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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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Q:If 'Mika' was slang for anything, what would it mean?

A:It would mean something like a slap. {laughs} Someone gives you a Mika, it's when someone gives you a really fat slap across the face. A fat lad slap. Whack!

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I think it's excellent, becky. Yeah it's upsetting some people haven't told us that they'd be avoiding this thread, (You're still on mfc just not here...so busy life hasn't gotten in the way) because it's not just your story to fool with but ours too. and you might think it's some stupid story, but well, any piece of writing should at least be respected if people put time and effort into fulfilling silly dreams.



Hey guys, sorry I didn't mention it in here, but I thought it would have been assumed I left since I left the mfc and posted a goodbye thread.... (and in a way I am still 'not on' the mfc... its weird the way it works in my head but it makes sense... and I'm not going to explain how it makes sense because then it won't make sense :bleh:)



Since I didn't have time to go around to every thread posting bye, I hoped you'd check that and realise, and sorry for not posting in here when I did 'leave'.


Anyways, this is me being out. Give my character a nice send off at least....

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Guys, let's not get toooo offended about it, OK? For half of these people, we don't know the reasons why they left, so calling them bitches is a little harsh. For the sake of courtesy, it would have been nice to have some explanation. Now that Becky is sending the PM, I'm sure we'll get some.

*sigh* It is rather depressing that Mika will only get like 4 profiles though...


I'm pretty sure we can force one out of all of them :naughty: Well, all the old regulars, anyway. There are a few that aren't around anymore anyway.


i know, my point exactly.



and becky, i understand that you have an ilness and you prolly wanna kill someone right now, but lets not take it out on this thread.


I wasn't taking it out on the thread personally; I was just in a bad mood. I was being a cow to everyone. My dad isn't speaking to me :naughty: But that's his own fault really.

However, I'm in a much better mood now; Apologies for my cowness to all :biggrin2:


Hey guys, sorry I didn't mention it in here, but I thought it would have been assumed I left since I left the mfc and posted a goodbye thread.... (and in a way I am still 'not on' the mfc... its weird the way it works in my head but it makes sense... and I'm not going to explain how it makes sense because then it won't make sense :bleh:)



Since I didn't have time to go around to every thread posting bye, I hoped you'd check that and realise, and sorry for not posting in here when I did 'leave'.


Anyways, this is me being out. Give my character a nice send off at least....


Okies, Soa. Sorry about not assuming. I guess we're all a bit slow :naughty: We'll make it a nice send off; when you 'return', you're more than welcome back! :huglove:

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Soa sat and vaguely listened as Calvin told the others about what had happened to Becky. She was trying to listen, but her mind just kept asking questions about what to do. She couldn’t deal with having the government on her trail. It was one thing having people who’d known them but… This would mean death. The future had told them. She didn’t want to die. She hadn’t done half of the things she wanted to do. She was young, free! Yet now, she was on the run. Maybe if she left the PPRs, just for a little while to get her head round the idea and do a number of things on her ‘things you have to do before you die list’ , then she could return and help the PPR fight their fate. Even for just that little bit longer

“So, she’s just text me back saying she, Sky and Kairi will be here in half an hour!” Calvin finished. The room erupted into excited chatter. Everyone, after hearing the story, had a much better opinion of Sky now. She’d grown from her spoilt brat phase.

“Have you heard from Jack?” Artsy asked Calvin. Calvin shook his head.

“I left him a message to say where we’d moved to, but have had no reply. Let’s hope he finds them soon.”


Cosmo was laying across the backseat of Jack’s car, his injuries looking slightly better. Lolly had told him it would take her a week to fully heal him; even what she’d just done had worn her out.

Lolly was sitting in the passenger seat next to Jack, slowly sipping an energy drink to keep her strength up. The journey had been silent so far, except for the odd ‘ow’ from Cosmo and Jack telling Lolly and Cosmo that they were going to a hotel to meet the others.

“Do you forgive me?” Lolly suddenly asked, out of the blue.

“What?” Jack asked, not taking his eyes from the road.

“About what happened before? At the house…” Lolly said quietly. She was ashamed of what she had done now.

“Oh.” Jack replied, going into thought.

“I don’t know what happened, but I could guess. Jack, you have to remember Richard’s very manipulative.” Cosmo said, breathing heavily. His rubs ached if he spoke. Jack acknowledged what he said, but he still thought about his answer. Eventually, he spoke.

“Lolly, no matter how many things you do wrong, I’ll always love you. We’ll have to piece things back together slowly and I can’t forgive you straight away, but I want us to stay together.” Lolly beamed.

“Thank you Jack.” She kissed his cheek, relieved not to hear that he would never forgive her.


Becky entered room 25c on the 3rd floor, excited to see the PPRs again.

“Yay!” Was the first thing she heard as she opened the door. All if a sudden, a group hug had formed around herself, Sky and Kairi.

“Others!” Kairi clapped happily, smiling so you could see her five tiny teeth.

Once everyone had received their greeting from Kairi, Becky and Sky, they all found themselves a spot to sit down on, whether it was a bed, the floor, or the built in kitchen counter.

“I don’t suppose you’ve heard from Richard, have you?” Sky asked. During the journey, Becky had noticed her worry. She checked every car on the road, to make sure he wasn’t following them.

“Nope, but Jack’s on a search. We haven’t heard from him, but he knows where we are. Hopefully he’ll find them soon.” M told her.

“What has happened since I left?” Becky asked, not sure if it was the right time. They all looked at each other awkwardly; they silently decided Artsy should tell her in a separate room.

“I didn’t see anyone new in the room though…” Artsy had explained about Andy’s appearance, and why he’d come along.

“Maybe he went for a walk, or something. ER checked he wasn’t lying…”

“Yeah, I know, I know… It still feels strange with someone who’s meant to be with the government with us.” Becky sighed. “How’s Luke taking it?”

“Not well. I can see him constantly staring. He’s jealous; in fact, he’s seething. Yet they broke up, so he can’t do anything about it. Though he seems almost… Flirty with ER.”

“Nah. He wouldn’t be flirting with someone else, this close to his break up, and the death of the twins. Is he doing the funeral arrangements?” Artsy nodded. “Well, maybe he’s just grateful for her help.”


Almost an hour later, the PPRs were watching themselves on the news (Pink Pony Runners – Government Still Fail To Track Dangerous Criminals Down), while eating the takeaway they had ordered in. Andy had made his return, claiming he had ‘gone for a walk’. ER could see no lying, yet she got the feeling he was.

It was a surprise when the door opened – at first, they’d expected armed officers, so had got themselves ready. Yet, instead, there stood Jack and Lolly hauling Cosmo upright. Before saying anything, they pulled him over to the double bed and carefully laid him on it.

“Oh my god! Cosmo!” Becky had run over, after a moment of hesitation. “What happened?” Yet before he got the chance to answer, she had run over to the cupboard to get disinfectant and bandages.

“Dada?” Kairi said quietly, wandering over. He didn’t look right, but she knew who he was.

“Hey honey. You okay?” He asked, putting on a half smile. She nodded slowly, as she examined her father’s cuts and bruises. Becky came back over, and kissed his forehead.

“I missed you so much.” He said to, Becky, as she sorted out the disinfectant, ignoring everyone else’s questions.

“I missed you too. I love you. But this is going to hurt.” Becky warned.

“Jesus!” He cried, as she dabbed his wounds.

“Nice to see you, Beck’s.” Lolly said carefully. Becky just gave her a dirty look, and continued to dab Cosmo, with Kairi holding one of Cosmo’s fingers.

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Hey guys, sorry I didn't mention it in here, but I thought it would have been assumed I left since I left the mfc and posted a goodbye thread.... (and in a way I am still 'not on' the mfc... its weird the way it works in my head but it makes sense... and I'm not going to explain how it makes sense because then it won't make sense :bleh:)



Since I didn't have time to go around to every thread posting bye, I hoped you'd check that and realise, and sorry for not posting in here when I did 'leave'.


Anyways, this is me being out. Give my character a nice send off at least....

Are you sure you don't want to write yourself off? Phunky might do...horrible things. :roftl::roftl:


bye :wub2:

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JJ's back, back again. JJ's back tell a friend... JJ's back. JJ's back.... *continues to rip off M&M's song*


Ok I am offically active again... After much... stuff happening... You shall all be stuck with my almost daily posts!!! :naughty::bleh:


Now after 20- something pages of reading... I shall do my first post in what has one month since yesterday!... Now without futher ado....POSTINGGGGGGGGG!

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Soa sat and vaguely listened as Calvin told the others about what had happened to Becky. She was trying to listen, but her mind just kept asking questions about what to do. She couldn’t deal with having the government on her trail. It was one thing having people who’d known them but… This would mean death. The future had told them. She didn’t want to die. She hadn’t done half of the things she wanted to do. She was young, free! Yet now, she was on the run. Maybe if she left the PPRs, just for a little while to get her head round the idea and do a number of things on her ‘things you have to do before you die list’ , then she could return and help the PPR fight their fate. Even for just that little bit longer

“So, she’s just text me back saying she, Sky and Kairi will be here in half an hour!” Calvin finished. The room erupted into excited chatter. Everyone, after hearing the story, had a much better opinion of Sky now. She’d grown from her spoilt brat phase.

“Have you heard from Jack?” Artsy asked Calvin. Calvin shook his head.

“I left him a message to say where we’d moved to, but have had no reply. Let’s hope he finds them soon.”


Cosmo was laying across the backseat of Jack’s car, his injuries looking slightly better. Lolly had told him it would take her a week to fully heal him; even what she’d just done had worn her out.

Lolly was sitting in the passenger seat next to Jack, slowly sipping an energy drink to keep her strength up. The journey had been silent so far, except for the odd ‘ow’ from Cosmo and Jack telling Lolly and Cosmo that they were going to a hotel to meet the others.

“Do you forgive me?” Lolly suddenly asked, out of the blue.

“What?” Jack asked, not taking his eyes from the road.

“About what happened before? At the house…” Lolly said quietly. She was ashamed of what she had done now.

“Oh.” Jack replied, going into thought.

“I don’t know what happened, but I could guess. Jack, you have to remember Richard’s very manipulative.” Cosmo said, breathing heavily. His rubs ached if he spoke. Jack acknowledged what he said, but he still thought about his answer. Eventually, he spoke.

“Lolly, no matter how many things you do wrong, I’ll always love you. We’ll have to piece things back together slowly and I can’t forgive you straight away, but I want us to stay together.” Lolly beamed.

“Thank you Jack.” She kissed his cheek, relieved not to hear that he would never forgive her.


Becky entered room 25c on the 3rd floor, excited to see the PPRs again.

“Yay!” Was the first thing she heard as she opened the door. All if a sudden, a group hug had formed around herself, Sky and Kairi.

“Others!” Kairi clapped happily, smiling so you could see her five tiny teeth.

Once everyone had received their greeting from Kairi, Becky and Sky, they all found themselves a spot to sit down on, whether it was a bed, the floor, or the built in kitchen counter.

“I don’t suppose you’ve heard from Richard, have you?” Sky asked. During the journey, Becky had noticed her worry. She checked every car on the road, to make sure he wasn’t following them.

“Nope, but Jack’s on a search. We haven’t heard from him, but he knows where we are. Hopefully he’ll find them soon.” M told her.

“What has happened since I left?” Becky asked, not sure if it was the right time. They all looked at each other awkwardly; they silently decided Artsy should tell her in a separate room.

“I didn’t see anyone new in the room though…” Artsy had explained about Andy’s appearance, and why he’d come along.

“Maybe he went for a walk, or something. ER checked he wasn’t lying…”

“Yeah, I know, I know… It still feels strange with someone who’s meant to be with the government with us.” Becky sighed. “How’s Luke taking it?”

“Not well. I can see him constantly staring. He’s jealous; in fact, he’s seething. Yet they broke up, so he can’t do anything about it. Though he seems almost… Flirty with ER.”

“Nah. He wouldn’t be flirting with someone else, this close to his break up, and the death of the twins. Is he doing the funeral arrangements?” Artsy nodded. “Well, maybe he’s just grateful for her help.”


Almost an hour later, the PPRs were watching themselves on the news (Pink Pony Runners – Government Still Fail To Track Dangerous Criminals Down), while eating the takeaway they had ordered in. Andy had made his return, claiming he had ‘gone for a walk’. ER could see no lying, yet she got the feeling he was.

It was a surprise when the door opened – at first, they’d expected armed officers, so had got themselves ready. Yet, instead, there stood Jack and Lolly hauling Cosmo upright. Before saying anything, they pulled him over to the double bed and carefully laid him on it.

“Oh my god! Cosmo!” Becky had run over, after a moment of hesitation. “What happened?” Yet before he got the chance to answer, she had run over to the cupboard to get disinfectant and bandages.

“Dada?” Kairi said quietly, wandering over. He didn’t look right, but she knew who he was.

“Hey honey. You okay?” He asked, putting on a half smile. She nodded slowly, as she examined her father’s cuts and bruises. Becky came back over, and kissed his forehead.

“I missed you so much.” He said to, Becky, as she sorted out the disinfectant, ignoring everyone else’s questions.

“I missed you too. I love you. But this is going to hurt.” Becky warned.

“Jesus!” He cried, as she dabbed his wounds.

“Nice to see you, Beck’s.” Lolly said carefully. Becky just gave her a dirty look, and continued to dab Cosmo, with Kairi holding one of Cosmo’s fingers.



JJL and Reece were trying to give everyone a chance to calm down, it had been preety hectic... and full of drama for the last few weeks, and they had decided just to give everyone some space. Plus JJL was dog tired all the time... Reece's suspicions seemed to be more and more likely everyday, that and JJL was looking alot bigger. Not that anyone had commented. They were to afraid of her death glare. Reece, was nervous about everything that had been happening, he could tell something bad was about to happen, so of course he couldn't control his powers so well, his hair colours flickering so fast that it made anyone who looked feel slightly nauseous. So he was wearing a very girlish hat to hide it all. JJL's voice was also having issue, she'd lost it earlier that day, and was having issues accepting it. Mika came over.

"Hello, you guys have been very quiet the past couple weeks, I would understand it from you Reece... But JJL not so much" he said.


JJL attempted to say something... but couldn't quite. She got a pen and paper from the draw in the desk next to her and wrote:


I lost my voice earlier today.

And what were you implying about how loud I am


She attempted to look angry at him but, she smiled and he then laughed at her vague attempt.


She shook her head and kept on writing


I thought all of the drama in the past few weeks... well it's just too much... I love you all, I really do... but I felt like it wasn't too wise to get so involved this time you know?


He said to her "Oh I know, I know just how you feel. I sometimes get like that, just sometimes. Now your voice, can you talk at all?" She shook her head "Would you like something to help?"


JJL quickly scrawled in her messy handwriting

That would be good... I don't like not talking...


"I guessed" He said dryly "I'll be back with some lemon honey tea"


I love you. I shall never be mean to you again.


She wrote smiling in her own wierd in need of laughter but it hurts to much way

"Sure, sure. I'll be back in a few, no snogging Reece you don't want him to get your sore throat" Mika said and then trotted off to get a mug of tea for her.


And then a loud crash was heard and even JJL and Reece couldn't resist their curiousity.

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