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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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"Well, you're bored with me, I'm bored with you..." Each word was tearing her heart into pieces. "So why not?"

Phunky tried to come up with a reason why he couldn't go with M, without looking desparate or upset. Why was he doing this to her? They loved each other! Well, at least, thats what she though. Bored with him or not, she loved him with all her heart, no matter how many times he'd cheated on her... Why else would she have stuck by and forgiven him? Why did he have to do this to her?

"W-well, she's in love. W-with Finn. He'd kill you, anyway, b-because he loves her. And she loves him. Not you." She stuttered, adding her last two words coldly, wishing he'd be half as upset as she was.

"Oh well," He sniffed, as if he didn't care, "I'll have to seduce her, won't I?" Deep down, however, he knew his heart belonged to Phunky. He'd never had that spark with anyone else. No one in the whole world meant nearly as much as she did. Every time he cheated on her - why did he always do that anyway? - he regretted it almost instantly. There was nothing in those women that compared to Phunky. But now... His plan was backfiring. Didn't she care? She wasn't crying, and she wasn't begging for his forgiveness either. Maybe things were over, for good.

"Well, I'm getting tired." Phunky faked-yawned. Her tears would hold back much longer. "E-early night, or something." Before Luke had his chance to say anything, she stood up and turned away, so he could see the tears that had released themselves down her cheeks. Yet she didn't make a sound. He wouldn't know she cared, if he was going to be so cold.

Luke heard the door close behind her, and lay on his back. It had all gone wrong. Just a few hours ago, he and Phunky were giggling, talking about nothing in paticular. They should have been back together at this moment in time, not completely torn apart. Now he had to put on a brave face while Phunky did whatever, being that she didn't care. He had to flirt with M to pretend he didn't care either. Maybe M would be the one, like he'd always believed - no knew - Phunky was.

The moment Phunky had got inside, she let a sob out. Luke wouldn't hear now. He was probably sitting out there now, thinking about that cow M. Oh god, she had to go through the living room, where M would be, to get to her bedroom.

"I'm the top hat!" Becky said, taking the piece from the Monopoly box.

"I'm?" Cosmo repeated. "We're a team, remember?" He tickled Becky's sides.

"Okay, okay! We're the top hat!" She giggled. Phunky tried her best to make her way htrough the living room without being noticed, but with the PPRs in the room, that was impossible.

"Oh my god Phunky, what's wrong?" M instantly sprang to her feet when she saw Phunky with tears pouring from her eyes.

"It's all your fault you bitch!" Phunky screeched, pushing her backwards and running upstairs. Finn ran over to help M up, while Artsy watched Phunky run upstairs, sobbing.

"What's up with her?" M asked, brushing herself down.

Becky put her top hat on her head and mimicked Genie from I dream of Genie.

I looked at Luke sitting with his head down.

I bit my lip and turned to the intense monopoly players in frozen motion.

"should I...apologize?" I asked Ames hoping for some intelligent advice.

Artsy stiffly sat back down and read a magazine.

I huffed a bit and turned to Soa.

"meh?" i asked mumbly.

She looked out at Luke.

"go ask him..."

My eyes peered up at Finn as I turned towards Luke.

I softly appeared at his side and hazed up at him.

"Did I offend Phunky? Like...am I too mean? Or you know, like...annoying. I can be annoying you know, and very pessimistic. Sometimes even the annoying shade of optimistic--"

Luke stopped my ranbling and put his finger on my lips.

I awkwardly stood there, making the awkward turtle motions in my mind.

"shhh." he said almost too calmly.

I huffed.

"What did I do?" sounding like I was in surrendoring mode.

He felt the ring around in his pocket, and felt his eyes rest upon Finn who kept a close watch on us. He noticed a bit of confusion in his voice as he spoke, wondering if what he felt for me was just ... a way to relieve his tension for all the frustration he had built up. All the years he spent admiring Phunky then blowing it because of his battered past.

He noticed the love Finn had for me. The protection and the humour, and the passion. He didn't want Finn to feel the way his beloved Phunky felt. The way she would cry, the way she would be depressed, but try her best to bounce back.

He looked deep into my eyes trying not to startle me or finn.

"Can I ask you something?" he said quietly.

My eyes flickered and I nodded leasing him outside.

We sat down on a swingset and he leaned in towards me.

"M...I need to talk to you."

I felt nervous and my palms started swetting. I looked in to the living room to see Becky chuck the sack of money at Kelzy.

"...Go ahead, Luke." I said, thinking he wanted to ask me for advice.

"Phunky isn't mad at you, honestly, she admires you." I giggled in the inside of my brain.

"We're having some problems, you see, I like someone else, but I don't know if I like this person or if i just feel as if I'm getting too old, and that I need to be with many women to feel ... wanted, you know?"

"Luke, you're a handsome young man, just go on MFC to see you're well liked." I smiled warmly.

He turned deep red.

"Thanks M, *takes a deep breath*"

Luke got down on one knee and I felt my hair tingle. I glanced at the sky and noticed a Hawk with a mouse in it's mouth. I was forced to look at Luke.

"Will you be my wife?"

My eyes widened so much I could feel them begin to come out.

My throat dried and I saw the PPRs with theur faces squinched against the glass door.

Finn was a shade of red I had never seen.

"Luke, you're confused, you'll regret this!" I pressed seeing Finn's reaction. "You don't love me!"

He tilted his head to the side.

"Be my wife, M. Make me the luckiest man on earth."

"Luke, I'm married !! I'm married to finn. We're happy together, and I love him. I mean I love you too as a--" I saw a swarm of brightly coloured 20 year olds pile out of the living room and crowd around us Finn standing closest.

"WHAT THE HELL, MAN?" he asked grinding his teeth. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards him.

Luke burst into tears as everyone stared awkwardly.

"...I'm so confused."

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Becky put her top hat on her head and mimicked Genie from I dream of Genie.

I looked at Luke sitting with his head down.

I bit my lip and turned to the intense monopoly players in frozen motion.

"should I...apologize?" I asked Ames hoping for some intelligent advice.

Artsy stiffly sat back down and read a magazine.

I huffed a bit and turned to Soa.

"meh?" i asked mumbly.

She looked out at Luke.

"go ask him..."

My eyes peered up at Finn as I turned towards Luke.

I softly appeared at his side and hazed up at him.

"Did I offend Phunky? Like...am I too mean? Or you know, like...annoying. I can be annoying you know, and very pessimistic. Sometimes even the annoying shade of optimistic--"

Luke stopped my ranbling and put his finger on my lips.

I awkwardly stood there, making the awkward turtle motions in my mind.

"shhh." he said almost too calmly.

I huffed.

"What did I do?" sounding like I was in surrendoring mode.

He felt the ring around in his pocket, and felt his eyes rest upon Finn who kept a close watch on us. He noticed a bit of confusion in his voice as he spoke, wondering if what he felt for me was just ... a way to relieve his tension for all the frustration he had built up. All the years he spent admiring Phunky then blowing it because of his battered past.

He noticed the love Finn had for me. The protection and the humour, and the passion. He didn't want Finn to feel the way his beloved Phunky felt. The way she would cry, the way she would be depressed, but try her best to bounce back.

He looked deep into my eyes trying not to startle me or finn.

"Can I ask you something?" he said quietly.

My eyes flickered and I nodded leasing him outside.

We sat down on a swingset and he leaned in towards me.

"M...I need to talk to you."

I felt nervous and my palms started swetting. I looked in to the living room to see Becky chuck the sack of money at Kelzy.

"...Go ahead, Luke." I said, thinking he wanted to ask me for advice.

"Phunky isn't mad at you, honestly, she admires you." I giggled in the inside of my brain.

"We're having some problems, you see, I like someone else, but I don't know if I like this person or if i just feel as if I'm getting too old, and that I need to be with many women to feel ... wanted, you know?"

"Luke, you're a handsome young man, just go on MFC to see you're well liked." I smiled warmly.

He turned deep red.

"Thanks M, *takes a deep breath*"

Luke got down on one knee and I felt my hair tingle. I glanced at the sky and noticed a Hawk with a mouse in it's mouth. I was forced to look at Luke.

"Will you be my wife?"

My eyes widened so much I could feel them begin to come out.

My throat dried and I saw the PPRs with theur faces squinched against the glass door.

Finn was a shade of red I had never seen.

"Luke, you're confused, you'll regret this!" I pressed seeing Finn's reaction. "You don't love me!"

He tilted his head to the side.

"Be my wife, M. Make me the luckiest man on earth."

"Luke, I'm married !! I'm married to finn. We're happy together, and I love him. I mean I love you too as a--" I saw a swarm of brightly coloured 20 year olds pile out of the living room and crowd around us Finn standing closest.

"WHAT THE HELL, MAN?" he asked grinding his teeth. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards him.

Luke burst into tears as everyone stared awkwardly.

"...I'm so confused."


JJL stopped staring at the sight in front of her and begin to take charge.

"Finn bash him, I bash you. M, calm him down. Luke come with me and Phunks too. Everyone one else, go and attend to your own buisness." Everyone scattered, and JJL was left with Phunky and Luke. "Ok you first Luke, Phunks go into my room, and you'll find my candy stash in the bottem of my bag you press that button and the bottem will popup and you will see chocolate, tell anyone, especially Reece and I will be upset"

"Ok, thanks, So I will come back when you call me?"

"Yep, enjoy my chocolate" said JJL smiling then Phunky went off to where JJL and Reece were staying "Ok, Luke spill"

"Well, I really like Phunky, No I love her, but she said she was getting bored of us, so I said I was in love with M and I would propose to her instead of Phunks which is what I was planning to do, but she didn't know it, and then she went really cold and went inside, she didn't cry or anything, so I didn't think she loves me and then I went and proposed to M even though I know her and Finn are together in love and will be forever, and now I have no idea what to do" said Luke really quickly

"Ok, what about all the times you cheated on her and she took you back, do you understand how much she would have to love you for all that?"

"I do, and I love her just as much, I just need it you know?"

"Well hello, she loves you so much and your screwing around with other chicks, and then you try and propose to her? Look, I'm sure things would be fine if you just explained things with her ok?"

"Alright I'll give it a shot"

JJL called out for Phunky and told her to talk to him, and him to talk to her and get everything out there and understand each other more, then JJL left them to it, and went over to Finn and M.

"Hey you two, just so you know Luke didn't mean it M, ask him about it after him and Phunks sort everything out, and that could take awhile."

"Yep, ok" said M in reply

"Ok cool" said JJL and walked away to out in the courtyard, she leaned up against one of the pillers and closed her eyes, she was so tired lately, whether it was the impact of the fight she had with Reece a earlier (That had always hurt), or if it was from, the tension of another case (that couldn't be it, she had always loved this sort of action), or it could be that she was Jetlagged (but it never affected her this bad) or it could be what Reece had said (she hoped it was she wouldn't be able to cope.) It was begining to get cold and she started shivering, then suddenly something warm wrapped himself around her.

"I told you that studying to be a psychiatrist would come in handy" JJL murmmered snuggling into Reece's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I just don't want you to get hurt"

"I love you so much, I don't want something to happen to you either, but that's the trouble with we do here with the PPR, we are bound to get hurt sometimes"

"I know"

"I'll tell them... After things have been sorted with Phunks and Luke, so tomorrow morning"

"Good, I'm glad, chances are they will understand"

"I know, one of them is bound to know how it feels"

"Come on lets go to bed" said JJL and led Reece upstairs and once changed promptly went to sleep"


JJL woke up the next morning at 6 o'clock and saw that Reece was still fast asleep, and quietly slipped on her dressing robe and went downstairs, where she saw Mika sitting by himself sipping coffee. "Morning Meeks" JJL said in her croaky half asleep voice

"Morning JJL, you look crap"

"Thanks a truckload" and while saying that she picked up a cub and poured herself a coffee "How was things with Phunks and Luke, did everything get sorted out?"

"Yea, it did, I would have thought you would have been the one to know"

"Went to bed early, I felt sh*t"

"Ahhh, ok"

"Look could ya tell everyone as they wake up that everyone is to be in the lounge room at 9am, I need to tell you all something"

"Why can't you do that yourself?"

"Cause, I'm going to go upstairs have a shower and then find some stuff that will help with me telling you guys everything, and trust me it's worth knowing, this could possibly have something to do with why we are getting stalked by the PM"

"Fine, I will"

"Thanks" and then JJL rushed upstairs


At 9 o'clock promptly, JJL and Reece came downstairs, JJL had a large envolope in her hand.

"JJL, what's all this about" asked Lolly various yeah's were heard after her.

"Look, I think I know abit about what's going on here, and it has alot to do with me and my past before I ran into you guys"

"Alright do tell" said Artsy

"Ok, it's a long story, but, a couple years ago, I met this charming english/french man, you know tall, dark, charming and rich, through Reece here, a friend of a friends, and I fell for him hard, his name was David, he said to me that he had fallen just as hard for me, and asked me out, after a year of dates, he proposed, we got married, I was pregnate, now here's where he went funny, he thought Reece had it for me, and told me to stay away from him, I didn't cause he was my best friend and you just don't do that, now David didn't know about my powers, and I didn't know that when I have a weakened imune system, my powers are weakened, or if I get hurt they do as well, no he came home one afternoon, and me and Reece were watching a movie together, which David didn't like, and he lost his temper, he hit me, I blasted his face by accient, he hit he in the gut with a crowbar, killed our child and seriously hurt me, my powers wouldn't work no matter what I did, Reece got really pissed at that and beat the sh*t out of him, and took me to the hospital, I was fine, I fought with Reece about him being all protective of me, and I wrote a note to my parents and left Australia. David movied back to England, looks changed by the mis-aimed blast, and I think he and some serious money conviced the PM that we are dangerous." JJL took the contents of the envolope out and showed everyone, but didn't dare look them in the eye for fear of what they might say....

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No...don't apologize...we need lots of writing...we've been slow.

And I can honestly say I do not remember the last time I have posted.

I can't now because I'm going to bed...


Have fun with your new friend there...:naughty:

:huglove: See you around!


Ok then, I will :das:, Nighty night sweetie :huglove:

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ohmygod like 5 of us have lost babies, am i the only one tearing up at this ?:crybaby: I want a little m4l !

Make it happen! You and JJL def. need little'uns before our story ends after our trip to the future. And a little M4L will be cute :naughty:


And mavs, bump the thread or PM Ingie. She'll do one for you :biggrin2:

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