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I think he is pretty rich.....he would have to be with a house in that area....


what area. sorry i am from yorkshire and have only been to londoin once on the w to hastings so dnt really know areas xxxx


hope u are all having a good lazy sunday after noon

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Hmm, I didn't know that. All I know is that she's a fan of Oprah and Grace Kelly.


Hehe, I can just imagine Mika reading this and thinking "gosh, those MFCers want to know the strangest things about me...maybe I should make a MySpace post letting them know I put my right sock on, then my left. They'd chat about it for weeks!"


I also wouldn't mind knowing how his parents met - I'm sure that must be an interesting story.


ha ha ha atleastvhe can say his fans are orginal !!!!!

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The driving thing came up before. It was either some other interview, or maybe something he told a fan after a gig, but he said something that distincly indicated that he doesn't drive. But in that interview, he says he likes "driving in a car", so we were wondering if maybe he meant as a passenger. AFAIK, still no 100% answer to that one.


I believe that it was Fmbm, who, after a gig gave him a driving game. He said something to the extent of him being a horrible driver, etc. Don't quote me on this, I'm not positive, but I know it was Fmbm. I'm sure that he could drive, but probably doesn't. If I am correct, I believe that in London, a license, or a car for that matter, is not a necessity. In numerous interviews he has stated that he loves to drive around, but always takes a friend with him because he always gets lost. :naughty:


I've heard the basement-under-his-parents house thing; I also heard something about him getting some utility cut off for not being able to pay it while he was away. Sometimes its hard to sort fact from fiction. :blink:


I'm under the impression that he most likely used to live in the basement flat of his parents' home, but since then, has probably gotten his own somewhere else. Living in the basement flat was probably the equivalent of a college student still technically living at home, but moving into the garage so as to gain independence. After a while, he probably rented his own place and that's what he didn't pay the bills for. He has stated that, at the time of an interview (probably 2 months ago), he was homeless, and was sleeping on his sister's couch. If he was, at the time, still living in the basement of his home, he could've just stayed in his old bedroom in the main part of the house instead of going over to his sister's flat and sleeping on her couch.



I don't think he has any tattoos - after all, we've seen him topless, and in shorts, so if he does they're either really inconspicuous, or in really personal places.


I think it's safe to say no tattoos. Maybe it's just me, but I cannot see him getting one. :naughty:


I've always wondered - and I realize that this is ridiculously personal, and none of my freakin' business - but if his father is so wealthy, why has Mika referenced spending "student loan money" making demos? As in, if his family is loaded, why would he have gotten a student loan? Yeah, none of my business, I know.


He probably just wanted to be independent and decided to take over with the payments of everything. He didn't want to be under his parents his entire life, financially, and thus probably got that job as a waiter to help pay for what he needed. His father is a banker, so I'm sure that, dealing with money himself, he probably wanted his son to be independent just to sort of get out in the real world and learn to become economically wise.


I've also wondered - when he says his dad is "American", what does that mean? As in, unless an American is Native American, they generally have ancestry somewhere else. Is his dad ethnically, say, Scottish? English? Penniman sounds like some kind of Western European name, no...?


Penniman sounds English to me. Like someone said before, saying that you're "American" doesn't really say much about your ethnic roots, because America is made up of immigrants. I don't know. All the same, it would be weird if Mika were to say, "My mother is Lebanese and father is English," even though is father is from the US. I think it's more of a "what country they are from" thing than anything else, when he's answering the question.


Oh, and I'm almost positive that his dad is from Massachusetts. I know I read it somewhere. Mika said that some of his family is from New York and some from Florida.

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Oh Hannah, you are so wise.


Very much so! Yeah, the student loan thing sounds like an independence thing.


Massachussets, eh? Hmm...I was thinking somewhere along the eastern half of the country, anyhow.


I love the way that watching Mika's interviews and analyzing his accent counts for school credit.

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Oh, and I'm almost positive that his dad is from Massachusetts. I know I read it somewhere. Mika said that some of his family is from New York and some from Florida.


he is! i'm from massachusetts! i just got a little too excited! hahaha. :roftl: :roftl:

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