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sleep sleep sleep


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Puuuh right now, 11 pm I'm awfully tired becuse I've been doing things all day, and I've not slept enough in the past few days. So now I'm sitting here, I know it's not late but still I'm sleeeeeepy!!! Why am I not in bed????? Why do I like to be in this state of mind? Cause I do. I really like wanting to sleep but instead doing something easy and comfortable, like sitting at my computer or watching TV or or or...


Why don't I realize how bad this behavior is? My math classes are a catastrophe. How come I don't think twice? Why beeing this stupid? And why is life more fun sleepy? Why do I laugh a lot more? Why do all feelings feel so much intense? Why have evolution made me preferring this state of mind?


It doesn't make sense.


How do you feel about sleep and sleepyness?

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Sleep is good; sleepyness is even better.:thumb_yello:


I find that MFC is usually the source of my sleepless nights. But I'm not great at talking about this topic, since it's 3 in the afternoon right now where I live. I'll be on in nine hours to discuss this further.:naughty:

Oh noo well 3 is not a very good time. At lest I'm not philosophical then... damn it. 00.00 is the best time that exists! It's just... nothing :D

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Oh noo well 3 is not a very good time. At lest I'm not philosophical then... damn it. 00.00 is the best time that exists! It's just... nothing :D


Exactly; all of the good philosophical discussions are after 9pm.


00.00? I don't think we use that one on our clocks, but I wish we did.:naughty:

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We don't have 24:00 either. Midnight is 12:00, and an hour after midnight the clock starts at 1:00. Then one hour after noon, it starts back at 1:00 again.



Our clock starts by 00:00 when it's midnight. Then it counts those 24 numbers and it's back again! :D Some of our clocks start by 24:01 and by 1 am they are 01:00


we always use that system, for example I sometimes go to school 8.30-16.00.


your system seem soooo weird ;D

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Our clock starts by 00:00 when it's midnight. Then it counts those 24 numbers and it's back again! :D Some of our clocks start by 24:01 and by 1 am they are 01:00


we always use that system, for example I sometimes go to school 8.30-16.00.


your system seem soooo weird ;D


Alas I agree with you


Here it's the 24h system as well


And sleepyness seems to be the only state of mind I can be in these days, since it's the only way I fell something...weird huh?? :blink:

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ME too , no matter how hard i work on this issue, i can't get rid of staying up late....

i can sleep, i dun have insomnia, i just dun sleep....:mf_rosetinted:

my mum , my boss, my fds also tell me i should go to bed early, even myself....

it's like, put a threat to my health as i think i only sleep for about 4-5 hrs a day......

are there any important things i nd to do?? NO............

do i feel sleepy......??YES....


tell u about what i tried before....

set the computer turn off at 12am automatically , but....i turn on again at once...:mf_rosetinted:

set the alarm of my cell phone at 12am to remind me, but i just turn it off at once.....:mf_rosetinted:

hypnotise myself sleep sleep sleep....., but fail :mf_rosetinted:


and i find out there is a more or less helpful way

brush yr teeth , wash yr face and apply any skincare on on yr face normally at around the time u "want" yourself to sleep

after doing this kind of thing, u are ready to sleep

it works a little bit on me :biggrin2:

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I love sleeping....I have a lot of problems staying up late. I get up early in the morning 6am so I need to go to bed early....But even on the weekends I can't sleep in, it is so rare if I sleep past 7:30...Thats so late!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Does anyone else really like dreaming? I love it; it's really the only reason I hate insomnia.


*looks at clock and pouts* "I could be dreaming about Mika right now..."


I really wish I remembered dreams more. It seems as if I never have them anymore. I have one really vivid one once in a great while, but I wish I dreamed more.

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Oh, yeah, that drives me mad when I can't remember my dreams. Especially when you have just enough wisps of memory to know that it was an interesting dream.:thumbdown:

Luckily, for the most part, I remember my dreams. Not sure if it'll help, but I've noticed that when I'm able to get at least 8 hours or more, my dreams are more vivid and detailed. Maybe it would work for you?

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Oh, yeah, that drives me mad when I can't remember my dreams. Especially when you have just enough wisps of memory to know that it was an interesting dream.:thumbdown:

Luckily, for the most part, I remember my dreams. Not sure if it'll help, but I've noticed that when I'm able to get at least 8 hours or more, my dreams are more vivid and detailed. Maybe it would work for you?


Perhaps. I do only get 7 hours a night usually, my brain tries to wake me up long before that, but after 7 hours, I have to get up, I just can't stay asleep. I wonder how I would make myself sleep longer without taking any medications...

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Oh, can't help ya there. (and I agree with you on the medication thing...not a good idea to me.)


yah so I'm pretty much stuck dreamless most nights :)


Oh well, I still enjoy sleep quite a bit :)


I like being awake too though, it's so pretty : )

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Had a very short night, again..... Went to bed too late, woke up at 4:30 AM :shocked: Couldn't get any sleep from that moment on, so went downstairs to get myself a cup of tea. Normally it makes me feel sleepy again but it didn't work because I've got a fever.:thumbdown:

But I recognise what you're saying; you know it's better to go to bed earlier, but somehow you just can't do it. And if I do I can't get the sleep so then you're lying in your bed, thinking about what you can do at that moment. And most of the times that's the moment for me to turn on my tv or pc again, to watch some trashy television....:blink:

About dreaming: I dream the sweetest dreams after waking up and then getting sleep again. These are the dreams that I can remember very well most of the times. It's a fact that you dream everynight a few dreams, but you forget 99% before waking up :thumbdown:

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do you dream on the weekends?


yesyesyes!!! i found out that if i sleep longer, i can dream!!!

so i only dream at weekends.....haha...


That's so much like my sleep-schedule, it's scary.




our sleeping pattern's too crazy:roftl:


student?what is it?:mf_rosetinted:

pretty long ago to me :roftl:

i work 9-6

actually i feel tired at around 11pm..

but i sleep around 2am everyday...so i can go to sleep within 3 minutes..:blink:

at weekdays i nd to wake up at 7am....every morning i regret why i stayed up so late :sneaky2:

i dun nd to work at weekends's morning ....so i can wake up at afternoon..:naughty:

but seems like i always waste a day :blink:

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