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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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JJL mumbled something Reece didn't quite catch and turned away, walking back into the living room with her head down. It seemed, for a change, none of the PPRs had earwigged on the conversation. She was pretty happy, as she wasn't quite ready to let anyone know yet. And Reece encouraging her wasn't helping. As she'd said before, she'd tell when the time was right. That wasn't now, though.

"So, what kind of holiday do think he'll fall for?" M4L asked, as Finn clutched her hand.

"Any." Calvin replied. "But his family will have to fall for it too. It'll be a bit suspicious, so we'll have to make it too good to resist, but not too good to be true."

"So a 3 week all-inclusive holiday in the Canary Islands is a bit OTT?" Becky joked.

"Exactly." Calvin smiled. "So... Any ideas?"

"Majorca is quite nice this time of year." Kelzy suggested.

"Okay... How long will you need to stalk the PM Reece?" Calvin asked, as he entered the room.

"Uh... 2 weeks?" Reece replied, confused.

"Okay, so 2 weeks in a 3 star hotel, half board or all inclusive?" Calvin asked.

"All inclusive, incase they complain they won't have enough money." Artsy told the PPRs. "Now for when to do it."

"Well, we need to find out about Darwin. So... 3 weeks for that. Then we wait a week, just in case someone has seen the stalker and thought it a bit suspicious. Then we send him the tickets, with a weeks notice?" M4L suggested.

"A week is a bit long. Four days?" Cosmo argued.

"Depends how big his family is. You need to give them time to make arrangement. Pack, get someone to look after the pets, etc." Artsy shrugged.

"So... 4 days if it's him and his wife, and a week if he has kids and a dog?" Becky asked.

"Yup. Sounds about right." Calvin smiled.


'So...how do we tell them without them tracing us?' I asked.

'We can call him from a payphone,' suggested Jack.

'It'll have to be Reece, in case anyone recognises us,' said Artsy.

So it was settled. Reece changed his appearance there and then--it was bizarre watching a 20-year-old morph into an average-looking 40-something. After finding out Darwin's home phone number by internet-stalking, Reece headed off to find a payphone in the nearest town. JJL watched him leave with a funny look on her face.



Sorry, I've got to go...I'll be back on later (hopefully)!!


Byee :huglove:

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'So...how do we tell them without them tracing us?' I asked.

'We can call him from a payphone,' suggested Jack.

'It'll have to be Reece, in case anyone recognises us,' said Artsy.

So it was settled. Reece changed his appearance there and then--it was bizarre watching a 20-year-old morph into an average-looking 40-something. After finding out Darwin's home phone number by internet-stalking, Reece headed off to find a payphone in the nearest town. JJL watched him leave with a funny look on her face.



Sorry, I've got to go...I'll be back on later (hopefully)!!


Byee :huglove:


I looked up at Lukas, we hadn't really been more than friends for the past year really. He was getting old. Not old as in aging, but old as in i was sick of him. he bored me. (:mf_rosetinted: )

"em...so" he said looking at me

"so.....where are they gonna go?" i answered

"i dont know" said artsy "perhaps we should 'work' wherever he is going in disguises so we can continue to spy on him"

"too risky" i shuttered

"not if we get Cherisse's makeup artist to give us makeovers" said luke convincingly

i thought about it, it might be sorta fun...but i wasnt going to risk it

"no" i said stubbornly

artsy gave me a 'look'

and i gave it right back

"phunks," said luke "i think that you should consider...."

artsy interupted

"im not giving her a choice, i really think we should do this, i mean we cant just be sneaking around the whole time"

"but what if..."

"no" said artsy sternly

it was sort of weird, i never really have seen artsy so stern. it was like she was changing. i had noticed he being somewhat irrital lately, but of coarse it could be 'that time of the month' so i figured i would brush it off.....

"phunks, can i talk to you alone a minute?" asked luke with some passion for once

"ya?" i asked confused as he brought me to the corner

"I....I....I....miss you." he said

"um, im right here." i said laughing

"no, its like yes, we are still dating, but we just dont have the chemistry anymore...."

"and whose fault is that?" i asked angrily

"phunks....cant you forgive me"

"i have forgiven you, many times, but now im not sure if i should fully forgive you...."

"i was wondering..."

"yes luke?" i asked

"if you would be willing to go to dinner with me tonight"

"i guess..but what about the others? and i have no money, and you are pretty broke too"

"i will make dinner" he spoke unsure "we can have a picnic!"

a picnic? i thought. pfft, a picnic? pour moi? i actually hated picnics, but since he was acting so nice i decided to accept.

"yaaaaaa" i said

"okay" said luke

i walked back towards everyone else, Reece back from the payphone.

"so?" i asked

"he didnt answer" said reece



"would you guys mind if luke and i went outside to talk for a few minutes alone....like a picnic?"

"um...." started artsy, bt luke and i were already outside

"i sorta dont have any food" blushed luke

"it okay i will just eat the grass" i said sarcastically

"but we can still talk, right?"


we talked and talked for hours about random things until luke got to a subject that i really wasnt comfortable with.

"finn and M seem to love eachother a lot" he said

i figured he was trying to get me to love him again

"ya?" i laughed awkwardly

"i wish i had someone to love...." he said "all i ever wanted to do was get married, start a family, and possibly a dog."

"well if i trusted you that could happen"

"but...phunks....you know how you said you were bored with me?"

i saw him take a little black box from his rough jean pocket



"well im bored with you too" he stuttered

"but..." i said

"i was thinking of asking M if she wanted to maybe...go out with me and marry me? she seems like such a dreamy girl"

"what?" i screamed, tears filling my brown eyes

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I looked up at Lukas, we hadn't really been more than friends for the past year really. He was getting old. Not old as in aging, but old as in i was sick of him. he bored me. (:mf_rosetinted: )

"em...so" he said looking at me

"so.....where are they gonna go?" i answered

"i dont know" said artsy "perhaps we should 'work' wherever he is going in disguises so we can continue to spy on him"

"too risky" i shuttered

"not if we get Cherisse's makeup artist to give us makeovers" said luke convincingly

i thought about it, it might be sorta fun...but i wasnt going to risk it

"no" i said stubbornly

artsy gave me a 'look'

and i gave it right back

"phunks," said luke "i think that you should consider...."

artsy interupted

"im not giving her a choice, i really think we should do this, i mean we cant just be sneaking around the whole time"

"but what if..."

"no" said artsy sternly

it was sort of weird, i never really have seen artsy so stern. it was like she was changing. i had noticed he being somewhat irrital lately, but of coarse it could be 'that time of the month' so i figured i would brush it off.....

"phunks, can i talk to you alone a minute?" asked luke with some passion for once

"ya?" i asked confused as he brought me to the corner

"I....I....I....miss you." he said

"um, im right here." i said laughing

"no, its like yes, we are still dating, but we just dont have the chemistry anymore...."

"and whose fault is that?" i asked angrily

"phunks....cant you forgive me"

"i have forgiven you, many times, but now im not sure if i should fully forgive you...."

"i was wondering..."

"yes luke?" i asked

"if you would be willing to go to dinner with me tonight"

"i guess..but what about the others? and i have no money, and you are pretty broke too"

"i will make dinner" he spoke unsure "we can have a picnic!"

a picnic? i thought. pfft, a picnic? pour moi? i actually hated picnics, but since he was acting so nice i decided to accept.

"yaaaaaa" i said

"okay" said luke

i walked back towards everyone else, Reece back from the payphone.

"so?" i asked

"he didnt answer" said reece



"would you guys mind if luke and i went outside to talk for a few minutes alone....like a picnic?"

"um...." started artsy, bt luke and i were already outside

"i sorta dont have any food" blushed luke

"it okay i will just eat the grass" i said sarcastically

"but we can still talk, right?"


we talked and talked for hours about random things until luke got to a subject that i really wasnt comfortable with.

"finn and M seem to love eachother a lot" he said

i figured he was trying to get me to love him again

"ya?" i laughed awkwardly

"i wish i had someone to love...." he said "all i ever wanted to do was get married, start a family, and possibly a dog."

"well if i trusted you that could happen"

"but...phunks....you know how you said you were bored with me?"

i saw him take a little black box from his rough jean pocket



"well im bored with you too" he stuttered

"but..." i said

"i was thinking of asking M if she wanted to maybe...go out with me and marry me? she seems like such a dreamy girl"

"what?" i screamed, tears filling my brown eyes


"Well, you're bored with me, I'm bored with you..." Each word was tearing her heart into pieces. "So why not?"

Phunky tried to come up with a reason why he couldn't go with M, without looking desparate or upset. Why was he doing this to her? They loved each other! Well, at least, thats what she though. Bored with him or not, she loved him with all her heart, no matter how many times he'd cheated on her... Why else would she have stuck by and forgiven him? Why did he have to do this to her?

"W-well, she's in love. W-with Finn. He'd kill you, anyway, b-because he loves her. And she loves him. Not you." She stuttered, adding her last two words coldly, wishing he'd be half as upset as she was.

"Oh well," He sniffed, as if he didn't care, "I'll have to seduce her, won't I?" Deep down, however, he knew his heart belonged to Phunky. He'd never had that spark with anyone else. No one in the whole world meant nearly as much as she did. Every time he cheated on her - why did he always do that anyway? - he regretted it almost instantly. There was nothing in those women that compared to Phunky. But now... His plan was backfiring. Didn't she care? She wasn't crying, and she wasn't begging for his forgiveness either. Maybe things were over, for good.

"Well, I'm getting tired." Phunky faked-yawned. Her tears would hold back much longer. "E-early night, or something." Before Luke had his chance to say anything, she stood up and turned away, so he could see the tears that had released themselves down her cheeks. Yet she didn't make a sound. He wouldn't know she cared, if he was going to be so cold.

Luke heard the door close behind her, and lay on his back. It had all gone wrong. Just a few hours ago, he and Phunky were giggling, talking about nothing in paticular. They should have been back together at this moment in time, not completely torn apart. Now he had to put on a brave face while Phunky did whatever, being that she didn't care. He had to flirt with M to pretend he didn't care either. Maybe M would be the one, like he'd always believed - no knew - Phunky was.

The moment Phunky had got inside, she let a sob out. Luke wouldn't hear now. He was probably sitting out there now, thinking about that cow M. Oh god, she had to go through the living room, where M would be, to get to her bedroom.

"I'm the top hat!" Becky said, taking the piece from the Monopoly box.

"I'm?" Cosmo repeated. "We're a team, remember?" He tickled Becky's sides.

"Okay, okay! We're the top hat!" She giggled. Phunky tried her best to make her way htrough the living room without being noticed, but with the PPRs in the room, that was impossible.

"Oh my god Phunky, what's wrong?" M instantly sprang to her feet when she saw Phunky with tears pouring from her eyes.

"It's all your fault you bitch!" Phunky screeched, pushing her backwards and running upstairs. Finn ran over to help M up, while Artsy watched Phunky run upstairs, sobbing.

"What's up with her?" M asked, brushing herself down.

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