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Hollis and Sarie's Thread of Randomness (All are Welcome!)


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Yea, really.


I knew this guy who I was REALLY... really infatuated with. And he basically lead me along. But anyway, the point is, I would tell him a band or musician I liked, and he'd look them up on iTunes and tell me how horrible they were. Bastard.

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Yea, really.


I knew this guy who I was REALLY... really infatuated with. And he basically lead me along. But anyway, the point is, I would tell him a band or musician I liked, and he'd look them up on iTunes and tell me how horrible they were. Bastard.

Well that's just not very nice at all. What a jerk. :sneaky2:

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He might not be hardcore like you, but he seems wonderful, going with you to all your concerts and taking pictures and all that! Now that's a great boyfriend!


You know, sometimes I don't feel like I deserve him. He truly is wonderful to me and sometimes I feel like I am not worthy of it all. He really is a special guy.


To top it off, today he bought our Mika tickets while I was taking my final AND he paid for mine. I feel so guilty!:boxed:

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Neither could I.:biggrin2: We weren't dating... we talked about dating, but.. bleh.


Anyway, I ended up just getting mad at him alot and doing things to make him mad. Which, according to psychologists, isn't very "healthy".

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I think I have one of those "he started it!" complexes.


I validate the mean things I did to him because, technically, he DID start it first.:sneaky2:


But I'm fine now.:biggrin2:

I've realized how much this forum makes me sound like a psychopath...


Where's Ingrid? I want to yell at her in German.

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I never really grew out of that phase.


Like I said, I validate the mean things I do to people by the fact that they started it. I used that excuse in confession once. My priest told me to be more "Christ-like", and i felt really bad.

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We did the last section of my art, music, and movement class today and it was on Rock and Roll. Got to talk about the Beatles in class. That was kinda cool. :)


Btw Hollis, did you ever figure out if you could go to any Mika shows or not? I never heard what happened with you and was just wondering!

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We did the last section of my art, music, and movement class today and it was on Rock and Roll. Got to talk about the Beatles in class. That was kinda cool. :)


Btw Hollis, did you ever figure out if you could go to any Mika shows or not? I never heard what happened with you and was just wondering!

Oh, how I would love an excuse to talk about the Beatles in class!


And, no I won't get to see Mika unless he decides to add a tour date in Atlanta or maybe D.C. There was possibility of getting to go to NYC, but I'll be flying back home from visiting my brother in Montana that same day, so it's not gonna work out. :(

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Oh, that sucks. Sorry I bought it up! I was just thinking about you today and wondered what had happened with that. Is it impossible to make it to the Chicago show or is that too far for you?

Haha, it's okay! I've gotten over the anger/sadness of it all. And I can't do Chicago because that's the day we start classes for spring semester. I doubt my mom would appreciate me missing that. lol

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Gosh, you're booked solid, lady! At least you are being responsible by going to classes instead. Still, it would've been fun to meet you. Maybe next time he comes we should all have a meet up at a show or something. :)

Oh, don't worry. I'm sure we'll find a chance to meet up eventually, with or without the Mikster :D

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I don't know what my problem is, Hannah. This obsession came out of...nowhere. :roftl:


:lmfao: It's good, though. I bet my parents are glad that I'm out of mine. For my sixteenth birthday, I got my parents to take me to Cleveland, Ohio to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, just so that I could see Beatles stuff. :naughty: They have John's Sgt. Pepper jacket there. :thumb_yello:

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There's this band called The Mahoney Brothers, and they come to an free amusement park about 10 miles from my house. And they're Beatles impersonators. They're REALLY, FREAKISHLY good, and they look EXACTLY like them. Right down to their manorisms. You see them walking around the park the morning of the show (they're there about 8 days), and they're like... pudgy, and balding, and stuff. But they are the NICEST guys ever.


Especially the George Harrison clone and the Ringo clone.

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