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PPR part 7 (the new beggining)


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I was walking down the hall when I heard a strange noise from coming from a nearby room. Opening it, I saw a naked M and Finn. I blinked at them and they blinked at me, and then I shut the door and continued down the hall, shuddering.


An hour later, we were ready to set off for Oz. We boarded a private jet and started our flight.


When we landed, we started to move towards the row of pay phones to call taxies when I heard someone call my name. I turned and looked at the crowd of unfamiliar people in the airport. I didn't recognize anyone, until a tall man and a petite girl waved. I felt my face light up.

"Baby! Cal!"

We all ran towards them, ignoring the stares of the strangers all around. I hugged Baby, laughing.

"Hi Babe!" I gasped, trying to breathe with her arms around my neck.

"Hi Arts!" she wheezed, turning blue from my arms squeezing her waist. Giggling, I let go of her and Calvin swept me up into a hug, spinning me around.

"Put me down NOW, Harris!" I shouted, my huge grin belying my outraged tone.

"People are staring. Stop screeching, brat." he said, dropping me with a smirk. I fell in a heap at his feet and barely escaped being trampled by the others as they moved in for hugs and greetings.

When things quieted down, Baby and Cal led us to their limo. On the way to the McKenzie's house (because we all knew Mrs. M wouldn't hear of us staying anywhere else) JJL was scrutinized carefully. When they weren't staring at her, Babe and Cal were staring at me, seemingly waiting for me to say something profound.

"What?!" I finally blurted.

"Are you ok?" asked Baby hesitantly, then went still when she saw the ring on my left hand. Following her gaze, I sighed.

"No. I'm not. But I will be."

Looking up, I saw that her eyes had gone all glassy.

"So he did ask you," she whispered, "He told me when he bought the ring. I was worried that he didn't have the chance..."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and turned my head to stare out the window. The mood in the limo was subdued for the rest of the ride, and I felt bad.

I felt even worse when we arrived at the house, however. Mrs. M ran out and engulfed me in a warm hug. I stiffened, thinking maybe she had grabbed the wrong person by accident.

"I gave you a hard time, but I know you loved Kevin and he loved you." she whispered in my ear without any preamble. When she saw the ring on my finger, she started crying in earnest. The combination of hers and Baby's tears, along with being back in the kitchen where I'd first met Kevin and knowing that I'd have to say goodbye to him again tomorrow at the funeral, destroyed my peace of mind and I begged some time alone under pretense of taking a nap.

As I walked up the stairs, I heard M talking to the rest of the group.

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When we landed, we started to move towards the row of pay phones to call taxies when I heard someone call my name. I turned and looked at the crowd of unfamiliar people in the airport. I didn't recognize anyone, until a tall man and a petite girl waved. I felt my face light up.

"Baby! Cal!"

We all ran towards them, ignoring the stares of the strangers all around. I hugged Baby, laughing.

"Hi Babe!" I gasped, trying to breathe with her arms around my neck.

"Hi Arts!" she wheezed, turning blue from my arms squeezing her waist. Giggling, I let go of her and Calvin swept me up into a hug, spinning me around.

"Put me down NOW, Harris!" I shouted, my huge grin belying my outraged tone.

"People are staring. Stop screeching, brat." he said, dropping me with a smirk. I fell in a heap at his feet and barely escaped being trampled by the others as they moved in for hugs and greetings.

When things quieted down, Baby and Cal led us to their limo. On the way to the McKenzie's house (because we all knew Mrs. M wouldn't hear of us staying anywhere else) JJL was scrutinized carefully. When they weren't staring at her, Babe and Cal were staring at me, seemingly waiting for me to say something profound.

"What?!" I finally blurted.

"Are you ok?" asked Baby hesitantly, then went still when she saw the ring on my left hand. Following her gaze, I sighed.

"No. I'm not. But I will be."

Looking up, I saw that her eyes had gone all glassy.

"So he did ask you," she whispered, "He told me when he bought the ring. I was worried that he didn't have the chance..."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and turned my head to stare out the window. The mood in the limo was subdued for the rest of the ride, and I felt bad.

I felt even worse when we arrived at the house, however. Mrs. M ran out and engulfed me in a warm hug. I stiffened, thinking maybe she had grabbed the wrong person by accident.

"I gave you a hard time, but I know you loved Kevin and he loved you." she whispered in my ear without any preamble. When she saw the ring on my finger, she started crying in earnest. The combination of hers and Baby's tears, along with being back in the kitchen where I'd first met Kevin and knowing that I'd have to say goodbye to him again tomorrow at the funeral, destroyed my peace of mind and I begged some time alone under pretense of taking a nap.

As I walked up the stairs, I heard M talking to the rest of the group.


"I'm not sure guys, I really don't think it's safe to continue."

Finn glanced up at me teary-eyed as the restof the pprs looked up at me from my tall stature ontop of their coffee table.

I held Soa's stick on my hand and I began to walk it against my other hand to get order.

"SILENCE." i sileneced the slow murmer that filled the living room.

"We need a plan to keep us safe! We help people we shouldn't pay--"

"Do we even help people?"


Kelzy slumped back in her lazyboy and Soa patted her back convincing her that she loved her.

"SO as I was saying"

I glared at Kelzy

"We need a full-proof plan, and I think that Babe and Cal will need to rejoin us to make us stronger. With babe's cunning wisdom and Cal's tallnosity we could actually scare them off, if not get mr tall guy to let me climb up his back--"

Artsy giggled from the top of the stairs watching us.

"and get into Tentacle's room and entrance him and then baby could come because she's so small and wuvable and BAM BOOM BAK! take him out of the window as he had fallen madly inlove with moi."

"How do you know that he won't love you and be soo OMG U SEXY THANG over n3l?" asked Soa curiously.

I shook my head.

"We look the same so...c'est la vie. HE LOVE ME."

Finn chuckled.

"N3l is pretty hot."

I slapped with him my stick.

"Now for the blueprints."

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"I'm not sure guys, I really don't think it's safe to continue."

Finn glanced up at me teary-eyed as the restof the pprs looked up at me from my tall stature ontop of their coffee table.

I held Soa's stick on my hand and I began to walk it against my other hand to get order.

"SILENCE." i sileneced the slow murmer that filled the living room.

"We need a plan to keep us safe! We help people we shouldn't pay--"

"Do we even help people?"


Kelzy slumped back in her lazyboy and Soa patted her back convincing her that she loved her.

"SO as I was saying"

I glared at Kelzy

"We need a full-proof plan, and I think that Babe and Cal will need to rejoin us to make us stronger. With babe's cunning wisdom and Cal's tallnosity we could actually scare them off, if not get mr tall guy to let me climb up his back--"

Artsy giggled from the top of the stairs watching us.

"and get into Tentacle's room and entrance him and then baby could come because she's so small and wuvable and BAM BOOM BAK! take him out of the window as he had fallen madly inlove with moi."

"How do you know that he won't love you and be soo OMG U SEXY THANG over n3l?" asked Soa curiously.

I shook my head.

"We look the same so...c'est la vie. HE LOVE ME."

Finn chuckled.

"N3l is pretty hot."

I slapped with him my stick.

"Now for the blueprints."


Mum and I were locked in a hug, both crying.

"I don't know what I'm going to do Baby, he was my son, in every way that counts," she sobbed.

"I don't know what I'm going to do either. I guess we just have to go on with life," I said.

"I know, but its hard. I don't know what I would do if I lost you too," she murmured, stroking my hair.

"Lets hope that doesn't happen," I said, as she smiled softly.

"Thanks, for making them bring him back here to be buried," she whispered.

"Its what he would have wanted. Australia was his home,"

"Look, I have to go talk to the others. They need my help now," I murmured, as she let me go. I headed into the loungeroom, as Calvin came out.

"How you holding up?" he asked, his voice touched with concern.

"How do you think I'm holding up Cal?" I snapped. "My brother died, and I don't need you asking that every 10 minutes."

He sighed, and pulled me into his arms. "Lets go outside, you don't need to go in there just yet," he soothed, as I sighed. He was so concerned for me. Sobbing quietly, I let him lead me to the balcony.

"I just can't believe his gone," I whispered, as he nodded.

"Neither can I, but you're still alive. I don't know what would happen if I lost you," he murmured, his arms around my waist as I stared across the yard, unseeingly. I didn't see the man hiding in the bushes, didn't hear the shot of the gun, or Cal's anguished cry as he tried to shove me out of the way. I didn't even feel the bullet entering my body, and piercing my lung.

"Cal? Whats ha..ppening?" I gasped, as he let out a shout, laying me down on the deck.

"Babe, you were shot, but its okay, I'll get Lolly, she'll fix this," he said.

Gasping, I grasped his hand. "Don't leave me, please... don't... leave me," I pleaded, feeling nothing as blood slowly flowed out of me.

"I won't leave Babe, just don't die. You can't do this to me, don't die," he pleaded, as he sent out a mental plea.

*Help, someone help* he cried, in his mind, as Kelzy suddenly sat bolt upright.

"OH god, somethings wrong," she cried, as they all looked at her, then headed outside.

They were just in time to hear me say. "You ... have to... rejoin... them. They need... you," I gasped, my breath coming in short gasps.

"No Babe, I can't, not without you," he said, staring into my eyes as tears fell out of his own. As he turned at the sound of the others, I noticed the hand on his shoulder was fading.

"Lolly, you have to help her," he cried, as I tugged on his hand.

"Its.... too...late. The ...hand,.... almost.... gone," I gasped.

"No!! It's not too late, you'll survive," he cried.

"Let...me go Cal.... You're strong,"

"Not without you. You've been my strength for so long Babe, I don't know what I'll do without you,"

"Love... again. Don't forget me..... but... open.... you're.... heart.... if .... someone new.... comes along," I said, as Lolly, who had gone upstairs to check on Artsy, finally arrived, and pushed through the group gathering.

"Babe, don't go," Cal cried, as Lolly laid her hands on me. But it was too late, I had breathed my last, telling Cal to move on.

As I floated towards the light, I took one last look at my group. Tears were in their eyes, Artsy stood towards the back, disbelieving, as the others shook their heads. Kelzy had leaned against Soa, and both were crying, M4l was wrapped in Finns arms, everyone was upset. They had only got me back.

And my mother, my poor mother, she had just come out the door, and was sobbing uncontrollably, pushing her way through and throwing herself beside me. She had lost both her children, in such a short span of time.

I tore my eyes away from them, as I felt someone touch my arm.

"They'll be okay Babe, they always are," Kevin whispered, as he held out his hand and, together, we headed to the light.

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Mum and I were locked in a hug, both crying.

"I don't know what I'm going to do Baby, he was my son, in every way that counts," she sobbed.

"I don't know what I'm going to do either. I guess we just have to go on with life," I said.

"I know, but its hard. I don't know what I would do if I lost you too," she murmured, stroking my hair.

"Lets hope that doesn't happen," I said, as she smiled softly.

"Thanks, for making them bring him back here to be buried," she whispered.

"Its what he would have wanted. Australia was his home,"

"Look, I have to go talk to the others. They need my help now," I murmured, as she let me go. I headed into the loungeroom, as Calvin came out.

"How you holding up?" he asked, his voice touched with concern.

"How do you think I'm holding up Cal?" I snapped. "My brother died, and I don't need you asking that every 10 minutes."

He sighed, and pulled me into his arms. "Lets go outside, you don't need to go in there just yet," he soothed, as I sighed. He was so concerned for me. Sobbing quietly, I let him lead me to the balcony.

"I just can't believe his gone," I whispered, as he nodded.

"Neither can I, but you're still alive. I don't know what would happen if I lost you," he murmured, his arms around my waist as I stared across the yard, unseeingly. I didn't see the man hiding in the bushes, didn't hear the shot of the gun, or Cal's anguished cry as he tried to shove me out of the way. I didn't even feel the bullet entering my body, and piercing my lung.

"Cal? Whats ha..ppening?" I gasped, as he let out a shout, laying me down on the deck.

"Babe, you were shot, but its okay, I'll get Lolly, she'll fix this," he said.

Gasping, I grasped his hand. "Don't leave me, please... don't... leave me," I pleaded, feeling nothing as blood slowly flowed out of me.

"I won't leave Babe, just don't die. You can't do this to me, don't die," he pleaded, as he sent out a mental plea.

*Help, someone help* he cried, in his mind, as Kelzy suddenly sat bolt upright.

"OH god, somethings wrong," she cried, as they all looked at her, then headed outside.

They were just in time to hear me say. "You ... have to... rejoin... them. They need... you," I gasped, my breath coming in short gasps.

"No Babe, I can't, not without you," he said, staring into my eyes as tears fell out of his own. As he turned at the sound of the others, I noticed the hand on his shoulder was fading.

"Lolly, you have to help her," he cried, as I tugged on his hand.

"Its.... too...late. The ...hand,.... almost.... gone," I gasped.

"No!! It's not too late, you'll survive," he cried.

"Let...me go Cal.... You're strong,"

"Not without you. You've been my strength for so long Babe, I don't know what I'll do without you,"

"Love... again. Don't forget me..... but... open.... you're.... heart.... if .... someone new.... comes along," I said, as Lolly, who had gone upstairs to check on Artsy, finally arrived, and pushed through the group gathering.

"Babe, don't go," Cal cried, as Lolly laid her hands on me. But it was too late, I had breathed my last, telling Cal to move on.

As I floated towards the light, I took one last look at my group. Tears were in their eyes, Artsy stood towards the back, disbelieving, as the others shook their heads. Kelzy had leaned against Soa, and both were crying, M4l was wrapped in Finns arms, everyone was upset. They had only got me back.

And my mother, my poor mother, she had just come out the door, and was sobbing uncontrollably, pushing her way through and throwing herself beside me. She had lost both her children, in such a short span of time.

I tore my eyes away from them, as I felt someone touch my arm.

"They'll be okay Babe, they always are," Kevin whispered, as he held out his hand and, together, we headed to the light.


"No!" Calvin cried, taking Baby's lifeless hand. "No!" The others stared in complete shock, tears pouring down their cheeks. Becky sobbed quietly into Cosmo's chest as he held her close with one arm, and holding a confused Kairi in the other, trying his best to stay strong, M4L cried loudly into Finn's side, as he stared in disbelief, Mika watched, trying his hardest not to cry, but the tears in his eyes and pain in his chest were telling him he should. Artsy was distraught, yet couldn't cry; how could she lose her fiance and one of her best friends in such a short space of time. Everyone else was crying almost silently.

The next few hours passed in a blur, for pretty much everyone. The PPRs ended up sitting in the McKenzies living room in silence, each staring at the coffees on the table, trying to take in what had happened.

"We'll get them. If it's the last thing we ever do as a group, we are going to get the people who killed them. And I will personally make they're last moments on this earth hell." Calvin said quietly. Everyone agreed silently, trying to work out what to do next. They all knew they couldn't stay at the McKenzies, but they had nowhere safer to go.

"Where are we going to go?" M4L sniffled.

"We have to stay for Kevin and Baby's funeral, but they're too many memories in this house..." Artsy trailed off, and fiddled with the engagement ring on her finger.

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"No!" Calvin cried, taking Baby's lifeless hand. "No!" The others stared in complete shock, tears pouring down their cheeks. Becky sobbed quietly into Cosmo's chest as he held her close with one arm, and holding a confused Kairi in the other, trying his best to stay strong, M4L cried loudly into Finn's side, as he stared in disbelief, Mika watched, trying his hardest not to cry, but the tears in his eyes and pain in his chest were telling him he should. Artsy was distraught, yet couldn't cry; how could she lose her fiance and one of her best friends in such a short space of time. Everyone else was crying almost silently.

The next few hours passed in a blur, for pretty much everyone. The PPRs ended up sitting in the McKenzies living room in silence, each staring at the coffees on the table, trying to take in what had happened.

"We'll get them. If it's the last thing we ever do as a group, we are going to get the people who killed them. And I will personally make they're last moments on this earth hell." Calvin said quietly. Everyone agreed silently, trying to work out what to do next. They all knew they couldn't stay at the McKenzies, but they had nowhere safer to go.

"Where are we going to go?" M4L sniffled.

"We have to stay for Kevin and Baby's funeral, but they're too many memories in this house..." Artsy trailed off, and fiddled with the engagement ring on her finger.

I stared sappily at Artsy and hugged her tightly.

I let out wails every now and then.

"I'm rejoining the pprs." stated Calvin.

We all nodded our heads as becky slowly peeled me off Artsy.

"So...will my plan work?" I said after 10minutes of complete silence.

They shook their heads skeptically.

"Kind of high risk, I don't want to lose you." said Finn looking sadly at Calvin.

Finn remembered when he met us and he thought Baby was absoultely beautiful.

He sighed and took my hand

"What plan is this?" asked Baby's mother looking up from her photo album.

I told her my plan.

"Too risky."

I glared at her.

"Nothing is too risky for me!"

"That's what Baby always thought." said Mrs.M bursting into tears.

I widened my eyes and patted her back comfortingly.

"I'll personally make sure that none of that happens with anyone else."

she glared skeptically.

"Right, like you pansy Canadian will stop a gun with your peace making powers."

I rolled my eyes and pulled out a gun.

"Big Joe." I said grinning and she laughed sadly.

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I stared sappily at Artsy and hugged her tightly.

I let out wails every now and then.

"I'm rejoining the pprs." stated Calvin.

We all nodded our heads as becky slowly peeled me off Artsy.

"So...will my plan work?" I said after 10minutes of complete silence.

They shook their heads skeptically.

"Kind of high risk, I don't want to lose you." said Finn looking sadly at Calvin.

Finn remembered when he met us and he thought Baby was absoultely beautiful.

He sighed and took my hand

"What plan is this?" asked Baby's mother looking up from her photo album.

I told her my plan.

"Too risky."

I glared at her.

"Nothing is too risky for me!"

"That's what Baby always thought." said Mrs.M bursting into tears.

I widened my eyes and patted her back comfortingly.

"I'll personally make sure that none of that happens with anyone else."

she glared skeptically.

"Right, like you pansy Canadian will stop a gun with your peace making powers."

I rolled my eyes and pulled out a gun.

"Big Joe." I said grinning and she laughed sadly.


The whole group was gathered around M4L, that nobody noticed Lolly slink out of the room and into the bathroom. That was until ER decided she just couldn't hold it any longer and snuck off to the bathroom to relieve herself. As she approached the door, she swore she heard a faint sobbing coming from the bathroom. She knocked gently on the door and heard a weak voice say, "What? What is it?"

ER pushed the door open slowly and she saw Lolly curled against the bathtub, tissues littering the ground around her.

"Lolls!" ER cried, rushing over to her and embracing her. Lolly's eyes were red and puffy from crying and as she felt ER's warmth against her, a fresh wave of heaving sobs came over her.

"I should've saved them. I was too late! If I'd been there just a second earlier....just a second..." she cried into ER's shoulder.

"No, honey...it's not your fault...you did what you could..." ER whispered as she stroked Lolly's hair.

"I can't even stand to look at Artsy and Calvin and Mrs. M. They all look so sad and I could've prevented it!"

"Shh...no...what's done is done....we did what we could. Don't blame yourself."

The two girls remained in an embrace for a few minutes until they heard a loud thud come from the direction of the kitchen. They perked up and began to get up from the floor and walked out to see...

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The whole group was gathered around M4L, that nobody noticed Lolly slink out of the room and into the bathroom. That was until ER decided she just couldn't hold it any longer and snuck off to the bathroom to relieve herself. As she approached the door, she swore she heard a faint sobbing coming from the bathroom. She knocked gently on the door and heard a weak voice say, "What? What is it?"

ER pushed the door open slowly and she saw Lolly curled against the bathtub, tissues littering the ground around her.

"Lolls!" ER cried, rushing over to her and embracing her. Lolly's eyes were red and puffy from crying and as she felt ER's warmth against her, a fresh wave of heaving sobs came over her.

"I should've saved them. I was too late! If I'd been there just a second earlier....just a second..." she cried into ER's shoulder.

"No, honey...it's not your fault...you did what you could..." ER whispered as she stroked Lolly's hair.

"I can't even stand to look at Artsy and Calvin and Mrs. M. They all look so sad and I could've prevented it!"

"Shh...no...what's done is done....we did what we could. Don't blame yourself."

The two girls remained in an embrace for a few minutes until they heard a loud thud come from the direction of the kitchen. They perked up and began to get up from the floor and walked out to see...


...the rest of the PPRs gathered in an anxious circle in the kitchen. However, before I had a chance to go and see what was happening, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

'Crap.' I muttered, and headed back to the bathroom to answer it.

'Hello?' I croaked.

'Hello.' said a familiar voice, but before I had time to reply, it continued.

'Please do not mention any names, I do not know who might be listening. You know who I am, I believe.'

The voice was Nikolai's.

'Yes. Yes, I do.' I replied, quietly enough so as not to be overheard.

'I am terribly sorry for what happened. I understand that she was a great friend to all of you.'

I bit my lip. I didn't dare reply for fear of starting to wail. Nor did I bother asking how he knew.

'I have some important news, and you may use it however you wish. Firstly, I know where headquarters are, but I cannot relay the information over the phone. I'll find a way to get it to you by noon tomorrow. Secondly, all their decisions, from your first...ah, tragedy...onwards, are being made by the same person. You know who that is as well, I believe.'

'Yes. Thank you.' I whispered.

'That is all. I must go now. Good luck to you.'

And he hung up.

I walked, dazed, back into the kitchen, not daring to feel happy for fear that the sadness I had been suppressing would smother it.

The PPRs were still gathered in a circle. I pushed through to see what they were staring at.

It was Phunky, writhing madly on the floor. She was evidently having a vision.

'I thought she didn't have them any more...' I mumured.

It was at least 15 minutes before she came to. She stared at us, wide-eyed, before saying in a hushed voice...

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...the rest of the PPRs gathered in an anxious circle in the kitchen. However, before I had a chance to go and see what was happening, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

'Crap.' I muttered, and headed back to the bathroom to answer it.

'Hello?' I croaked.

'Hello.' said a familiar voice, but before I had time to reply, it continued.

'Please do not mention any names, I do not know who might be listening. You know who I am, I believe.'

The voice was Nikolai's.

'Yes. Yes, I do.' I replied, quietly enough so as not to be overheard.

'I am terribly sorry for what happened. I understand that she was a great friend to all of you.'

I bit my lip. I didn't dare reply for fear of starting to wail. Nor did I bother asking how he knew.

'I have some important news, and you may use it however you wish. Firstly, I know where headquarters are, but I cannot relay the information over the phone. I'll find a way to get it to you by noon tomorrow. Secondly, all their decisions, from your first...ah, tragedy...onwards, are being made by the same person. You know who that is as well, I believe.'

'Yes. Thank you.' I whispered.

'That is all. I must go now. Good luck to you.'

And he hung up.

I walked, dazed, back into the kitchen, not daring to feel happy for fear that the sadness I had been suppressing would smother it.

The PPRs were still gathered in a circle. I pushed through to see what they were staring at.

It was Phunky, writhing madly on the floor. She was evidently having a vision.

'I thought she didn't have them any more...' I mumured.

It was at least 15 minutes before she came to. She stared at us, wide-eyed, before saying in a hushed voice...


"Artsy is next..." Artsy went to say something, but she continued. "They're taking us out one by one to make us weaker... They choose the strongest, the ones who can get us a place to stay, information, keep us in contact, protect us. I watched a meeting with Tentacle... We can't go to Kevin's funeral-"

"Yes, we can!" Artsy interrupted loudly. "We are going whether I die, or not."

"We have to rescedule, or something. They will be there, in disguse. They've planned everything, they have at least 4 backup plans! We don't have a chance; or a choice." Phunky argued. Artsy looked around at the other PPRs for support, but everyone just looked at they're feet. They all knew there was no way they'd put anyone in danger; but they knew Artsy would have to go to Kevin's funeral.

"Anyway, I've written down the names of the leaders, the killers, the ones we have to kill." Everyone stared at the names.

Tentacle - Leader and Planner

Enfant - Planner

Riku Limey - Killer

The list had another 12 names, next to each what they did for the BBLs. A few they recognised; Like N3L, Creative, Devin... Others, they had no idea who they were. The group stared at the names, unsure of what to do next. Artsy had tears in her eyes after reading Devin, because she had seen Kevin at first. The idea of not going to the funeral was... Unthinkable, yet she knew there was no other choice.

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"Artsy is next..." Artsy went to say something, but she continued. "They're taking us out one by one to make us weaker... They choose the strongest, the ones who can get us a place to stay, information, keep us in contact, protect us. I watched a meeting with Tentacle... We can't go to Kevin's funeral-"

"Yes, we can!" Artsy interrupted loudly. "We are going whether I die, or not."

"We have to rescedule, or something. They will be there, in disguse. They've planned everything, they have at least 4 backup plans! We don't have a chance; or a choice." Phunky argued. Artsy looked around at the other PPRs for support, but everyone just looked at they're feet. They all knew there was no way they'd put anyone in danger; but they knew Artsy would have to go to Kevin's funeral.

"Anyway, I've written down the names of the leaders, the killers, the ones we have to kill." Everyone stared at the names.

Tentacle - Leader and Planner

Enfant - Planner

Riku Limey - Killer

The list had another 12 names, next to each what they did for the BBLs. A few they recognised; Like N3L, Creative, Devin... Others, they had no idea who they were. The group stared at the names, unsure of what to do next. Artsy had tears in her eyes after reading Devin, because she had seen Kevin at first. The idea of not going to the funeral was... Unthinkable, yet she knew there was no other choice.

We all stared around for a littlewhile when ER popped out her cellphone.

"So....where is it?"

"It is at 34th street. I found out that "he" goes to bedk at 10:00pm so.."

"Thanks that'll be all...prepare for that time."

There was a brief grunt on the other end and ER hung up the phone.

"So will we be able to get some weaponry together or whatnot and be at the headquarters at 11...leave some time for him to fall sleep?" asked ER.

We all glanced around at artsy non-chilantly and nodded our heads.

"I want to get those bast*rds." muttered artsy.

Mrs.M let out a whimper and ran off to her bedroom to stare at more photo albums.

Calvin nodded his head bitterly and rested it on Artsy's shoulder, there was a small familiar warmth they felt as they hugged in silence.

"Let's go downstairs, we'll occupy our selves until it's time." I said quietly grabbing finn's arm and leading him down the stairs as the others followed.

Calvin took his head of Artsy's shoulder realizing they were the only two left.

"Let's go." he said kissing her cheek and walking down the stairs.

She stood, paralized and then followed him down.

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We all stared around for a littlewhile when ER popped out her cellphone.

"So....where is it?"

"It is at 34th street. I found out that "he" goes to bedk at 10:00pm so.."

"Thanks that'll be all...prepare for that time."

There was a brief grunt on the other end and ER hung up the phone.

"So will we be able to get some weaponry together or whatnot and be at the headquarters at 11...leave some time for him to fall sleep?" asked ER.

We all glanced around at artsy non-chilantly and nodded our heads.

"I want to get those bast*rds." muttered artsy.

Mrs.M let out a whimper and ran off to her bedroom to stare at more photo albums.

Calvin nodded his head bitterly and rested it on Artsy's shoulder, there was a small familiar warmth they felt as they hugged in silence.

"Let's go downstairs, we'll occupy our selves until it's time." I said quietly grabbing finn's arm and leading him down the stairs as the others followed.

Calvin took his head of Artsy's shoulder realizing they were the only two left.

"Let's go." he said kissing her cheek and walking down the stairs.

She stood, paralized and then followed him down.


"So... what's the plan? Do we have an address, a room?" Becky asked.

"No... Nikolai will meet us there and give us full details." ER replied.

"What are we going to do? We have no weapons, no details, and he more than likely has a lot of security." Mika asked, worried about the lack of information.

"Nikolai said he'd bring what we needed." ER shrugged. "Though he can't help us capture him; if they realise he isn't on their side, he'll be killed." Luke hummed untrustingly.

"We can trust him Luke; His aura would tell me if he was lying." ER snapped.

"What about Alek; will he be there?" Sara asked.

"I don't know." ER replied. "But I think we best get oursleves ready for the worst, this will be our first step forward, but it will put us in serious danger until they're all gone."

Before anyone got a chance to reply, there was an almighty scream from the hallway.

"Who has been writing on my laminate flooring?!"

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"So... what's the plan? Do we have an address, a room?" Becky asked.

"No... Nikolai will meet us there and give us full details." ER replied.

"What are we going to do? We have no weapons, no details, and he more than likely has a lot of security." Mika asked, worried about the lack of information.

"Nikolai said he'd bring what we needed." ER shrugged. "Though he can't help us capture him; if they realise he isn't on their side, he'll be killed." Luke hummed untrustingly.

"We can trust him Luke; His aura would tell me if he was lying." ER snapped.

"What about Alek; will he be there?" Sara asked.

"I don't know." ER replied. "But I think we best get oursleves ready for the worst, this will be our first step forward, but it will put us in serious danger until they're all gone."

Before anyone got a chance to reply, there was an almighty scream from the hallway.

"Who has been writing on my laminate flooring?!"


We all rushed out of the room to where Mrs McKenzie was standing, hands on hips, besides a message in what looked like permanent pen.

We stared, disbelieving, at what it said.

'Better sleep with one eye open.'

I fought the urge to burst out laughing, but gave up.

'I didn't know anyone could be so cheesy...' I gasped.

'Yeah, well. What isn't so amusing is how whoever wrote it got into this house in the past three hours without being noticed.' said Calvin.

'Wait.' said Jack, squinting. 'They left a little trail.'

Upon a closer look, we realised there was a line of tiny dots leading up to a vase on a plinth.

Jack frowned and was about to pick up the vase, but Lolly shouted, 'Don't! What if it's a bomb?'

He settled for looking inside it instead. 'There's...I think it's a map.' Gingerly, he put a hand in and pulled it out.

We all crowded round to see what it said.


Sorry it's short...

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