referring to that.


Maybe I should add some of ourother points made throughout this thread. That this wasn't made so much for the threads or for anything like that, but just to show that we respect Mika as a person, not as an object. I hopeI'm not contradicting myself or anything here..

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Violet, you are one of my favorite people. :) That was not wordy, it was perfect. :)


And yes, the Knitters are a lot more innocent than believed, I think. :) 95% of the time we're not even talking about Mika. :roftl:


From what she wrote, you guys sound hysterical! That made me laugh so much about the evil locks and stuff!


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This will probably be a little long, but please, if you feel the same way and have some time on your hands, read on..


The other night I started thinking about a lot of things..(mostly Mika, of course). After a while, I thought about something I read on the GMA thread which bothered me a little. Someone made a comment about these girls who would shout things to Mika while he was on stage like, "Take your clothes off!" or "Get naked!"

This really bothered me because I know if someone shouted these things at me, I wouldn't like it and I'd think that person was disgusting. It also bothered me because Mika's family was in the audience, including his young cousins, and they all could have heard what these girls were shouting.

I remember the uncomfortable look on Mika's face as they shouted this and felt pity toward him and could only imagine how awkward he felt. I remember thinking, "They are so rude! Mika's not a piece of meat!"

Then it hit me, I was being a major hypocrit. I have been involved in discussions and in threads talking about Mika as if that's all he is, a piece of meat. I suddenly felt extremely guilty. I felt so shallow. I also felt extremely horrible because of this.

When I first started posting on the MFC, I tried to stay away from dirty threads, but as I posted more and more, and started reading these threads more, I started thinking it was okay and fun to talk about Mika like this.

Now, I realize Mika is EXTREMELY attractive, but he is so much more than a gorgeous exterior.There are so many more things I love about him on the INSIDE and I respect him so much for so many reasons. I honestly think his inner beauty radiates more brightly than his outer beauty.

I don't mean to offend anyone who reads this in any way, shape, or form. I was actually very nervous about starting this thread for that very reason. I love you all so much and love talking with each of you! You're all such great friends, and great people, and so much fun to talk to! Please, don't take anything at all I say offensively, because the last thing I want is to hurt your feelings or to lose such great friends. I don't mean to attack anyone, single them out, or make anybody feel angry, hurt, or as if they're a bad person.

We're all human and we all have our weaknesses, and I have fallen into that sort of temptation in the past, which I'm a bit ashamed of admitting now, and after I realized I was being hypocritical, I don't have any negative or different views of any of you.

I ask all of you to join this thread if you respect Mika for the beautiful person he is on the inside. Think about it, Mika has done SO MUCH for us, the least we can do is show him some respect.

Thank you all for your time. Again, I started this thread as a POSITIVE thing, not to bring anyone down.


And I promise, if I talk about Mika as if he were a piece of meat or in a dirty way, I'll confess to Holy Johnny ASAP.


What do all of you say, should we make a little I.R.M. (I Respect Mika) group? Yay or neigh?



IRM (I Respect Mika)

#1. Finkster

#2. BonjourMika1990

#3. AKatieisaKate

#4. Lucy

#5. Soon-to-bemrs.penniman

#6. Hannah

#7. Ghostintheradio

#8. sara101

#9. ohwowitsnicka

#10. purplegrape

#11. backflip_76

#12. findingmywords

#13. LittleTechieShelina

#14. DS Nightly

#15. elanorelle

#16. mikaluvr

#17. Cynthia Mulat

#18. vanessa

#19. Kates

#20. Petra

#21. femifrosk

#22. sesil17aa

#23. sonjalovestoday

#24. mikas_gal07

#25. crina

#26. lollipopski

#27. lindemfc

#28. Ssnakey

#29. HollyD

#30. veroMica

#31. Mika_Special

#32. CaroLollipop

#33. Mika_USA_Fan

#34. cath85

#35. ella

#36. Posterofagirl

#37. buttnugget040

#38. xlindee

#39. mercurygirl

#40. sheik

#41. Lollipop- kid


omg!lol! haha! i respect mika and but these things are hilarious....just because i feel embarassed for the ppl saying these things in the audience! however they are inapropriate at times so add me-!

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I heard a girl shout to him,"Take it off!":thumbdown:

I agree,completly.Add me to the list.


You girls are added.


Those were the girls we were referring to. The ones that shouted that. Did you see the look on Mika's face?


haha, Bre, we're changing the meaning of Uzzo!

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So, talking about respect...

I haven't read the whole thread, there's so many posts already, so maybe my thoughts about that have been expressed before. Nevertheless I'd like to take the chance, confess and leave my thoughts and insecurities here, too.


I do respect Mika, very much so, in the utmost sincere way. But that is nothing special. Why? Well, I respect everybody regardless of whether I know them personally or not and I do so until they have proven not to deserve that respect.

I joined a fanclub so I don't think I need to add a respect statement to my sig. Don't get me wrong, Finkster...:wink2:


The Knitting thread...

(formerly known as pervo thread) emerged from funny random talk in another thread. This one was called something like 'Is Mika a pervo?' and was started by someone who had read or heard somewhere that Mika could possibly be dangerously filthy or even sick for using terms like 'making love' and such. How ridiculous. So there was a lot of silly talk about his evil curls and his very pervy dimples and so on. The knitting thread was born when we decided 'if M is pervy because of all that, then we are glad being called that too'.

The original title was quite misleading and could attract the wrong people to this forum so the thread got another, also misleading but less insinuating name.

The content of this thread is really far more harmless than people could think. Basically a lot of mostly gig pics are posted there and talked over. In its main the only difference to other threads is that words like 'mikagasmic' or 'gorgeous' are replaced by 'knitty'. That's it. There is nothing disrespectful about it in my book.


The non-readers thread

A couple of weeks ago I've been asked by one single person to stop posting in there immediately because if I kept on doing so, this would certainly scare Mika off and prevent him from ever logging in again. Was it inappropriate, offensive or disrespectful to set up that thread? (the concerns were not even about the title but about the content)

So that request quite confused me. I'm pretty sure there's no way to keep Mika away from his own forum. Plus Mika wouldn't be Mika if he didn't totally get that this is just a game and it is absolutely up to him whether to take part or not. If he's going to post there, I'll surely be delighted, if not, nobody will die because of that.


Quotes compilations...

One person of this board brought to my attention that the audio compilations were in bad taste and thus also offensive and disrespectful. I must admit that made me think much more and longer than the request to let the non readers thread go down the abyss.

I have been thinking about removing the links but then again I remembered that quite a lot of people enjoyed them and totally got that it was just made for the fun of it. The bits are ridiculously taken out of context and they are not even compiled professionally. One must be totally deaf not to get that this is just put together in the utmost unprofessional way (technically) and well, deaf people would not be able to listen at all so I think there's not really a problem about this. (I may be wrong, so one hint from Mika's direction about this, and the links are gone. Yet I don't think these silly little tracks are of any importance...)



Where does it have to start, where should it end? Everybody has their thoughts and principles about that question. The difficulty is all about finding the common denominator.

Me for example, I would feel extremely uncomfortable asking for a pic of him taken with me for several reasons but also because all that aftershow queuing for having pics taken looks pretty much like a Disneyland episode to me. How can I explain to you without offending?

Of course I get that such a pic means the world to let's say 95% of all the people on this forum so I'm skating on thin ice here. But please understand that this is only my very own perception. I know that nobody wants to bother or harass him by asking for a pic and he at least seems to enjoy that so actually everything is fine.

What do I mean by Disneyland episode? Well, last year I have been there and there were those Disney characters wandering around or standing at certain points in the park just for the purpose of being photographed with the kids - and some adults (lol)

A totally different thing actually because those people in the costumes were paid to do that and nothing different. I'd feel really strange, getting all upset about a pic of myself with a person who doesn't know me at all and won't even remember my name or face the day after...

On another note: Although I'm absolutely with Finkster, Hannah and others saying they feel extremely awkward witnessing people being rude as in shouting out their innuendos at concerts I have to say that this can hardly be avoided considering the development of his shows as far as sexappeal is concerned. I stated in another thread that I really loved that kind of coy and delightfully subtle sexual radiance shown at early gigs such as the Koko one. Sorry, Mika but you are asking for it in a way. Not everybody gets that this is just an extended form of your teasing, level two after the braces twist... so, don't be annoyed, don't take it personally.


No idea about that rocket/uzzo thing, I never looked into that but I'm

enough of a visual thinker to get an image of what it probably all comes down to. I've noticed that cockadoodle-thread and decided rightaway that I wouldn't enjoy reading/looking into it (no offence, yuppmuch) so I didn't.


In one of the previous posts somebody pointed out that they were glad not to have posted much on the forum. I have to say, I don't really think that the number of posts and the degree of disrespect towards Mika are directly proportional. Not at all.


Last but not least: MIKA, no idea if you read that, really. BUT just in case you do, nothing I did was meant disrespectful or offensive.


Was that wordy?


wow... you made a few very good points. My conclusion is this: In soms points you have a different opinion than others. It's a very thin line... If you are embaressed with the picture-with-Mika-thing, you're obviously not gonna ask him to take a picture with you.


That's fine!


You don't really have a problem with the Knitting Thread or with quotes-compilations. (me neither by the way. I find them funny, and indeed they are absolutely non-professional, and that's a good thing. I like them, if find them not-offensive... but again, that's my opinion)


That's fine!


You know what? Here on this forum we have at least one thing in common: that's obviously Mika, BUT (and that's an important one) we are al different people, we're from all over the world, we have different visions, and different ethics. (I'm not talking about good and bad, I'm talking about differences)

I think the main thing is to be honest with yourself and ask yourself whether you think that what you are posting is appropriate!


It's quite clear that those GMA-girls had a totally different look on social behaviour (oh god, I'm using words I barely understand myself:boxed: )... I disapprove it, and a lot of people here with me.

Do I think Mika had it coming? Well, IMO he's certainly aware of his looks and what he can do to people (I mean physically) and indeed, he plays with that! But to me it's more like 'you can look, but you can't touch'. So yelling 'get naked' comes very close to the 'touching' (it's a metaphor)


hmmm, I'm afraid I can't make a final POINT here... (:blink: gosh, all the writing and no point) I think it has something to do with self-respect...


*sigh, I'm giving up... stupid English...*

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wow... you made a few very good points. My conclusion is this: In soms points you have a different opinion than others. It's a very thin line... If you are embaressed with the picture-with-Mika-thing, you're obviously not gonna ask him to take a picture with you.


That's fine!


You don't really have a problem with the Knitting Thread or with quotes-compilations. (me neither by the way. I find them funny, and indeed they are absolutely non-professional, and that's a good thing. I like them, if find them not-offensive... but again, that's my opinion)


That's fine!


You know what? Here on this forum we have at least one thing in common: that's obviously Mika, BUT (and that's an important one) we are al different people, we're from all over the world, we have different visions, and different ethics. (I'm not talking about good and bad, I'm talking about differences)

I think the main thing is to be honest with yourself and ask yourself whether you think that what you are posting is appropriate!


It's quite clear that those GMA-girls had a totally different look on social behaviour (oh god, I'm using words I barely understand myself:boxed: )... I disapprove it, and a lot of people here with me.

Do I think Mika had it coming? Well, IMO he's certainly aware of his looks and what he can do to people (I mean physically) and indeed, he plays with that! But to me it's more like 'you can look, but you can't touch'. So yelling 'get naked' comes very close to the 'touching' (it's a metaphor)


hmmm, I'm afraid I can't make a final POINT here... (:blink: gosh, all the writing and no point) I think it has something to do with self-respect...


*sigh, I'm giving up... stupid English...*


Aww, haha, you made so many great points!

Everyone here has such great views on this subject.

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Ah. :thumbdown:


What kind of face did he make?


I'm trying to picture this, lol.


Well, it was totally one of those awkward faces. It was like, you can tell he was uncomfortable but was confused on what to do. He looked kind of suprised and worried at first,then he smiled, but you can still see the discomfort in his face, and walked away.

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Hi there :)


Aah, talking about that ... happening? Was it very loud?




Yea, it was loud enough for a lot of people, including Mika, to hear.

Some people snickered a little, but others turned around like, "What are you thinking???"

And they laughed...:doh:

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Well, it was totally one of those awkward faces. It was like, you can tell he was uncomfortable but was confused on what to do. He looked kind of suprised and worried at first,then he smiled, but you can still see the discomfort in his face, and walked away.


Ah, I feel so bad for him. :thumbdown:


If I was in his shoes, I would feel...violated. :boxed::blink:

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