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Hollis and Sarie's Thread of Randomness (All are Welcome!)


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Right, here it is:


(I edited out the boring parts.)


Mike: hey question

Me: yeees?

Mike: have u ever had a weird dream

Mike: or a nice dream

Me: plenty. But weird how?

Mike: just weird some thing that's not happening right now or seems odd to u or out of the normal

Me: haha oh yea. I had a dream that someone asked me to write the word "caribou" on their earlobe.

Mike: XD wow

Me: Yea, and I've had plenty more, trust me!

Mike: can i hear some

Me: Hmm..my sister and I both had the same dream one night. We were in the desert and the world was at war with aliens, and we were with my Youth Group riding horses toward the war, but we got too close to the war so turned around to get away from it, and I fell off my horse or something like that.

Mike: XD this r some interestin dreams

Mike: these*

Me: lol yea. I get them a lot.

Me: and recently I had a dream that my grandmother was walking around in a yellow poofy bathing suit, and my priest thought she was hot.

Mike: XD ur amazin

Me: LOL why thank you, but I can't help my dreams.

Mike: have u ever had a dream that made u wonder

Mike: about something

Me: hmm..like..?

Mike: i don't kno

Mike: just have u had a dream that make u think after it

Mike: made*

Me: Yea, I've had a few of those.

Mike: can i hear one

Me: Well, the one about my grandma.


Mike: i had a dream that i was in school and was goin out with someone

Me: lol really?

Mike: yes

Me: who?

Mike: um

Mike: really

Mike: it was...

Me: fo reazzle?

Mike: u

Me: haha really?

Mike: yup

Me: I had a dream I went to prom with you like..a month ago. xD

Mike: really

Me: haha yea.

Mike: wat did u think about it

Me: idk it was cool I guess.

Mike: really?

Me: Yea. We didn't actually go in. I forgot what it was like..but I just remember going to prom and Rob was there

Mike: that's nice to kno

Mike: really i was thinkin the same thing about it

Mike: just so u kno

Me: lol okay.



Mike: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Me: ppppppppppppppp

Mike: XD

Mike: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Me: ffffffffffffff

Mike: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Mike: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Mike: pppppppppppppppp

Mike: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Mike: eeeeeeeeeeee

Me: lmao I had to think of what came after U

Mike: XD it's a

Me: LOLI know your tricks, it's V


I wonder what he was spelling out before I interrupted. heh

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I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.



I don't know..no guy has ever been as sweet as this. And nobody I've liked has ever liked me back. And I'm just afraid because I've never been in a relationship or anything.

He's too sweet damn it!:sneaky2:

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i am fine i am actually supposed to be studying for my finals but as usual i thought i would go on here for 5 mins to check my account and those 5 mins turned into 5 hours hehehe:naughty:how r u?



Still in pain from spraining my ankle so I have jus been at home all day but have started to learn to play happy ending on the keyboard, so its not a complete waste of my time!

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