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Pink Pony Riders Club....PART #3!!!!!


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"You know I thought I would find more suppliers," kevin said, as we turned to enter the store.

"Well Kev, apart from the fact that what we want isn't you over the counter product, we're in Vegas. They're not to concerend about the truth in this town," said Artsy.

Kevin nodded, as we walked to the counter. "I emailed you a few minutes ago," he said, as the man nodded, and produced a bottle.

"I don't have to tell you to not tell where you got this, and I hope you know how to use it," he said, as Kevin passed over the money. The bottle was safely stowed in my backpack a few minutes later, as we headed back to the hotel.

"So how do we get it to him?" Calvin asked, as he glared at the photographer who quickly snapped our picture before running off. HIs arm tightened around me, momentarily.

"Oh thats easy, room service," I replied, glancing at Kevin.

"Give me a few minutes back at the hotel and I'll find the room and hotel. I trust you'll have something to disguise them with," answered Kevin.

"Of course. Wigs, glasses, make up, coloured contacts. So, complimentary champagne?" I added.

"Sounds good. Of course, there's a risk M4L will drink it too," he said.

"We'll risk that. She can tell the truth for a few hours, after all, once its working we'll enter the room, and ask him if he is CM, tie him up and question him," Artsy replied.

"Lucky you girls have it all worked out," Calvin said, putting on his fly eye glasses. I looked up and cuaght his grin.

"You love it," I replied, grinning at him. A few minutes we were back at the hotel as Kevin began to locate the hotel and room number we could find M4L and CM in.

"We'll have to take Kelzy along, she can tell us when it is, uh, apprioate to enter the room," I said.

"Okay, so we need one more person for the room service. Babe, how do you feel about becoming a Mexican woman for a few hours," Calvin said, holding up the dark haired wig I had removed from my backpack.

"And the rest of us will wait for the serum to take effect and then storm the room," added ER


"Sounds good." said Becky.

Baby and Kelzy went into the bathroom, followed by Lolly and Artsy who helped them to apply the make-up and the wigs necessary to make the two girls completely unrecognizable.

Once they were all set, Baby and Kelzy walked out of the bathroom, looking like two old Mexican women and were greeted with a howl of laughter from Calvin.

"HA!" he yelled, doubling over in laughter, "Baby, you look so..." as he struggled to find the word, Artsy interrupted him saying, "OK, if you were CM and M4L would you recognize them?"

"No," said Becky shaking her head, "I would never guess!"

"Good," said Artsy, as she handed Kelzy the tray with the champagne. Becky had already set it up.

"Good luck," said Lolly as they headed towards the door.

"Yeah, good luck Guadalupe and Juanita!" laughed Calvin, wiping tears from his eyes.

Baby shot him a glaring look, and the two of them disappeared.

"So now we wait," said Artsy,as she settled down onto the couch, where Calvin was still laughing hysterically...

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"Sounds good." said Becky.

Baby and Kelzy went into the bathroom, followed by Lolly and Artsy who helped them to apply the make-up and the wigs necessary to make the two girls completely unrecognizable.

Once they were all set, Baby and Kelzy walked out of the bathroom, looking like two old Mexican women and were greeted with a howl of laughter from Calvin.

"HA!" he yelled, doubling over in laughter, "Baby, you look so..." as he struggled to find the word, Artsy interrupted him saying, "OK, if you were CM and M4L would you recognize them?"

"No," said Becky shaking her head, "I would never guess!"

"Good," said Artsy, as she handed Kelzy the tray with the champagne. Becky had already set it up.

"Good luck," said Lolly as they headed towards the door.

"Yeah, good luck Guadalupe and Juanita!" laughed Calvin, wiping tears from his eyes.

Baby shot him a glaring look, and the two of them disappeared.

"So now we wait," said Artsy,as she settled down onto the couch, where Calvin was still laughing hysterically...


"Oh he is going to pay later," I said with a grin, as we began to head towards the hotel the m4l and Cm were in. I had ditched the tray Becky had given us, because it was really not practical to carry it between hotels, and the others had moved hotels recently. The champagne had been stacthed in my backpack, now all we needed was maid unifroms, which I didn't happen the have the correct ones of.

"Well, can you please stop thinking exactly how so loudly, I dont need to know," said Kelzy as I blushed.

"sorry Kelz," I said, as she got out her phone and dialed a number we had preselected, passing it to me. After listening for a few minutes, I was in the spanish frame of mind.

"So, you prepared to translate," I thought in my head at her, as she grinned and we entered the hotel, heading towards the staff quarters.

A worker came over to us, and I began to speak urgently in Spanish as Kelzy faked replying.

"Just what do you two think you're doing," the woman worker asked, looking us up and down.

I said something to Kelzy, giving her the english in my thoughts, and she relayed it.

"My friend says she is sorry. The baby had reflux and her uniform needed washed, and she don't have spare and she so late, and she asks you forgiveness. Please dont fire her, she has 4 kids,' she said.

"And what about you," the worker said, clearly someone senior who didn't keep track of all the immirgrant maids. "Are you on time,"

"Yes I am, but I stopped her house, and her baby, my uniform also," Kelzy replied, in somewhat broken Englsih.

"Very well, come with me and I'll get you both a spare uniform," she said with a sigh. "Of course, the uniform cost will come out of your paycheck" she added coldly.

I began babbling in Spanish again, as Kelzy translated. "You are most kind. We so lucky to have such a kind and pretty boss. Thank you," she said. I secretly grinned.

A few seconds later we were in uniform, mission 1 accomplished. Now we simply had to put through the fake room service call, get the job, switch out champagne for the one on the trolley and wheel it up there as a 'complimentary champagne. Piece of cake really.

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"Oh he is going to pay later," I said with a grin, as we began to head towards the hotel the m4l and Cm were in. I had ditched the tray Becky had given us, because it was really not practical to carry it between hotels, and the others had moved hotels recently. The champagne had been stacthed in my backpack, now all we needed was maid unifroms, which I didn't happen the have the correct ones of.

"Well, can you please stop thinking exactly how so loudly, I dont need to know," said Kelzy as I blushed.

"sorry Kelz," I said, as she got out her phone and dialed a number we had preselected, passing it to me. After listening for a few minutes, I was in the spanish frame of mind.

"So, you prepared to translate," I thought in my head at her, as she grinned and we entered the hotel, heading towards the staff quarters.

A worker came over to us, and I began to speak urgently in Spanish as Kelzy faked replying.

"Just what do you two think you're doing," the woman worker asked, looking us up and down.

I said something to Kelzy, giving her the english in my thoughts, and she relayed it.

"My friend says she is sorry. The baby had reflux and her uniform needed washed, and she don't have spare and she so late, and she asks you forgiveness. Please dont fire her, she has 4 kids,' she said.

"And what about you," the worker said, clearly someone senior who didn't keep track of all the immirgrant maids. "Are you on time,"

"Yes I am, but I stopped her house, and her baby, my uniform also," Kelzy replied, in somewhat broken Englsih.

"Very well, come with me and I'll get you both a spare uniform," she said with a sigh. "Of course, the uniform cost will come out of your paycheck" she added coldly.

I began babbling in Spanish again, as Kelzy translated. "You are most kind. We so lucky to have such a kind and pretty boss. Thank you," she said. I secretly grinned.

A few seconds later we were in uniform, mission 1 accomplished. Now we simply had to put through the fake room service call, get the job, switch out champagne for the one on the trolley and wheel it up there as a 'complimentary champagne. Piece of cake really.


And that's exactly what they did. Baby called room service, Kelzy made sure to be in sight when the boss was delegating work, and the two of them were soon wheeling the trolley with the drugged champagne up to the room.

They knocked on the door, and CM's voice came out through the doors.

"Who is it?"

"Room Service!" called Baby, "¡Alójese Servicio! ¿La champaña para el recién casados?"

"You're supposed to have bad english, not assume they can speak spanish!" whispered Kelzy.

"Sorry!" said Baby.

CM opened up the door and looked at the two of them.

"Champagne?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." said Kelzy.

He smiled and opened the door, taking the cart into the room.


Baby took out her cell and called me.

"He took the bait!" she said excitedly.

"We're on our way." I said, then hung up and told the others, and we moved out.

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And that's exactly what they did. Baby called room service, Kelzy made sure to be in sight when the boss was delegating work, and the two of them were soon wheeling the trolley with the drugged champagne up to the room.

They knocked on the door, and CM's voice came out through the doors.

"Who is it?"

"Room Service!" called Baby, "¡Alójese Servicio! ¿La champaña para el recién casados?"

"You're supposed to have bad english, not assume they can speak english!" whispered Kelzy.

"Sorry!" said Baby.

CM opened up the door and looked at the two of them.

"Champagne?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." said Kelzy.

He smiled and opened the door, taking the cart into the room.


Baby took out her cell and called me.

"He took the bait!" she said excitedly.

"We're on our way." I said, then hung up and told the others, and we moved out.


"Right lets get back down to the staff room," I told Kelz in Spanish and then in English in my thoughts.

"You know, you can drop the spanish now," she told me as I grinned. WE entered the staff room, found a change room, and quickly became un Mexican and back in our normal clothes before sneaking out again. I had decided to stash the maid outfits in my backpack for further use After moving to the casino, we waited for the others, who arrived a few minutes later.

"Now thats my Baby," said Calvin coming to hug me, as I held up a hand.

"What, dont like me as an old Mexican woman," I said, mock seriosuly,

"Oh come on Babe, I was only kidding. I didn't mean to offend you," he explained.

I smiled, and mock punched him. "Like I was offended," I said with a grin. "But next time we need disguises you just wait Cal," I added, jokingly threatening, as Kevin glanced at his watch.

"Okay, the truth serum should be setting in now, lets head up there,'" he said, as we all climbed into a lift somehow and pressed the button for the floor M4L and CM's room was on

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"Right lets get back down to the staff room," I told Kelz in Spanish and then in English in my thoughts.

"You know, you can drop the spanish now," she told me as I grinned. WE entered the staff room, found a change room, and quickly became un Mexican and back in our normal clothes before sneaking out again. I had decided to stash the maid outfits in my backpack for further use After moving to the casino, we waited for the others, who arrived a few minutes later.

"Now thats my Baby," said Calvin coming to hug me, as I held up a hand.

"What, dont like me as an old Mexican woman," I said, mock seriosuly,

"Oh come on Babe, I was only kidding. I didn't mean to offend you," he explained.

I smiled, and mock punched him. "Like I was offended," I said with a grin. "But next time we need disguises you just wait Cal," I added, jokingly threatening, as Kevin glanced at his watch.

"Okay, the truth serum should be setting in now, lets head up there,'" he said, as we all climbed into a lift somehow and pressed the button for the floor M4L and CM's room was on


The lift arrived at the floor they wanted, and they all piled out. The people standing waiting for the lift, gave them a few odd stares. They must have looked pretty frazzled.

They hurried over to CM and M4L's room, and stood outside the door. Kevin was holding a length of rope that they planned to use to restrain CM if needed. The plan was that Kevin and Calvin would grab CM, and the girls would tend to M4L, since she wouldn't be pleasantly surprised either.

"OK, just give us the signal, Kelz," whispered Lolly.

"Do it, Kelz," said Becky.

"OK, one second," replied Kelzy, as she pulled out a full bottle of water, ready for dumping "I couldn't resist!" She said smiling coyly. The others grinned in comprehension.

"OK, let's get serious," said Kevin.

Kelzy poked her mind into the conversation of CM and M4L. Once she sensed a pause in their conversation, she said, "Go!"

Calvin rapped on the door loudly, and the second that the door knob turned, the group burst into the doorway and into the room...

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The lift arrived at the floor they wanted, and they all piled out. The people standing waiting for the lift, gave them a few odd stares. They must have looked pretty frazzled.

They hurried over to CM and M4L's room, and stood outside the door. Kevin was holding a length of rope that they planned to use to restrain CM if needed. The plan was that Kevin and Calvin would grab CM, and the girls would tend to M4L, since she wouldn't be pleasantly surprised either.

"OK, just give us the signal, Kelz," whispered Lolly.

"Do it, Kelz," said Becky.

"OK, one second," replied Kelzy, as she pulled out a full bottle of water, ready for dumping "I couldn't resist!" She said smiling coyly. The others grinned in comprehension.

"OK, let's get serious," said Kevin.

Kelzy poked her mind into the conversation of CM and M4L. Once she sensed a pause in their conversation, she said, "Go!"

Calvin rapped on the door loudly, and the second that the door knob turned, the group burst into the doorway and into the room...


"What do you mean my bum looks big in this," said m4l, glaring at CM as she modelled a dress. Suddenly she looked up and her jaw dropped.

"Why cant you all leave us alone," she shouted, as she ran to the bathroom and locked herself in.

Calvin and Kevin quickly grabbed cm, who was heading for the window and tied him up, before throwing him on the bed, as Kelzy dumped the water on him.

"Not the curls, oh god not the curls," he cried, glaring at us all. Kelzy merely grinned, as I picked the lock for the bathroom. A few minutes later we dragged m4l out and sat her on a chair.

"Okay, before we start questioning him, I want to know about that plan of yours M4L. Surely you know better to trap a man into marriage," said Becky, glaring at him.

"I just wanted him to marry me," she said tearfully

"So you planned to get pregnant? Didn't you get the contraceptive implant like the rest of them after I got pregant? I mean, even I got mine put in after I had Kairi," she said.

M4L merely sobbed, glaring at us all. "I had it taken out, alright. It only takes about 15 minutes to get done anyway," she stated.

"Uh girls, you can berate her later. Lets question the clone first," said Cosmo, interrupting.

"Sure thing? So, Mika, are you the real Mika or CM? asked Calvin

CM glared at us before answering. "I'm CM," he said angrily, but truthfully under the influence onf the truth serum

IN her chair, M4l began to sob harder

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"What do you mean my bum looks big in this," said m4l, glaring at CM as she modelled a dress. Suddenly she looked up and her jaw dropped.

"Why cant you all leave us alone," she shouted, as she ran to the bathroom and locked herself in.

Calvin and Kevin quickly grabbed cm, who was heading for the window and tied him up, before throwing him on the bed, as Kelzy dumped the water on him.

"Not the curls, oh god not the curls," he cried, glaring at us all. Kelzy merely grinned, as I picked the lock for the bathroom. A few minutes later we dragged m4l out and sat her on a chair.

"Okay, before we start questioning him, I want to know about that plan of yours M4L. Surely you know better to trap a man into marriage," said Becky, glaring at him.

"I just wanted him to marry me," she said tearfully

"So you planned to get pregnant? Didn't you get the contraceptive implant like the rest of them after I got pregant? I mean, even I got mine put in after I had Kairi," she said.

M4L merely sobbed, glaring at us all. "I had it taken out, alright. It only takes about 15 minutes to get done anyway," she stated.

"Uh girls, you can berate her later. Lets question the clone first," said Cosmo, interrupting.

"Sure thing? So, Mika, are you the real Mika or CM? asked Calvin

CM glared at us before answering. "I'm CM," he said angrily, but truthfully under the influence onf the truth serum

IN her chair, M4l began to sob harder


I glanced at M4L and went over to comfort her, but she shrugged me off. 'Don't pretend you didn't have a part in this either,' she snapped at me. I bit back a reply and went instead to stand with the group surrounding CM. He was miserably patting his wet curls and glaring at everyone at the same time.

'Right, down to business.' said Kelzy briskly. 'Why are you doing this, CM?'

'Doing what?' he mumbled evasively. He obviously wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Kelzy's jaw clenched. 'Why do you want to ruin the PPR's, and make everyone think that you're the real Mika?'

'Firstly, because I love M4L. Secondly, because I want to be famous in my own right and the PPR's would just overshadow me. You just get in the way of everything. And I deserve to be Mika, not him! I'm the newer, stronger version! I'd do what the record companies want me to! I would go off on these stupid escapades all the time, I'd actually do my job!' He yelled.

'Yeah, right.' said Kelzy. 'Why'd you drag my sister into this?'

'Because I wanted her to do the dirty work.' CM clapped a hand over his mouth at this.

Kelzy muttered something profane.

Now Cosmo stepped forward.

'Did you get my sister pregnant?'

I looked at him, puzzled. 'We already know, Cosmo--'

But CM smiled a nasty smile. 'Yes. I rather enjoyed it, too.' Becky gasped.

With a strangled cry, Cosmo launched himself at the clone. We managed to pull him off, although we were as reluctant to as he was. I couldn't believe anyone could be such a disgusting example of...well, he was hardly humanity.

After everyone had calmed down a bit, I said, 'Now the million dollar question. Where's the real Mika?'

CM averted his eyes. 'He's with Sally.'

My eyes narrowed. 'Where is Sally?'

'In a van.'

I refrained from screaming.

'Where is said van?'


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I glanced at M4L and went over to comfort her, but she shrugged me off. 'Don't pretend you didn't have a part in this either,' she snapped at me. I bit back a reply and went instead to stand with the group surrounding CM. He was miserably patting his wet curls and glaring at everyone at the same time.

'Right, down to business.' said Kelzy briskly. 'Why are you doing this, CM?'

'Doing what?' he mumbled evasively. He obviously wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Kelzy's jaw clenched. 'Why do you want to ruin the PPR's, and make everyone think that you're the real Mika?'

'Firstly, because I love M4L. Secondly, because I want to be famous in my own right and the PPR's would just overshadow me. You just get in the way of everything. And I deserve to be Mika, not him! I'm the newer, stronger version! I'd do what the record companies want me to! I would go off on these stupid escapades all the time, I'd actually do my job!' He yelled.

'Yeah, right.' said Kelzy. 'Why'd you drag my sister into this?'

'Because I wanted her to do the dirty work.' CM clapped a hand over his mouth at this.

Kelzy muttered something profane.

Now Cosmo stepped forward.

'Did you get my sister pregnant?'

I looked at him, puzzled. 'We already know, Cosmo--'

But CM smiled a nasty smile. 'Yes. I rather enjoyed it, too.' Becky gasped.

With a strangled cry, Cosmo launched himself at the clone. We managed to pull him off, although we were as reluctant to as he was. I couldn't believe anyone could be such a disgusting example of...well, he was hardly humanity.

After everyone had calmed down a bit, I said, 'Now the million dollar question. Where's the real Mika?'

CM averted his eyes. 'He's with Sally.'

My eyes narrowed. 'Where is Sally?'

'In a van.'

I refrained from screaming.

'Where is said van?'




"In England"

"Where in England?" asked ER

"Somewhere like London."

"Where in London?" asked Kelzy refilling the bottle of water.

"Near the Zoo" said CM glaring at Kelzy

"Where abouts near the Zoo CM?" asked Baby

"I don't know exactly just near the Zoo."

"We can find them easy enough" said Kevin pulling out his laptop and logging into the security cameras surrounding the London Zoo.

"What sort of Van CM?" asked Baby

"An IceCream van."

"Ok CM that will do for now.. Kev? Any luck?" asked ER

"Yep I've found an IceCream van sitting out the front of the Zoo. All we have to do is get there now."

"So has anyone here ever not been on a plane before?" asked Kelzy sarcastically as she poured another bottle of water over CM


Meanwhile out the front of the London Zoo in a suspicious looking IceCream van....

"Go away. There's NO IceCream left" yelled PS at the kids who'd lined up at the Van

"I'm dobbing on you." yelled one of the kids.

PS threw a spoon at them and shut the door.

"Now Mika, where were we?" she said as she turned to look at him.

"Untie Me Sally and I will make it worth your while." said Mika grinning

"How do I know you're telling me the truth? The truth serum might have worn off by now." asked PS

"Ask me something I would lie about." said Mika

"Ok, does my bum look big in these pants?"

"A little, but I like that." said Mika

Sally glared at him.. then smiled. "I guess you are telling the truth. Ok I'll untie you."

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