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MIKA in Salt Lake City, UT -- In the Venue


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What interview?? I am so behind on Mika news! I haven't had time to veg out on the MFC lately!


I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mf_lustslow:


I need to pick up some paper today for some hearts and then I'll get printin!

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Here is the Interview. Oh, my, I can't beleive that I'm going to be there Thursday night. I'm so excited.


Part of the interview:

Q How will this second tour of the States be different from your first?


A Different show, different vibe, bigger venues. We're doing everything from 10,000 capacity to, I think, the smallest is 1,500 in Salt Lake City and Minneapolis. When I did my first U.S. tour, it was like "Let's go check out this interesting thing we discovered on the Internet." And now tickets have sold even faster. I think most of them are sold out, apart from Minneapolis.


Q You performed in Minneapolis last January and you're returning in winter. Do you love the cold weather that much?


A I love it. Heh, heh, heh. It intensifies every creative process.


Q You'll be playing First Avenue, where Prince filmed "Purple Rain." As a Prince fan, how do you feel about that?


A I came across "Purple Rain" quite late on, but it kind of shaped the way I was doing things for a while. [Playing First Ave] is obviously novel to me, as well. As a fan, it's visiting Mecca.


Q You are huge everywhere but the United States. How do you feel about that?


A It's fine. It's part of the process. What I'm concerned with is my live show. When I played my first show a year ago in New York, I played to 100 people, my second show four months after that, about 1,000 people. Then I played to 2,000 people, and now I'm going back and playing to over 5,000. That's growth.


Remember, the U.S. is geographically massive and very diverse. Secondly, there is a different attitude on radio in the United States. ...


Q How do you feel when people say your music is too dance-y, too campy, too gay for the U.S.A.?


A Um, I think there may be a little of that. And I know when I was trying to get "Grace Kelly" on the radio in the U.S., we had one station come back and say "We can't play a song that has a man saying he wants to be like a woman." Of course, that infuriates me. But I'm certainly not going to let that stop me. ...


I think there is no such thing as "too much anything" when it comes to music. That goes against the whole premise of music. But when it comes to commerce and they have to sell toothpaste next to your song, then it becomes too something else.


Q You've done many interviews in the past year or so. In what percentage of them have you not been asked about your sexuality?


A About 40 percent. It started off hardly anyone, then it went almost everyone, then it's gone down to almost half and half.


Q With your stage show, your album cover, your website, you seem a very visual artist.


A When I write, I always draw things. It's part of my process. Maybe it's because I don't rely on words too much. I never write down lyrics; I just do little doodles next to the things that I'm working. It's a way of me harnessing my ideas. You can attribute that to a creative background or you can attribute that to dyslexia. It's just the way I work.


Q What impact did your dad being held hostage in Kuwait have on you?


A A lot of things that happened in my childhood that were destabilizing showed me that things weren't always there. They took away an inborn sense of complacency, which I never really had, which I do think a lot of people have. It was a little hard to deal with at times, but it also gave me a sense of freedom. Not everything's going to be there tomorrow, so you might as well make the most of everything, and you have the freedom to achieve whatever you want.


Q What country or countries are you a citizen of?


A U.S. and U.K.


Q So you're able to come here more often than other British and foreign artists?


A Yes. And it also means I pay a lot of my income to the U.S. government.


Jon Bream • 612-673-1719

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Thank YOU!!!!!! I didn't know he was a US citizen either!! Too bad he has to pay our awful taxes. I'm glad people are backing off the sexuality thing a bit.


I looooove reading and seeing his interviews! I can't believe he is coming HERE!!


Yay Thursday!

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hey guys!


so, i've come to discover that there are actually more people i know going to be at our concert. :blink:


a lot of people at my school actually know who Mika is, suprisingly.



here's most of what i'm wearing to the gig.

i'm making a shirt, and my braces are now covered in glittery gold stripes, but other than that, hhhhhhhheeeeree it is!


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Awe, aren't you adorable!! I can't beleive that I'm going to be there soon. I'm not looking forward to standing in the Q freezing. But, I am looking forward to the show. Hey, I know of a lot of people now coming from Utah State college. Yikes...this is going to be bigger than we thought.


It someone beats me to the Q. Please save me a place...it's only me. :thumb_yello:

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Ack! Yeah - it sounds like it is sold out. I am getting nervous - we HAVE to get good seats. It is only me too there at first, so please save me a place if you get there first also! (My friend isn't getting there until just before it starts!) I really can't be there forever because I will absolutely faint by the end of the night if I do b/c of stupid health problems. :(:( So you are thinking 3?? Crap! Do you think people will be queing that early? If i came then, I'd have to come home and take a nap before the concert! :blink:


Char - you can keep us posted on the status of the queing! :thumb_yello::naughty:


Your outfit is awesome Hilary! I still don't know what to wear!!


I think the hearts will be sooo awesome! Are you printing on paper or cardstock??

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I printed them on bright colored paper that I found at Wal-Mart. It's perfect because it's the same colored paper as the confetti. I'll take a picture of it when I get home so y'all can see it.


I just had a vision of me walking back and forth from the venue to check out the Que. I'll look like a stalker. But, in reality, I'm just stalking the que. LMAO!!


Ack! Yeah - it sounds like it is sold out. I am getting nervous - we HAVE to get good seats. It is only me too there at first, so please save me a place if you get there first also! (My friend isn't getting there until just before it starts!) I really can't be there forever because I will absolutely faint by the end of the night if I do b/c of stupid health problems. :(:( So you are thinking 3?? Crap! Do you think people will be queing that early? If i came then, I'd have to come home and take a nap before the concert! :blink:


Char - you can keep us posted on the status of the queing! :thumb_yello::naughty:


Your outfit is awesome Hilary! I still don't know what to wear!!


I think the hearts will be sooo awesome! Are you printing on paper or cardstock??

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Hee hee! I giggled at the thought of that too. I'm going to have icicles forming on my hair before I even get there. I keep thinking that the NYC people froze to death and SLC is even colder. Once we secure our places in the que, we can go out and warm up. We did this in Glasgow too. I guess I'll be wearing my HEAVY COAT in SLC.

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hey guys!


so, i've come to discover that there are actually more people i know going to be at our concert. :blink:


a lot of people at my school actually know who Mika is, suprisingly.



here's most of what i'm wearing to the gig.

i'm making a shirt, and my braces are now covered in glittery gold stripes, but other than that, hhhhhhhheeeeree it is!


Nice earrings.


You look so cute!

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Hee hee! I giggled at the thought of that too. I'm going to have icicles forming on my hair before I even get there. I keep thinking that the NYC people froze to death and SLC is even colder. Once we secure our places in the que, we can go out and warm up. We did this in Glasgow too. I guess I'll be wearing my HEAVY COAT in SLC.


Yep and a scarf and ear muffs and long johns lol! Couldn't he have come in like May or something?! :naughty: Nah, I'm not complaining one bit though - I can't even believe he's coming to our little city!

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Ack! Yeah - it sounds like it is sold out. I am getting nervous - we HAVE to get good seats. It is only me too there at first, so please save me a place if you get there first also! (My friend isn't getting there until just before it starts!) I really can't be there forever because I will absolutely faint by the end of the night if I do b/c of stupid health problems. :(:( So you are thinking 3?? Crap! Do you think people will be queing that early? If i came then, I'd have to come home and take a nap before the concert! :blink:


Char - you can keep us posted on the status of the queing!


Your outfit is awesome Hilary! I still don't know what to wear!!


I think the hearts will be sooo awesome! Are you printing on paper or cardstock??


I printed them on bright colored paper that I found at Wal-Mart. It's perfect because it's the same colored paper as the confetti. I'll take a picture of it when I get home so y'all can see it.


I just had a vision of me walking back and forth from the venue to check out the Que. I'll look like a stalker. But, in reality, I'm just stalking the que. LMAO!!


yeah, if you can keep me posted as to how big the que gets, text or call me, and i'll see how early i can get there. :thumb_yello:




Nice earrings.




You look so cute!


why thanks--i seem to have gotten them from a girl named..it think it was Jessica? :naughty:


just kidding dahling! :huglove:

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First off, Dang cute outfit Hillary!

Second, Thanks for the hard work Char and for coming to Utah..we all will have a blast!

Natalie, We MFC members should look out for each other. We deserve front row!


Now, to the other subject. The End radio station is doing their thingy/sound check at around 4:00 p.m. (sounds like) Tried to win tickets today, but I was 3rd of 10 and my hubby was 8. (2 different times) So, I think 3 p.m. should be early enough?? How bout you gals? Especially, if we let someone know we are official MFC, maybe we can get in sound check!?! On the NYC thread, the manager called someone. I don't know any of them well enough, or by first name, to see if they can pass our info on and help us out? Beg, Beg, Beg!


I am planning on going about 3. So my hubby can stay with the kids or we take turns or something..hopefully weather will be upper 30's and NO SNOW!! Love the moisture, but stop for MIKA concert!


P.S. I don't think this is a seated venue, dang! Would help if we wanted to get on stage too! :)


Back to mommy duty for a bit! lol Soon I will be getting cell numbers, if possible, to keep in touch.


The bad thing about this is I feel 16 again! My mom was visiting and said,"I wish you would get this excited about Christmas!" I am not a stalker, just getting excited with all the fun posts on this site! (Stopping long ramble.)

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First off, Dang cute outfit Hillary!

Second, Thanks for the hard work Char and for coming to Utah..we all will have a blast!

Natalie, We MFC members should look out for each other. We deserve front row!


Now, to the other subject. The End radio station is doing their thingy/sound check at around 4:00 p.m. (sounds like) Tried to win tickets today, but I was 3rd of 10 and my hubby was 8. (2 different times) So, I think 3 p.m. should be early enough?? How bout you gals? Especially, if we let someone know we are official MFC, maybe we can get in sound check!?! On the NYC thread, the manager called someone. I don't know any of them well enough, or by first name, to see if they can pass our info on and help us out? Beg, Beg, Beg!


I am planning on going about 3. So my hubby can stay with the kids or we take turns or something..hopefully weather will be upper 30's and NO SNOW!! Love the moisture, but stop for MIKA concert!


P.S. I don't think this is a seated venue, dang! Would help if we wanted to get on stage too! :)


Back to mommy duty for a bit! lol Soon I will be getting cell numbers, if possible, to keep in touch.


The bad thing about this is I feel 16 again! My mom was visiting and said,"I wish you would get this excited about Christmas!" I am not a stalker, just getting excited with all the fun posts on this site! (Stopping long ramble.)


THANKS for saying that! You are sweet. :)


Lol I know it is a weird feeling to be this excited about something - like you're a teenager again! But hey, that's a good thing! I love having something this happy to think about!


Oops i know I posted something about seats before but I meant our place to stand rofl.


It sounded to me like someone -Jerry? got their phone number while they were waiting in line and then called them?? Not sure...

I kind of hope he doesn't call everyone up on stage so we don't get crushed!! Although it would be incredible to be up there.


Aw bummer about not getting those tickets! You guys were close and actually got through!

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