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mika in mexican magazine-first?


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sorry it took so long my computer wasn't work:blush-anim-cl:

and the pistures will be posted soon .... no new pics


ok this morning I was watching TV when my brother through the news paper at me. And guess who was on the cover...... MIKA..and it said MIKA...the new Freddie mercury!!!

and then inside it says Mika the British sensation

is 24 yeas old and originally from Lebanon his amazing career he has won a lot of prestige, since his music is compared to Freddie mercury and Elton john

ok here is the article....

in the story of music there are artist who leave a very deep marc. his arrival is soo big that it will be difficult to mimic.

Never the less there are artistic strokes that retake element from big classics and are adapted in there own style in a not so very subtle way, without trying to be a copy.

This is Mika’s case, who’s has sounds of yesterday to contain in a substance mixture of music who possesses all the freshness en today’s new sound (or talents?).

Mika Mercury?

The British musician, who yesterday became 24, has been compared with musicians such as George Michael, Robbie Williams and scissor sisters thanks to his debut album Life in Cartoon Motion.

Even though appearances may vary, its like he has the voice of the legendary Freddie Mercury, who he has received the most comparisons to.

Even the magazine Rolling Stones has noted the similarities in their music and appearance between both singers.

“Somewhere in a cosmic place, Freddie Mercury must be happy. His legend lives on in the hand of Mika, the British maker of the hit that takes his vocal opera and his over the top theatrics on his hit like “grace Kelleyâ€, says the publication.

The song immediately was place in the top of popularity lists in Britain and other countries in Europe, then was used in the soundtracks on movies like nuked up and I pronounce you Chuck and Larry. It also took part I the series the hills and ugly Betty.

This song was so popular that it was used for a Pepsi commercial in Turkey.

“I found similar to bob Dylan and/or Joan Beaz. But, accompanied by his band, it seems like his celebrating (?) Queen.†Says the conductor of tv and radio Jaime Almeina.

“I have even been told that LICM was dedicated to Freddie Mercury.â€

Also, he considers that the style of Mercury is so important to this new generations that its great to be able to appreciated through Mika.

“it is very hard for someone to arrive and ocupate the place of a person who has always been an idol. But I want to think that there are styles that are so good shouldn’t die. Mika can use Freddie’s style, with dignity and not being disrespectful to itâ€, adds almeida.

And the he keeps being compared.

“grade Kelly’( his is most successful single) immediately reminds me of ‘ bohemian rhapsody’ even though his music to me sounds like Elton john and T. Rexâ€, comments Raul David, better known as Rulo, the person who programs the station Reactor 105.6 of IMER of mexico city.

Circus, acrobats and theater

Standing on top of the drum kite with arms in the air and about to jump, is how Mika usually sings on stage. Just like the cover of his CD LICM, with him its all about color intensity, joy and party.

Cover which by the way was created by his sister Yasmine , how goes by DaWack.

Julio Martinez, senior musical director and artistic relations for MTV Mexico, who saw Mika live considers that the singer takes you from one extreme of the stage to the next and with your emotions too, with great ease.

“It is a celebration in his own way for music. Instead of making you think, he leaves you with a good taste in your mouth. He goes from one side to the other with his music that makes you dance in moments and relax in others.†Says the executive, who also reconsiders that this year LICM is the best album.

Just by seeing movement of his curly hair, down and sort of long, to the compass of his body when he interprets some of his songs to know that its not the type of music that timid people do.

En other words, Mika is not only a show in which covers a big range of sounds that end by reminding us of an older band, he is also an example of that is helped by his charisma and exaggerations.

He even recognizes that the montage of his concerts is close to that of a circus.

“I like his exuberance. It seems interesting that in pop there are people concise of the history in music. The music and the character are unrealistic and possess that dramatic and theatrical part that is attractive†comments Rulo who also is the conductor of the show radio Antisocial.

Life in color

The title life in cartoon motion is a reflection on his experiences, as well as the design of the cover, which results as a type of cartoon.

Mika’s complete name Michael Holbrook Penniman was born on august 18 on1983 in Beirut, Lebanon, with a bicultural family (his father an American y and mother Lebanese).

During his childhood, he was sort of a nomad. He and his family were evacuated from Lebanon and went to Paris, that why he speaks perfect French. And when he was 9 years old he moved to London.

Su childhood was marked because of his bullying by his class mates because he was dyslexic.

“ I was an 11 year old kid that couldn’t read or write, and writing songs was the first from of communication I had†he said to Rolling Stone.

His learning problems made him leave school and his mother became his teacher. This way, Mika found music as a catalyst. He started a strict regimen of voice and piano with a Russian teacher.

“My teacher was a sergeant. Before I could open my mouth, I had to do an hour long exercise of respiration and yogaâ€

Without a doubt, the fast pais of work helped the British. Years latter he was accepter into the royal college of music, but he didn’t fit in.

“some days I was surrounded by snobs that thought that classical music was the only truth. At night I went to indie recitals were everyone was a snob, only that they though that everything had to be British. I was the stray dog: rejected by both side†he explained publicly.

Once he finished his studies in classical music, Mika had to wait some time for success to come.

He worked making jingles for commercials from airlines to gum; for this he received 45 euros.

That work experience later on helped him get into the musical scene.

“There are other artist that first did commercials, like Barry Manilow. And there are many other composers that discovered how to get to people through the commercial aspect†explains almeinda.

“Mika, who studied and sang opera and then entered the music bizz of commercials, is a very interesting person who has the classical training, but also has the vision of commercial music. That’s why he’s calling attention to himselfâ€.

Mean while, the singer-songwriter worked hard for his artistic career, without luck.

“in the indie musical scene thought my music was to melody base and was rejected by the record labels because it was too strange, because I wrote about fat girls and gay men go run away to Mexico†Mika says to bbc.

After being rejected, mike tried am alternative rowed which came with positive results: the internet specifically my space.

“one morning I woke up and a had been visited by 600 invitations from people to add me as a friend. And each time I erased them 100 appeared†he explains

Once he had gotten popular by word of mouth, Mika finally received reorganization by the market.

On January of this year, he won reorganization from bbc London for his talent. This contest is realized year after year and they get 130 critics to choose the winner.

It is too soon to say what’s going to happen but Mika’ talent is undeniable, we are going to have to wait until a third album to see if he survives the test of time.

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Thanks for posting..


I live in El Paso, TX, border with Juarez and this weekend Mika's Everybody's gonna Love Today is at number 5 at a popular radio station from Juarez 103.5 Planeta. I was trying to find out the website to start voting but i couldnt find it.. It seems that people in Juarez, MX are listening to Mika more that here in El Paso, TX.. and im sure throughout the whole Mexican Republic too... Nice to hear News about Mika in Mexico..

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Thanks for posting..


I live in El Paso, TX, border with Juarez and this weekend Mika's Everybody's gonna Love Today is at number 5 at a popular radio station from Juarez 103.5 Planeta. I was trying to find out the website to start voting but i couldnt find it.. It seems that people in Juarez, MX are listening to Mika more that here in El Paso, TX.. and im sure throughout the whole Mexican Republic too... Nice to hear News about Mika in Mexico..


o my good!!!:yikes: i'm originally from there my mothers whole family lives there were what school do you go too???

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Hey we posted the same thign lol I post it last night but u translate the text i couldnt i wa feeling sick damn thanks again and what ?!? Im mika no1 Mexican fan dont make me fight you !!!


de donde eres???...y nooo!!!! me no1 fan!!!!!:sneaky2::mf_rosetinted:

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Okay, here are the last 2 parts. They weren't included here, and David typed the up in Spanish. This is right where reny left off.


...Dream of his Characters


LICM is a CD of many descriptions, but its themes approach diversity in a "sticky style" and without flaws.


Mika's CD celebrates love, innocence, life, and reflects the nescessity to be authentic, without denying the influences that have formed it.


Rather, it is an album with a lot of rhythmic melody, and vocals like a candy that can melt in your mouth (I think it's a Mexican expression that doesn't make much ssense when translated, or it might just be me...)


But if we wait for the shyness to pass (I think they mean him being new in his career, or people not being eager to take Mika's weird and crazy music in right away- being a bit reluctant to like him), surely we will meet him again with pleasure.


Here is a list of the a few (of the 12) songs on the CD:


Love Today

Although here the women are portrayed not so nicely (hooka, whatnot, I think they're talknig about :naughty:), it talks about finding love that makes us happy and it is mostly a celebration of love.


Billy Brown

The story of a common type wher a man falls in love with another man, but

after escaping and meeting another woman, it tells the story of finding love where you are least expecting it... Even on the coasts of Mexico.


Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

In the age of "size zero" girls, Mika pays homage to the beauty of curves, like they are "a whole lot of woman," who need a "whole lot more."




It assumes the feelings of this entire album, where innocence is as sweet as candy and the characters on the CD. It says that it is better to take advantage of and enjoy life before discovering love, because life after will never be like it was before.




This is the last paragraph which talks about his sexuality, which I know we don't care about, but whatever, its basically just gossip and speculation and says that he keeps it disclosed. But I translated it, so whatever. Don't shoot the messenger! :naughty:


Like A Queen?


Mika has all of the "traditional traits" that a boy has in order for some to doubt his sexual orientation, and instigate the "gay ettiquette" by looking.


If it is not his high, whistling voice and extravagant dancing, it is his refusal to admit that he bats for one side or the other that turns the musician to being an object of speculation.


Is he gay, heterosexual, or walking in the middle of both?


Amidst the age of gossip blogs, androgynous aesthetics (I don't get that, I think they're talking about Mika's presence and stuff??) and whether the publicity is bad or good, Mika is less than concerned with what people think.


For this reason, he does not mind being occasionally photographed in tabloids with Hollywood's most Hated Blogger, Perez Hilton- Who is out and openly gay, who has "outed" stars like Neil Patrick Harris and Lance Bass.


Hilton boasts of his musician friend and therefore influences his career, and uses his voice to his millions of visitors to find fans.


Mika has stated that it is important for him to be considered (above all) as a singer and songwriter, and afterwards, a showman.


But it is obvious that his extroverted personality illuminates a scene that generates attention and (morbo? Is that a typo?) in between.


His evasive answers about whether or not he is gay leave the world on average thinking, "what?" ...And the singer has decided not to talk about his intimacies, because as he has said at once, it is not relevant to his career.

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you soy de garca garcia!!....bueno you lo conoci por mi hermano y teeen voge:wink2: ...esque el fuimos de que mc allen un fin you me compre la revista de teen vogue y venia un articulo sobre el y mi hermano se compro el disco!!!:naughty:

cuantos años tienes???

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grace kelly reminds them of BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY?!?!


That's the most RIDICULOUS comparison ive ever heard! it sounds nothing LIKE it!!!





But thanks for the posting! your post was LONG lol!


i belive that the comparison refers not to the music and notes but the story of this songs. first got a reaction like what the **** is this? and then stayed no1 for weeks. both songs were rejected for the first time but then become a hit

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