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Scottish neds are the worse..sooo vicious.....its like they have a sixth sense...like i unno they have sight,smel,touch,hear,taste and then they have THE NED!!!


they most have an xtra chromosome or gene inside there bodies when they are made...you've heard about the fat gene we now have the ned gene!!


i dont have to be anywhere near them, say im round the corner and BANG i get attacked...its like they can sense me coming...

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Scottish neds are the worse..sooo vicious.....its like they have a sixth sense...like i unno they have sight,smel,touch,hear,taste and then they have THE NED!!!


they most have an xtra chromosome or gene inside there bodies when they are made...you've heard about the fat gene we now have the ned gene!!


i dont have to be anywhere near them, say im round the corner and BANG i get attacked...its like they can sense me coming...




I met a scottish kid last year and he told me all about Neds. Because here we just call them chavs/charvers/townos.


He told me it stood for Non Educated Delinquant but i'm not sure if he was just joking........ :blink:

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yup that is indeed what ned stands for....smart huh :P


nah neds here seem to look up to chavs etc :P


i remember ages ago i was like wats a chav ?? but no i am o sooo smarter :P


they dont seem to be as abundant down in england as they are up here :P and of course now you have the new type of neddy/chavy emo/goth people that are walking about.....

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I met a scottish kid last year and he told me all about Neds. Because here we just call them chavs/charvers/townos.


He told me it stood for Non Educated Delinquant but i'm not sure if he was just joking........ :blink:


i've heard that too, so i guess it is true :naughty:

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yup that is indeed what ned stands for....smart huh :P


nah neds here seem to look up to chavs etc :P


i remember ages ago i was like wats a chav ?? but no i am o sooo smarter :P


they dont seem to be as abundant down in england as they are up here :P and of course now you have the new type of neddy/chavy emo/goth people that are walking about.....


Yeah! Well, there still is a lot of them - especially here in Hull. I think that might be the Chav capital of the UK.


I see new breeds popping up every day - like there was this crowd in school who wore addidas hoodies, nike trainers and smoked a lot of weed (and i mean a lot) and they listened to that euphoria/happy hardcore/techno music, but they all wore eyeliner and had emo haircuts - died their hair black etc. and they always spoke like emos.


It was weird!!!

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i've heard that too, so i guess it is true :naughty:




Arrrgh. Another boring school day right. It's horrible! I'll have to wait until like 4pm to speak to you all now!!


the people who i spoke to last night - you're the nicest people ive spoke to on here in ages!!!! :huglove:

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what ive always wanted to know is, you know how neds have high pitched voices? is that put on or have they ALWAYS sounded like that? if they always have then i guess it was decided from birth if they were to be ned or not lol might get some closet neds who are too scared to admit there neddyness to others :P

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Arrrgh. Another boring school day right. It's horrible! I'll have to wait until like 4pm to speak to you all now!!


the people who i spoke to last night - you're the nicest people ive spoke to on here in ages!!!! :huglove:


yeh education sux!!!

im stuk in college buut i get to "chicken!!" off at 12 yay ^^ can do my work in my room next to my Mika section/shrine part of my room


sooo chuffed managed to get a poster at the gig ^^

*hugs opster....* actually...*hugs mika*

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what ive always wanted to know is, you know how neds have high pitched voices? is that put on or have they ALWAYS sounded like that? if they always have then i guess it was decided from birth if they were to be ned or not lol might get some closet neds who are too scared to admit there neddyness to others :P



Right, i know! Well the ones around here always shout "Whaaaaa Mayyyyte!!" - i think it bascially means something like "Hello my good friend! How the devil are you?!"


But sometimes its so high pitched that only dogs and whales can hear it - especially the female chavs!!


yeh education sux!!!

im stuk in college buut i get to "chicken!!" off at 12 yay ^^ can do my work in my room next to my Mika section/shrine part of my room


sooo chuffed managed to get a poster at the gig ^^

*hugs opster....* actually...*hugs mika*


:bleh: Im doing the final study for my GCSEs at home - its alright i suppose. Im off to college next year though.

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there should be something available to foreigners who are like visiting the UK for a holiday to help translate what neds/chavs say...like issue them out on the plane or at airports...




and just have tonnes of translations and information on each variation of the chavs :P


i remember seeing something like that tho in hmv

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there should be something available to foreigners who are like visiting the UK for a holiday to help translate what neds/chavs say...like issue them out on the plane or at airports...




and just have tonnes of translations and information on each variation of the chavs :P


i remember seeing something like that tho in hmv




I think i saw something like that before!!


Or we could just make up our own... I cant think of anything they say apart from "whaaa" at the minute. thats all that i hear when they speak!

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I'm here!!!


But i'm going again in a few minutes....sorry!


But to make up for it...


*runs in slow motion up to Mikafish....*


yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! you're here!!!!


I have to go soon too. The French coursework is calling me...... :blink:


Nice pickyyyy!!!! :mf_lustslow: Did you take that in London?

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wonder if there is anyone out ther who actually likes doing coursework :S


ahhhh i keep gettin attacked by the dreaded confetti at the mika gig, it is litrally following me everywhere!!!


as soon as i pull something out of a bag or a pocket you just get confetti!!!

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Heya again guys! Just got back from school... :thumbdown:




Good day?? Bad day??


I made a start on the French coursework... kinda dull, but at least i get to talk about my 2 favourite subjects......... (I dunno. Some guy named Mika and this other random guy called Wilko....... :mf_rosetinted: )






wonder if there is anyone out ther who actually likes doing coursework :S


ahhhh i keep gettin attacked by the dreaded confetti at the mika gig, it is litrally following me everywhere!!!


as soon as i pull something out of a bag or a pocket you just get confetti!!!



Lol. At least you're being attacked by confetti and not Neds......




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Good day?? Bad day??


I made a start on the French coursework... kinda dull, but at least i get to talk about my 2 favourite subjects......... (I dunno. Some guy named Mika and this other random guy called Wilko....... :mf_rosetinted: )





Bad day, got accused of copying in a test off a girl two levels below me. We keep getting the same answers so it's obviously her doing it :thumbdown:


And... Somehow... I'm not surprised :roftl:

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