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This Ones For Us Girls (16+) PART 3


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part 2...


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

what is wrong with my photos? haha!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

what other photos would you like??

Furli says:

I don't know...keep you your best photos for me...!!!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

best photos?? what kind of "best photos" would they be?? haha!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i sent you my favourites already haha!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

dont you dare forget to send me your pictures otherwise...i will........do something ....bad. si.

Furli says:

tomorrow i sent mine...I have promised!!!!remember???but now others of you................... ::....................

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

O.o ehm okay, i shall dig some out for you!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

because i love you so much




*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

this is me at college...the guy next to me is Zach.

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

pronounced: Zak.

Furli says:

and who is that guy????

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:



Waiting for Furli to accept the file "Posing2.jpg" (21 Kb, less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem). Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the file transfer.


Transfer of file "Posing2.jpg" has been accepted by Furli. Starting transfer...


Transfer of "Posing2.jpg" is complete.


Furli says:

yes...a little...

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

he is not my boyfriend, don't worry!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

I am single.

Furli says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

are you single?

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

did you like the new pictures?

Furli says:

....ehm...i don't know...

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


Furli says:

..yes the pictures is very good!!!you are very good!!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

you are not sure if you are single or not?

Furli says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i am confused O.o

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

do you, or do you not have a girlfriend?

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

or a boyfriend O.o

Furli says:

a boyfriend no....thanks!!!!!a girlfriend????i don't know....!!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

so you're seeing someone?

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

do you really like her?

Furli says:

yes I'm seeing a girl but I don't know if I will stay with her...for the moment we amusing...!!!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

so you're just having lots of sex at the moment?

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


Furli says:

hey....can you repeat the question please??????

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

did you not understand?

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

or did you find that offensive?

Furli says:

I'm joking but it's not only a fact of sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i know i was joking too

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yes. i copied and pasted our entire conversation. i cant write it out to you in brief...i think its best if you read his EXACT messaged. i'm putting the important parts in this thread bit by bits so its not as much to read in one go.




Got any piccies to show us? :naughty:

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I like it,too!:wink2:

what happened?


I have written in the romanian thread!

a boy called boris!


a boy? I thaught the ID was of a girl


Well...Meredith is now into Vets,a woman died,Karev saved a baby,the She Shephard got pissed,and some gal didn't wash her hands :lol3:


So,where is Boris at the moment?

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Ah, okay my love.







:D *hugs*


i'll tell him exactly that , and it will sound silly because im not english :mf_rosetinted:


















maybe i'll do an english accent when I say it xD


lol a posh English accent




Have you seen my siggy yet? :biggrin2:


Hellooooooooooooooooooo, what bit??


Im guuud ta!! :biggrin2: U?


And btw sorry everyone my computer is being majorly slow today... :thumbdown:


Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, yeh im cool :thumb_yello:

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my very gorgeous...erm....3rd or 4th italian cousin. he's full blooded italian whereas im a quater and so there's VERY little, if any, blood relation between us. i know it sounds gross, please forgive me.


no it doesn't !! i know 1st cousins etc who have married , its not as if your brother or sister or anything ! so whats happeneing between you both :das: ...

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HAHA, I don't really like it lol.

I'm not really into television series'





me neither,this is my only big addiction :lol3:

I watch family guy and Heroes too,but I have the series on my comp so I watch it whenever I'm in the mood

But tuesday nights are sacred :naughty:

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no it doesn't !! i know 1st cousins etc who have married , its not as if your brother or sister or anything ! so whats happeneing between you both :das: ...


we met for the first time last december. ive explained it all in the previosu girls threads and cant be bothered to again LOL but basically in last nights msn convo i thik its obvious that he likes me...and i like him too....but apart from the distance, something else has happened which i will soon show you in part 3...

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a boy? I thaught the ID was of a girl


Well...Meredith is now into Vets,a woman died,Karev saved a baby,the She Shephard got pissed,and some gal didn't wash her hands :lol3:


So,where is Boris at the moment?


that's so funny!:naughty:


I don't know where he is now,should i suppose to know !but he made around 20 posts!

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we met for the first time last december. ive explained it all in the previosu girls threads and cant be bothered to again LOL but basically in last nights msn convo i thik its obvious that he likes me...and i like him too....but apart from the distance, something else has happened which i will soon show you in part 3...


right ok ill have another read :thumb_yello:

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part 3....


Furli says:

are you joking in what???

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i was joking about the "just sex" thing

Furli says:

but you had a story like this????

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


Furli says:

Have you understand???

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

no haha!

Furli says:

..if you have had a story with someone like mine in this moment!!????

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i really fancied a guy. he got on well. i thought things were going really well. a few months later i discover from someone else that he had a girlfriend. it was after that I fell in love with him because even though i was heartbroken, i couldn't get over him. it took me seven months to get over him.

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

that is the very short version. i dont have much luck with men.

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

we got on well**

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

the thing is Marco, is that you have to be honest with people right from the start. don't let things end up in heartache. it is the worst feeling in the world and more.

Furli says:

I don't believe it...that you haven't luck with men...it's ipossible!!!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

no it's true.

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i was bullied heavily at school so no-one was interested in me then either.

Furli says:

no no it's impossible!!!are you so nice and kindly...

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i have only ever had one boyfriend...that was last october so i was 17...it was only a week. we went out with each other because we were rebounding. we were just friends really.

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

all the men i have been interested in have either laughed at me because of my unpopularity at school, or they have lied to me.

Furli says:

but you had sex with him????(curiously)??because he is more bad if he do all of thjs with a girlfiend..

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

no ive not had sex.

Furli says:

...i haven't understand all!!!unpopularity???

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i wa bullied

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

no-one liked me

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:


*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i had one best friend.. he is my best friend to this day and ever since we were four years old. he was physically bullied, i was taunted, picked on, and teased. it was horrible.

Furli says:

but it's not true please....!!!!

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i always witnessed him getting beaten up. people made fun of my hair "you ****ing ginger ****" and stuff...i was always called horrible names for no reason.

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

it's all true. my school life was horrible.

*:..:*Caroline here*::..::* says:

i hope your school life was better than mine!

Furli says:

Have I to come there and belong to be ANGRY????????...they can't do this at mine caroline.....

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that's so funny!:naughty:


I don't know where he is now,should i suppose to know !but he made around 20 posts!


really? ok but I still haven't found him in the member list with the nick u wrote in the ro thread

u sure that's the right one?



yeah,I was laughing at the she Shephard part :roftl:


u pissed the She Shephard,the She Shephard wants your ass :roftl: :roftl:

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