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omg!so sad!as if it wasnt sad enough!


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there's traces of blood found of Maddie, in the car her mum rented, 20 days after she had gone 'missing'. I'm not REALLY suprised they are now suspected. I think it's stupid they left her alone in an hotel room anyway! The story just doesn't make sense. I do believe Maddie is dead.


I feel sorry for Maddie, she looked like a sweet kid.

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all i know is that i dont know anyone who would leave their kids aged under 4 and 2 years in a room in a foreign country and go out for dinner, on the other side of a swimming pool:shocked: Seriously Poor them, but if i was them i would blame myself and I pity them having to live with it...as for if they were involved, i wouldnt be suprised, in an accidental capacity, but i so hope not. If they were involved one of them will finish themselves off soon, who can live with that guilt. I dont htink they seem to be bad ppl, just stupid. Its all very very very very sad.


Its madeline that is the victim in this.


..that is so true...

I don't want to draw conclusions here because I am not familiar with all the details, but the parents' story never rang true to me...

It is kind of unbelievable that someone (not a simple burglar but a pedophile) would break into a holiday cottage just in those 30 minutes when no adult was in there ('cause she was checking every half an hour, wasn't she....?).

..or perhaps they left the kids alone regularly and all the weirdos in that posh resort spotted it and took action...:no: I don't buy it...


just one thing that needs to be stated: if fire broke out that night all 3 toddlers would be dead now and the parents would already be sitting in jail for parental negligence... that's something the media should point out to prevent similar cases in the future.

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Personally, I never believed the story told by the parents... both the portuguese and the british police are doing their best, but I don't believe that Maddie is still alive...


A couple of years ago here in Portugal, a little girl was missing and her mother came to the TV crying and asking everybody to help her find her daughter. Some months later, they discovered that the mother and an uncle killed the little girl...The body was never found, the police believes that they cutted (sp?) it to pieces...but nobody knows exactly what they did. They are both in jail, of course, but I never think that jail is enough in these situations! :sad:


Honestly...in this kind of cases I never know what to believe... I just feel sorry for the kids.

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At least there seems to be some sense in here, what the hell is Mr Branson up to? Is it free publicity(totally not okay!) , if not how can he really trust ppl he doesnt know so totally?:blink:


wither way he doesnt come off well, does he?

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