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Adventures of Captain Mika


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Surfing the net I accidentally found this funny blog entry:




In this thread you can post blog enties or other literary pieces inspired by Mika..

Goodness that was funny. I laughed until I cried.


Love today, from Marilyn

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This is inspired!

It is SO funny, the thinking chair, the golden piano, the mirrors, the earljeerling tea, the painted house and shiney windows. I love it!

Did anyone see in the comments page, Jack and Marilyn posted.

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And when Captain Mika is doing his special mystical dance, all colours come raining down from the sky and everything goes all rainbow-y and sparkling. And the person who is all sad and fed up becomes all happy and smashing. That's the kind of fantastic mystical powers Captain Mika has got.


that is so true!


*This story is entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to any over-excitable squealy-voiced pop stars is entirely coincindental. Even the bits where we've used his actual name.

haha, i just noticed that

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Captain Mika was back sitting in his thinking chair again, and thinking about his amazing week. His idea had been to record a song which attempted to cheer all the unhappy girls up by telling them that he, in an act of unimaginary kindness, would still do any of them, even the fugly gimmers. And it had been a total success.


In fact 'Sweaty Minger (You Could Still Pull Me, Probably)' had sold in massive amounts, and had single-handledly made all of the sad, crying girls realise that they had a lot to live for after all.

I seriously can't stop laughing. :lmao:

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